The first launch from Vostochny was followed by the first resignation

The general director of NPO Automation Leonid Shalimov submitted resignation, without waiting for the conclusions about the cause of failure at the cosmodrome.
The general director of the Ekaterinburg NPO Automation Leonid Shalimov tendered his resignation. As reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the company, he took this decision because of a failure at the first attempt to launch the first rocket "Soyuz-2.1a" from the cosmodrome East. "Director General submitted his resignation voluntarily Acting Head of Automation NGOs appointed First Deputy General Director for Science Michael Trapeznikov Today the company continues to work special commission..", - The representative of the NGO said. Previously, the appointment Trapeznikova reported "Uralinformbjuro", citing a source in the company.

May 4 NGO's press service reported that Shalimov suspended from their duties at the time of the commission to investigate the causes of failure. press officer told "Interfax" that name any failure version, the company can not yet and that Shalimov is now in Moscow. The same day, the source of the agency in the aerospace industry reported that the CEO of the company suspended from duty until the completion of the re investigationsheniyu charge of space industry Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. According to the source, May 3, Rogozin Shalimov and talked to the phone and vice-premier called the director general of the NGO in Moscow on May 6.

April 27 launch from the East was canceled because of the automatic "defects in the work of one of the cables," said the next day and after a successful start at the second attempt the head "Roskosmos" Igor Komarov. According to him, then replaced the cables. After the launch, according to "Kommersant", was present at the launch site, President Vladimir Putin made a "real separation" Rogozin, Komarov, Shalimov and chairman of the State Committee Alexander Ivanov. According to the edition, canceled Automatic start because a faulty cable or mount gave the signal for fuel valve failure, which was actually okay. As a result,the President announced Rogozin reprimand, Komarov - a severe reprimand and Shalimov got the idea of ​​service incompetence, as the ill-fated cable supplied automation NGOs. "Izvestiya" Source to "Roskosmos" said vygothieves were made not only for the transfer run for one day, but "in the whole set of events on the East", including for the failure of the construction schedule of the cosmodrome. "The first launch was postponed for a day, as it turned out, not because of the rocket itself - it was all right - but because of the control and measurement technology, which gave the wrong signal about the fact that refueling is not, as it turns out He was ", - explained the April 29, Putin himself has (quote TASS). He said, "The question elementary as it often happens with us either by cable, or welding, or most rocket."

The state commission to investigate the causes of failure, confirmed that the cancellation of the launch actually occurred due to a faulty cable. "The situation in the NGO Automation Academician Semikhatova (NPOA) modeled, and saw firsthand the results approved - he told" Izvestia "a source in the leadership of the state corporation" Roscosmos "-. The use of the cable in the rocket was made not by the design documentation and found himself without a few necessary jumpers. "

Resignation Shalimov filed on May 4, and on the same day the documentHe signed an enterprise's board of directors. He said the agency "Euro-Asian News": "I did not wait for the commission's findings I wrote that ask dismiss Why torture me..." According Shalimov, he retired and is not going to choose a new job. "Now I was determined to do this Offers enough Unfortunately, the love for the country is not mutual, as the comrades have written to me, so maybe, with the same scope I no longer bound..", - He said.