Battle for the metal

The pipe manufacturer LLC Service Company "Northwest Pipe Plant", the oldest in its region, has changed owners. The owners say they are forced to urgently dispose of assets worth about $80000000, because they fell victims of raider attacks. The businessmen said that the senior police official they had asked for help, was "the main villain". 
Origin source
LLC "Service Company" Northwest Pipe Plant "- by today's standards is not particularly large enterprise (6-7 tonnes of pipes of round and square section in a month, used for water supply and construction needs). But it is Russia's first trumpet factory, built in the late XIX century. Until recently, the company through several legal entities, including offshore, belonged to the Moscow businessmen in St. Petersburg Alexander Rubtsov origin (47.5%), Olga Evstafieva (5%) and Dmitry Ivanchenko (47.5%). Today, these people found themselves on different sides of the barricades erected: Rubtsov and Evstafieva the one hand, Ivanchenko - on the other.
What it did not share the entrepreneurs, journalism has nothing to do - the legislation has long figured out a way of settling disputes between business partners. Refer to the editor "Fontanka" Alexander Rubtsov and Olga Evstafieva provided a copy of the letter sent to them 11 April 2013 a lawyer from Nicosia Andreas Petrou.
"During a recent meeting with Mr. Ivanchenko I was asked whether I as a provider inservants for your company to cancel the existing documentation confirming that all three of you are ... ... owners and issue new certificates ... and other documents confirming that Mr. Ivanchenko is the sole shareholder of the company ... ... "- says in the document.
It is possible that Dmitry Ivanchenko really tried to renew the share of partners, it is also possible that he had every right to do. But business partners did not think so, and decided to hold a meeting at which, in their words, suggested to divide the business (it was primarily about a British Virgin Islands company, "Catton Ltd", which is engaged in wholesale trade in the rolled metal). These events developed in Cyprus.
Miracles And then it began.

"When you die like a dog ..."

The meeting was announced information about how Mr. Ivanchenko allegedly was the victim of a serious crime in Moscow, unknown to him on reminding the natives of the Caucasus, allegedly kidnapped him and forcibly taken to the office of one of metropolitan CaucasianThe Republic. And there, at the dealership, have other people allegedly questioned him about the company's assets "Catton Co., Ltd.", and then released from the requirement to give them property of the company.
Allegedly, after Dmitry Ivanchenko and began to attempt to renew the business itself. At the meeting, according to Rubtsov and Evstafieva, he demanded that business partners have given him his share in the business.
According to Alexander Rubtsov and Olga Evstafieva, shortly before the meeting of their cell phones rang a man's voice - he allegedly introduced assistant plenipotentiary representative Damir said the Caucasian republic and demanded the immediate arrival at the office of the republic in Moscow "to give explanations on business."
Throughout the meeting Evstafieva Rubtsov and, according to them, receiving unnerving SMS message: "When you die like a dog, crud."
Rubtsov and Evstafieva, according to them, immediately sold the assets to third parties, after which all members of the drama moved from Nicosia to Moscow. The cost of the sold assets amounted, according to Olga Evstafieva, 80 000 000moat (except the Northwest Pipe Plant, businessmen sold another object).

Moscow. April 2013

Alexander Rubtsov and Olga Evstafieva, they said, turned to one very high-ranking generals MIA, whose name we will call after the Investigation Committee will take a decision on the basis of procedural directed to Rubtsov and Evstafieva statements. Businessmen claim that once upon a time, in a period of prosperity, Dmitry Ivanchenko introduced them to Mr. general - he was then a general, a modest serving the Motherland in the Interior Ministry of North-West Federal District. And supposedly since then they have always thought: the General - the man who would save them, if that.
From the statement, which is a couple of weeks ago Rubtsov and Evstafieva to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin, follow that general after a pause to study the subject matter allegedly confirmed: the situation is extremely serious, its control approximate to Vladimir Putin, the first person said the Caucasian republic, so the only wayto the rescue - that all the requirements for the business transfer.
While the threat is not over, and Evstafieva Rubtsov with his family moved to Moscow, accompanied by SWAT. The movements for the most part included the international airport Sheremetyevo-2. For technical assistance in resolving the situation, the general allegedly introduced businessmen with alleged by some veteran of the "Alpha". Last, it follows from the statements and Evstafieva Rubtsov, "he said that the provision of our peaceful life would cost him 10 million dollars" (the number of zeros of the author is not confused). The requirement for the renewal of the business with the allegedly maintained.
On the cell phone business, said they continued to receive SMS messages that contain the phrase "When you die like a dog, crud ...".

Moscow, Saint Petersburg. Our days

In June 2013, Alexander Rubtsov addressed in OMVD RF Presnensky district of Moscow, a statement of the commission Dmitry Ivanchenko against him and Olga Evstafieva fraud worth 5985 USD 050. The Presnensky OMVD a criminal etc.ate denied based on fashion for the Russian police - in the course of checking the police has not been possible to interrogate Ivanchenko, moreover, things were not in Russia, and Cyprus - and therefore failed to establish in his actions constitute a crime.
On the results of the treatment business to the Investigation Committee, nothing is known.
Contact alleged assistant permanent representative of the Caucasian republic Damir allegedly demanded from Olga and Alexander Rubtsov Evstafieva urgent arrival in Republican representation "to give explanations on business" "Fontanka" failed - in the representative said that a man they did not work.
To get through to the general and Dmitry Ivanchenko, we were unable to - phone calls, both do not react. On referral to appropriate division of the Interior Ministry editorial request Mr. General has not responded yet.
In September 2013, Alexander Rubtsov and Olga Evstafieva addressed to the Editor "Fontanka" with a request to make public the events. In particular, they stated that they are forced tosell-term assets, because they are afraid of losing everything.