FSB start mopping up the alcohol market on behalf of Vladimir Putin

Security officers together with representatives of the Federal Tax Service visited the offices of the largest seller of vodka, Status Group. 
On Tuesday, representatives of the Federal Tax Service of the FSB with the operational activities carried out in the offices of the largest player in the vodka market - "status groups" several wholesale suppliers and distilleries (Distillery) in Kabardino-Balkaria. This "Vedomosti" told two federal official. According to them, more than 100 people participated in the operation in Kabardino-Balkaria, including special forces used armored personnel carriers. FSB, said they acted on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The fact that the survey confirmed FTS representative in the office, he said, were seized documents that could be the basis for criminal cases for tax evasion.

At the distillery poured vodka under the brand "Rosspirtprom 'plants to sell its wholesale local campaigns, and those -" status groups ", explains the federal official, at the moment to the" status groups "no tax claims.

Site "status groups" on Tuesday, did not work, phone did not respond. Request "Vedomosti" representatives "status groups", the FSB and the president's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov,SVA remained unanswered. The representative of "Rosspirtprom" could not Tuesday night provide you with comments. FTS representative does not name the plants and companies in Kabardino-Balkaria.

The scheme, which in 2015 launched the 11 distilleries in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, looks and describes the federal official confirmed the representative of the Federal Tax Service: they reflect in EGAIS significantly greater amount of excise duty than in the declarations, which led to an increase in tax debt. Excise duty is paid on a monthly basis, the representative of the Federal Tax Service continues and tax audit procedure takes three to five months. In total, according to federal officials, these plants declared in 2015 of 23.9 billion rubles. lower excise duties than was recorded in EGAIS system. To collect the tax authorities was only 1.871 billion rubles. According to Ministry of Finance estimates, only in Kabardino-Balkaria, the damage exceeded 23 billion rubles.

But it was actually legal to drink legally obtained mark for which manufacturers have reported, said the Ministry of Finance representative from illegal alcohol damage is several times larger.

It was decided to urgently Austanovit scheme, a federal official said. But in order to initiate a criminal case, we need the original documents, the official said. Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Finance decided to enlist the support of the president. Following the recent transfer Rosalkogolregulirovaniya (PAP) to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance working group was organized, says a representative of the Federal Tax Service, the work involved in the PAP, the Federal Tax Service, Federal Security Service, the Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee and the Interior Ministry. The question is controlled by the president, confirmed a representative of the Ministry of Finance. Market participants should understand that these and other illegal schemes will cover, warns a federal official, the system will work, including through changes in legislation.

In 2015, "status groups" took 18.4% of vodka market in volume terms and 15.1% - in money, according to RBC with reference to the Nielsen data. However, they only take into account the retail network in the cities. And if you take into account all trade, the share of this is substantially less than the nearest competitor - Roust and "Synergy," said a top manager of the company's beverage of the top-5. "Status Group" specializes in inexpensive brands "Good Bear "," Old Brand "," Kalina Krasnaya "and so on. D. Most of them are sold for 185 rubles. for a half-liter bottle (of which 100 rubles -. This excise tax) - is the minimum allowable retail price. Several top managers of large alcohol companies and retailers earlier told "Vedomosti" that this is due to the special relationship "status groups" with the networks: the company does not pay them a retro-bonuses in contrast to its competitors.

In 2014, revenue of "status groups", according to "SPARK-Interfax", amounted to 18 billion rubles, net profit -. 290 300 000 rubles. (Data for 2015 yet). According to the director of the Research Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets Vadim Drobiz, in 2015 "status groups" sold 11 million decaliters of vodka, which is 16.9% of all legally manufactured in Russian volume.

The owners of "status groups" have not been disclosed. The company is actually owned by the former co-owner "Metalloinvest" Vasily Anisimov, wrote in October, RBC reports referring to sources in the alcohol market. The representative of the businessman claims that Anisimov is not aShareholders "status groups" and has nothing to do with it.