After Alexey Ulyukaev, Andrey Kostin might be arrested

Kostin and Ulyukayev are involved in the machinations with the money of VTB.
Detention of Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev could trigger revising loud criminal history of the Tyumen businessman Theodore Horoshilova.
For it counts oligarch family, who in July was sentenced by Tagansky Court of Moscow to seven years for fraud with the money of VTB Bank, and lenders of his former company. Alexei Ulyukayev served as chairman of the supervisory board of the credit institution.

"Alexei Ulyukayev to August 2013 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of VTB, in January 2015, became its chairman, - noted Horoshilova sister Elena. - In addition, until 2013 he served as Deputy Chairman Ulyukayev Bank of Russia. Such serious decisions concerning the amount of nearly a billion dollars, could not get over it. " The interlocutor of the agency believes that any unlawful actions of VTB top managers could only take place under the auspices of the country's top officials.

Horoshlovsky "arrows"

A resident of Tyumen has filed the largest lawsuit against the Russian bank VTB. Sister famous Tyumen businessman Theodore Horoshilova requires credit institution 280.5 billion rubles. The history is closely connected with the resonant case in which the Tyumen businessman was convicted Tagansky Court of Moscow. New facts can completely break the "deal Horoshilova". This merchant himself, in spite of the imposed sentence in July, is still in a Moscow detention center: VTB demanded that he return another 11 billion rubles.

The businessman was convicted in July of Moscow Tagansky court to seven years in a penal colony for fraud with credit taken in VTB Bank. Market participants say - if the fraud was, it was only by the top management of one of the largest Russian banks.

"In fact, it is a highbrow bank fraud - said on condition of anonymity a source familiar with the situation - VTB Bank bankrupted their own same assets, and then sold them for next to nothing, leaving the" parent company "only debts. Now Elena Horoshilova, which still owns 25% (unencumbered bank) in the family business, she is trying to understand the very complicated financial scheme. "

As follows from the document on the official website of the Arbitration Court of the Tyumen region, within the framework of the bankruptcy proceedings of JSC "Tehneftinvest" (main asset Fedor Horoshilova), indeed, in July this year an application was made for the recovery from PJSC "VTB Bank" 280 billion 637 million rubles . The suit filed by Ellen Khoroshilova Hanworth Enterprises Limited, the money should be recovered in favor of the "Tehneftinvesta" (TNI) - as indicated in the statement of claim), Hanworth is still a shareholder of TNI with a share of 25%. The remaining 75% owned by VTB Bank.

Documents registration department of Cyprus Group show: it seems that the loan received from VTB Khoroshilov, cheated themselves top managers of state-owned bank. "Khoroshilov received several loans from 2005 to 2008 in VTB for a total of 893 million US dollars. Part of the funds went through himself VTB part - through part of the structure of VTB "Russian Commercial Bank" in Cyprus. Money received Russian company "TNI" and his Cypriot owner of Talon Enterprises Ltd, which is controlled and Khoroshilov - says the source. - As security for the loan Talon gave the bank as a deposit 75% of all TNI, which he owned. Another 25% were in Hanworth, Elena Khoroshilova company. In the crisis year of 2009 there was a delay in the TNI loan to VTB, and the case was in the court. December 16, 2009 observation procedure was introduced in the company.

But at this point, in fact TNI Horoshilova no longer belonged, and her new owner was VTB Bank. Official documents recently obtained Horoshilova family in Cyprus, according to: the day before, the company Talon came under the control of some of the Cyprus company ITC Consultants ». Data on the official website of VTB Bank indicate: ITC Consultants is a 100% "daughter" of Russian state bank. It turns out that VTB actually bankrupt own assets.

"I know that Khoroshilov tried to resolve the issue with debts and were at least two attempts to sell the shares" TNI "in order to pay off the loan, - says the source. - According to official data evaluation - it produced a well-known company DeGolyer and MacNaughton - JSC "TNI" cost in 2009 of $ 4.3 billion. The money proceeds for the shares, more than enough to pay off the VTB loan. " In early 2010, the buyer has been found: the talks were held with the company from Hong Kong, a memorandum was signed.

