The creator of vodka "Dovgan" flooded the entire financial pyramid

The police intend to absenteeize a measure of restraint to German Lillevyali.
The details of the criminal case of the creator of the brands “Dovgan” and “Smak”, the head of the holding GL Financial German Lillevyali, became known. The entrepreneur is accused of creating a financial pyramid, with the help of which over the course of five years he was able to attract about $ 200 million, while in the criminal case, damage in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles still appears. Holding a businessman was positioned as a financial boutique, thanks to which among his investors were many famous people. Yesterday, in the Khoroshevsky court, the police intended to obtain an absentee arrest of an entrepreneur who has recently been abroad, but the meeting was adjourned so that the investigator could collect additional materials to substantiate his request. On June 3, the investigation put Herman Lillevyali on the international wanted list.

The criminal case against five managers of Ankor Invest LLC, co-owned by German Lillevyali, has been investigated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the North-Western District of Moscow for a year and a half. However, earlier the investigation did not consider it necessary to raise the issue of the absentee arrest of a businessman who has been abroad for the last two years. Meanwhile, the police consider Mr. Lillevyali to be the organizer of the financial pyramid, of which Ankor was an integral part. However, the first attempt to arrest the entrepreneur was unsuccessful: the Khoroshevsky court adjourned the hearing to June 5 - by this time the investigator should provide additional materials in support of his arguments. On Wednesday, June 3, the press service of the Khoroshevsky court said that the investigation put Herman Lillevyali on the international wanted list.

As previously reported by Kommersant, the criminal case, of which Mr. Lillevyali is involved, is investigated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on an especially large scale). According to the investigation, the head of the GL Financial Group holding (the abbreviation is the initials of the owner) raised $ 150-200 million of funds from individuals, which they did not return later. Clients' money was attracted for investments in shares of American companies for five years - from 2013 until the Central Bank deprived the company of a holding license. At the same time, the clients were assured that the profit would reach 12% in foreign currency, as the company had developed an extremely reliable financial management algorithm based on “market neutral” strategies, pair technologies, etc. The managers insisted that these know-how allowed to achieve profit even in case of falling stock quotes.

At the same time, the company, having opened branches in Zurich, Geneva, London, and Cyprus, did not spend money on mass advertising; the same Ankor was positioned as a financial boutique only for wealthy customers.

This strategy worked perfectly - among the investors of the companies, Mr. Lillevili was featured by director Nikita Mikhalkov, goalkeeper of FC Lokomotiv and the Russian national football team Marinato Guillerme, political analyst Dmitry Orlov, some of Rusal’s leading employees and a number of well-known businessmen.

Most of their money, as well as a number of other clients, according to the investigation, was placed on Interactive Brokers - the largest brokerage platform in the United States.

However, at the end of 2017, the holding began to delay interest payments. His leadership initially referred to a misunderstanding with the banks that serviced transfers from an American broker to the accounts of a Russian company. And in April 2018, Mr. Lillevyali simply stopped contacting investors. In October 2018, according to customers, the police began to prosecute the head of GL. The case materials so far show damage of 1.5 billion rubles, and five managers directly raising money, the head of the holding and the head of one of the company's services became his defendants.