The case of the stolen credits is discontinued

The former first vice-governor of Tyumen Oblast is wanted for bribing the police.
As the "Kommersant", at the request of the GSM TFR in absentia was arrested and put on the international wanted list, former Deputy Governor of the Tyumen Region, businessman Pavel Mitrofanov, who now lives in Latvia. According to investigators, he tried for a bribe to halt prosecution Hendrik Mundutya accused along with former top manager of "Sibneft" Fedor Khoroshilov of embezzling 5 billion rubles. VTB. Alleged robbers and accused of taking bribes have been brought before the courts. In turn, the defense of Mr. Mitrofanov considers it unreasonable search.

As follows from the Moscow City Court ruling (available to the "b"), the appellate court refused defense lawyers Tyumen known businessman, the former first deputy governor Pavel Mitrofanov in the cancellation of the decision of the Basmanny District Court of Moscow of his arrest in absentia. In May, the investigator GUS TFR Alex fun, in charge of the well-known case of embezzlement of shares "Bashneft" and the subsequent laundering in absentia presented Mr. Mitrofanov charged with briberyattempted it (art. 30 and st.291 the Criminal Code). Then, having received the authorization of the court, the investigation initiated businessman wanted. The appellate court Mr Mitrofanov defense tried to convince the court that her client is not hiding from the investigation, but the Moscow City Court upheld the decision of the arrest of a businessman in force.

Criminal Pavel Mitrofanov persecution began in 2012, when the police appeared operative information that he allegedly passed bribes to employees of Research Affairs in the Ural Federal District (abolished in 2014) for helping his friend Hendrik Mundutyu accused together with former head Tyumen branch of "Sibneft" Fedor Khoroshilov of stealing VTB loans.

According to "Kommersant", the investigation believes that Paul Mitrofanov gave businessmen Eduardo and Vladislav Potapov, who had previously worked in the law enforcement structures of the Sverdlovsk region, about 5 million rubles., And promised even more money. The money, according to investigators, were later transferred to the senior officer of the district police cupola Kostyunina Yuri, who was involved in opporate accompaniment in the case of masters and Horoshilova Mundutya. The operative had to alter the measure of restraint Hendrik Mundutyu and termination of criminal prosecution. Mr. Khoroshilov at the time was listed in the wanted list.

The criminal case of the detective Kostyunina now considering Leninsky district court of Yekaterinburg. He is accused of fraud TFR (Art. 159 of the Criminal Code) and accepting bribes (Art. 290 of the Criminal Code). Potapov brothers are witnesses in this case - due to the fact that they have voluntarily surrendered part of the money destined for bribes, and assisted investigators in investigating and gentlemen Mitrofanov Kostyunina.

Yesterday a lawyer Pavel Mitrofanov Anatoly Kleimenova "Y" failed. Previously, he explained, "Kommersant" that Mr. Mitrofanov is not hiding from the investigation, and lives and works in Latvia. According to him, the businessman through his representatives handed the documents to the investigating authorities of their whereabouts, and even offered to carry out the interrogation in his case in Latvia, but the TFR continues to believe that its location is not set.

After kaa decision on arrest in absentia of the former vice-governor came into force, it was the international wanted list through Interpol, and in the case of detention in Latvia Prosecutor General's Office will send to this country a request for his extradition.

Meanwhile, business Horoshilova Fedor and his alleged accomplice heard in Tagansky District Court of Moscow. Both are charged with h. 4 Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code (fraud in lending, a sanction of up to ten years). According to investigators, Fedor Khoroshilov from 2005 to 2008, stole more than $ 776 million in the Tyumen branch of VTB. As follows from the case, Mr. Khoroshilov, who was then president of "Technology of oil and investments" (had a license for oil fields), and Hendrik Mundut - the general director of the company, contacted the VTB to issue the company and its affiliated companies " Kondaneft "and" Yangpur "loans for oil field development, which, according to the exploration, allegedly promising for development. The Bank opened their seven lines of credit up to 2014 totaling $ 893 million on favorable terms. However, in 2010 it turned out that the documents onOil stocks were rigged, whereas VTB demanded prematurely close the credit line. Companies Banks already disbursement of $ 776 million have not returned. Fedor Khoroshilov was detained by police in November 2013 in Moscow - before that, he was on the federal and international wanted list and then.

According to one version, while he was hiding in the UK, but after the High Court in London has sentenced Fedor Horoshilova for violating a court order to freeze assets at the request of VTB and contempt of court, he returned home. Note that the suit VTB London court seized $ 245 million, were in the master's Horoshilova accounts, as well as its shares in the oil companies, a restaurant in Tyumen, yacht, aircraft Boeing 737, the Maybach and two villas in France and Italy.

Mr. Horoshilova lawyers have sought to secure his release, including a guarantee of Metropolitan of Tobolsk and Tyumen Dmitry and one of the deputies of the Tyumen Regional Duma, and in addition, a large bail, but were refused.