Businessman Alexey Yeliseyev caught in Spain

The investigation reached him by the smell of billions stolen by the head of Rostekhnadzor in the North-West Federal District Grigory Slabikov.
In Spain, businessman Aleksey Yeliseyev was arrested some time ago, who in Russia was charged in absentia with theft of nearly 5 billion rubles. in several self-regulatory organizations (SRO) of St. Petersburg and the withdrawal of the money abroad. Earlier, Grigory Slabikov, the head of Rostekhnadzor in the North-West Federal District (NWFD), and his daughter were prosecuted in this case.

Alexei Yeliseyev came to the attention of law enforcement in 2017, when the main investigative department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region opened a criminal case on particularly large-scale fraud (part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the investigation, the attackers for the period 2012–2016 stole 4.76 billion rubles belonging to the SRO “Union of design organizations“ Standard-project ””, “Union of organizations of the construction industry“ Building resource ”and“ Union of surveyors “Standard -Exploration ””, uniting construction companies. The builders paid membership fees to SROs, reimbursements to the compensation fund, which allowed them to obtain the necessary licenses for work.

As stated in the investigation materials, SROs concluded agreements with JSC “Management Company“ Nord-West Capital ”” to manage funds received from construction firms. One of the prerequisites was investing in certificates of deposit.

According to law enforcement officers, the builders' money was transferred under fictitious contracts from the management company to the accounts of nearly a dozen one-day firms, and later, according to the police, were taken abroad.
During the investigation, the police came to the conclusion that Aleksey Yeliseyev, who has experience in the banking sector, was actively involved in the development of the money theft plan, carried out general management of Nord-West Capital, was responsible for financial transactions — in particular, personally oversaw the money transfer scheme to Spain. However, Aleksei Yeliseyev was not able to be detained then: according to the operational data and the testimony of witnesses, in August 2017 he moved to Spain, where he acquired property. On October 31, 2017, the police charged him in absentia under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale, committed by an organized group) and announced it first to the federal and then to the international wanted list. In February of this year, the police investigation appealed to the Dzerzhinsky District Court with a petition to arrest Alexei Yeliseyev in absentia, which, as specified in the joint press service of the courts of St. Petersburg, was satisfied on February 16.

As it became known to “Kommersant”, in Spain, Alexei Yeliseyev was detained, according to unofficial data, in the resort town of Benidorm, where he lived. The State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region clarified that this happened last summer and since then the question of the extradition of the person involved has been considered.

According to some reports, the local court has already decided to extradite the alleged organizer of the scam to Russia, but “Kommersant” did not officially confirm this information.

We add that in this criminal case in May of this year, the head of the Rostekhnadzor department in the North-West Federal District, Grigory Slabikov, and his daughter Elena, who were also charged under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code. After his arrest, both defendants pleaded guilty and gave testimonies exposing each other (“Kommersant” wrote about this on August 25). The role of Grigori Slabikov, according to the investigators, was to control the actions of subordinates in the interests of alleged accomplices, draw up the documents necessary for obtaining SRO status by the companies, prevent alleged accomplices about possible inspections, etc. His daughter was responsible for coordinating the actions members of a criminal group and was engaged in the transfer of SRO funds to bank cells.

During searches only from bank cells more than 1 billion rubles were seized, and in one of the apartments, law enforcement officers found 33 million rubles. and € 560 thousand.