Suleiman Kerimov flees from the raider past

The scandalous businessman filed a lawsuit against the old article of the Vedomosti newspaper about the seizure of the Razvitie construction company. Then the office of the organization's organization was defeated by 200 young men, armed with bats and steel bars.
Businessman Suleiman Kerimov considers the information set forth in the Vedomosti article of November 2017 “How Suleiman Kerimov earned billions and went into the shadows” discrediting his reputation, said the lawsuit, which was submitted to the editorial office.

The businessman requires the editorial office to refute several sentences of the article: “Good relations with Luzhkov allowed Kerimov to become the owner of the largest construction holding of the capital - uniting Glavmosstroy, Mospromstroy and Mosmontazhspetsstroy corporations. This episode went down in history - the head office of SEC “Development” in Granatny Lane, 3, stormed 200 people armed with baseball bats and metal rods. By the mid-zero, nobody was getting any assets. ” In the lawsuit, Karimov insisted that he had no relation to the described seizure of the Development office, and expressed the opinion that the information circulated by Vedomosti discredited his business reputation. He demands to remove the entire article from the publication’s website, publish a refutation and pay compensation for moral damage in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

The events described in the Vedomosti article occurred in 2005. Then the former Moscow official, Alexander Voronin, lost his asset, the construction holding SPK Razvitie. The storming of the office by armed people 15 years ago was described to Vedomosti by the director general of Development Vladimir Kuznetsov. According to him, people who called themselves representatives of the new owners of the "Development", and this new owner - Karimov, kicked him out of the building. The press secretary of Moscow Mayor Sergei Tsoi then did not deny that there was a forceful takeover of the business, but indicated that this was an economic dispute that was not related to the city.

Vladimir Voronin (son of Alexander), in an interview with Vedomosti in 2012, described what had happened with Development as a raider seizure, but did not provide specific names for the invaders.

In 2006, this business was sold to Oleg Deripaska, but for some time it continued to be led by one of Kerimov’s top managers, Marina Savelyeva (she was the general director of Glavstroy Corporation, which combined the companies belonging to the Razvitiy SEC).

On June 1 this year, Karimov filed lawsuits against the Vedomosti and Versiya newspapers and Forbes magazine in the Gagarinsky District Court of Moscow. The billionaire’s claims to Versia and Forbes are unknown - representatives of publications reported that they have not yet received claims.

Forbes in a 2012 article “Dangerous Player” about Karimov also described the episode with the seizure of the office of the company “Development”. “Version” recalled this event in a large article about Kerimov, published in early 2018. Court spokeswoman Anastasia Igoshina told the city news agency “Moscow” that lawsuits were filed “against the fact of the distribution of the controversial text.”

The representative of Karimov did not answer the question why the businessman suddenly became interested in the description of such a long-standing events. He also declined any other comments.

Meanwhile, the Gagarinsky court has already issued a ruling on the return of all claims of Karimov to the newspapers because of the lack of jurisdiction of this particular court, explained RIA Novosti Igoshina.