Arkady Rotenberg divides assets with his ex-wife

Rotenberg's wife challenges the marriage contract in court and, if lucky, will get a half of Rotenberg's property acquired since 2005
Vladimir Putin's friend, businessman Arkady Rotenberg divorced his second wife Natalia. It was announced by the lawyers of both parties and confirmed by one of the partners of the businessman ("Vedomosti" failed to reach Mr. Rotenberg or his former spouse).

Rothenberg began divorce proceedings in March 2013, in late April, the magistrate court plot number 160 annulled the marriage, the parties talk. The decision to divorce was a joint, according to the businessman's lawyer Philip Ryabchenko (senior partner "Biel" law firm).

To assets

Divorce can affect Rothenberg assets whose fortune Forbes magazine estimates at $ 3.3 billion. "The decision to divorce has entered into force. In the production of ships were property division and challenge the marriage contract "- explains the lawyer Natalia Voronkova Kyra Rothenberg (" Trunov, Aivar and Partners "). "The former wife of Arkady Rotenberg has filed a lawsuit on the recognition of the marriage contract invalid. This claim will be considered in the Tushino court on September 4, "- confirminga Ryabchenko.

marriage contract Terms of representatives of the parties not disclosed.

Arkady and Natalia were married in 2005. "Theoretically, if a prenuptial agreement will be declared null and void, then all that was acquired during the marriage may be divided in accordance with the provisions of the Family Code, ie half," - says Ryabchenko. However, he is convinced that the marriage contract must resist: "He meets all the requirements of the law, was concluded in a notarial form, so I see no grounds for annulment."

"If, however, the marriage contract is challenged, it will be necessary to determine the property, set as it gets" - says Ryabchenko.

What have Rothenberg

"The price issue can be very large," - said about this divorce is one of the participants in the process.

Arkady Rotenberg at 31 th place in the ranking of the Russian Forbes with a fortune of $ 3.3 billion. According to the magazine estimates related to Rotenberg company for 5 years received state contracts worth more than 1 trillion rubles.

Rothenberg — one of the major shareholders "SMP Bank" (37.3%), co-owner of "North European Pipe Project" (38%) and the German pipe trader Eurotube (16,675%) - a large-diameter pipes for the suppliers of "Gazprom", as well as the building contractor "Gazprom" group "Stroygazmontazh" (51%). More Rotenberg - the co-owner "Mostotrest" holding infrastructure construction companies (26.4%) and ROSSOShANSKAJa "Fertilizers" (79.4%).

Structures Rothenberg and former co-owner of "Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port" Alexander Ponomarenko has airport assets - shares in the "cargo complex Sheremetyevo" (a new cargo terminal developer area of ​​21 000 sq m.), In a statement, "Rusport" Cargo Terminal (area of ​​9000 square meters. , turnover of more than 90 000 tonnes) and the company, serving the mail and air cargo terminal - "Airport Moscow". Have Rothenberg and foreign sports assets. Together with his brother Boris and co-owner of oil trader Gunvor Gennady Timchenko, they have equal shares in the Finnish Arena Events (Sports Arena Hartwall Arena in Helsinki), andin Finnish hockey club from Helsinki Jokerit ( «Jokers").

However, part of the assets of the businessman acquired before marriage, and some of it became known after the divorce.

Where sue Putin friend

"I can imagine what the outcome of this process, but I would like to hope for justice and fairness of the Russian judicial system. In any case, our goal is to resolve the matter in the legal field, "- Voronkov said. It does not exclude the possibility of appealing to foreign courts.

Rothenberg's lawyer in handling perspective in foreign courts did not believe. "Rotenberg status became known yesterday. We had to immediately determine the jurisdiction. His former wife own filed a lawsuit on the recognition of the marriage contract invalid in a Russian court, then she trusts him and thus defined jurisdiction. I see no reason for the court of a foreign state under such circumstances would have taken the permission of the family business and became a Russian court to review the findings in the future. In our practicale have an experience when the jurisdiction of the Russian courts, their conclusions in court decisions on family disputes recognized British and American courts, "- says Ryabchenko.

Voronkov retorts that process in Russia does not rule out the treatment, for example, in a London court, or in any European court.

Divorce Putin - a relapse into human power →

On failure, the Russian courts the process may move to Europe, as it has been in a divorce some Russian businessmen (cm. Incision). What Rotenberg - a longtime friend of Putin's, but will challenge the decision of the Russian court and justify the need for review of the case abroad, reflects one of the Rothenberg partners. "Formally, in any case, there are risks of [assets]. This is a good bread for lawyers. And competitors can try to make money, "- says the partner.