The Magomedov brothers stripped 10 times

The assets of the Summa group are counted and arrested.
In the criminal case of the founder of the Summa group, Ziyavudin Magomedov and his older brother Magomed Magomedov, accused by the investigating department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of organizing a criminal community and other crimes, assets valued at 100 billion rubles were arrested. This almost 10 times exceeds the alleged damage caused by the Magomedov brothers.

On Wednesday, representatives of the defense of Ziyavudin Magomedov told TASS that, as part of the investigation, the assets of both the accused and third parties, estimated at more than 100 billion rubles, were arrested. ($ 2 billion). Among them, according to Kommersant, $ 750 million in proceeds from the sale of shares in the Transneft Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. The brothers' defense provided this information earlier in various courts, noting that this was a kind of pledge almost 10 times covering the amount of damage of 11 billion rubles inflicted by Messrs. Magomedov according to the calculations of the investigation. However, courts of all instances rejected their requests for release.

Now the accused is getting acquainted with the investigation materials in the case. The corresponding procedure was carried out in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center until one of the brothers, Ziyavudin, contracted the coronavirus. A few days ago he was transferred to the hospital of the Sailor Sailor Silence. According to data from various sources, the life of Mr. Magomedov Jr. is out of danger, since the disease passes in his mild form.

Nevertheless, the defense believes that the treatment should not be carried out in a pre-trial detention center, where there is no specialized department, infectious disease doctors, and proper equipment, therefore, she appealed to the Moscow City Court with a statement in which she asks Ziyavudina Magomedova to change the preventive measure. A similar complaint was filed by the defense of Magomed Magomedov, who believed that during the familiarization process he could also become a carrier of a dangerous infection. According to one version, the coronavirus could get into Lefortovo from employees of the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where at least three cases were registered. The same number of patients with a dangerous infection was detected in the main detention center of the country. Complaints have already been registered, but have not yet been assigned for consideration.