For the opportunity to sell the TNI and to repay debts to the bank Khoroshilov paid dearly - he was forced to withdraw filed in a London court against the VTB. During this alleged bank agreed not to interfere with the sale, but in fact the Hong Kong buyer received from VTB secret offer for the sale of "TNI" behind Horoshilova. The deal fell through. Then there were the same unsuccessful negotiations with the German company, and then turned Khoroshilov wanted, and his company - bankrupt. In the documents of the Cyprus Department of Registrar of Companies and the documents for a loan VTB Fedor Horoshilova strangely repeated several names top managers VTB - Kostin, Kuzovlev, Zimarin, Tufts. We can assume that these people can be involved in the implementation of the scheme and the withdrawal of the bankruptcy assets of OAO "TNI".

The fact that the assets of LLC "Yangpur", LLC "Obneftegaz", LLC "Kondaneft" and others, were part of a group of TNI, were sold to VTB Bank in the framework of the decision on the replacement of assets newly created companies. This, in particular, NC "Yangpur" NC "Kondaneft" and others. And as a result of 100% shares of JSC "NC Yangpur '" purchased OOO "Belorusneft-Siberia" for 3.5 billion rubles, 100% of the shares "Salymnefti" bought an individual for 13 million rubles OJSC "NK Kondaneft'" is now owned by NOCs ie Eduard Khudainatov. As they say market participants, Fedor Horoshilova debts to VTB is not completely closed - despite the fact that his "empire" pillaged to pieces and sold for pennies.

All this long but interesting story says that this is not simply could not know, but, most likely, was predpravleniya VTB Ulyukayev. And, of course, his first head Andrei Kostin.

Minister of Economic Development of its

As it turns out, the detention of the act on a bribe now ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev may be a harbinger large stripping related officials and financiers who participated in corrupt activities. That, along with Ulyukaev consisted of several candidates for the landing in the rapid development of special services, reported by many news agencies and credible sources.

Thus, the media pointed out that a significant part of his professional career Alexei Valentinovich has been associated with the Bank of Russia, where his closest partner was a former curator of the surveillance of systemically important banks, Mikhail Sukhov, recently sacked from his post as deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and who found refuge in VTB. Sukhov long been called perhaps the most brazen corrupt Central Bank, which has built the scheme of levying money from commercial bankers for everything, starting with the trade licenses and aid in the withdrawal of assets and ending with the contributions of the "quiet life" which taxed even honest lenders.

Sources of income consisted of parts of the commercial bankers for bribes or comfortable enough loyalty primarily for criminal bankruptcy. The main project was the corruption, of course, "Pushkino" bank Alexei Ulyukayev and brought his adopted son Taras banker Antennae tens of millions of dollars.

And the main acquisition of this period began to occupy the 26th place among the largest in the Russian Svyaz-Bank, which rehabilitation cost VEB in 2011, 125 billion. Rubles, and the present owner of which was Taras Barbel, a diversion to take the post of deputy chairman of the credit institution. In addition, key trustees Ulyukayev that period the experts called the former director of the supervisory department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Ruben Amiryatsa, who was expelled from the regulator at the end of last year, and is now under threat of imminent dismissal of the Agency for Deposit Insurance. As connected Ulyukayev and his accomplices Sukhov and Amiryantsa also mentioned ex-employee of the CBR machine Elena Music that after his dismissal from the regulator became advisor to the head of Svyaz-Bank.

As pointed out the media after his appointment as Minister of Economic Development impact Ulyukayev on the banking sector decreased significantly, and the position of Mikhail Sukhov gradually worsened, not to mention the fact that their "younger corrupt partner" Ruben Amiryants general recently sat on tablets and clutched his heart, anticipating arrest and interrogation.

On account of this team - dozens of banks, whose owners' suhovtsy "allowed to transfer assets, deliberately delaying the revocation of licenses and suppressing illegal actions of corrupt rewards. It remains to calculate the total damage caused by criminal Supervisors, but it is obvious that it is in the hundreds of billions of rubles. That such figures had to operate the Deposit Insurance Agency, for plugging holes in the budget account "burst" banks.

That is, it turned out that the fallen outcast to pursue a career in the agency, which is the most and has suffered from its activities and corrupt practices of its partners headed by Mikhail Sukhov. Apparently, this explains the fact that over the past few months Amiryants practically glowed as the DIA employee, and even almost appeared at the workplace. More than that: Amiryants suffered a stroke, which was the result of a deeper disease of corrupt financier. With such a track squeak and a medical card Amiryantsu unlikely to stay long in the DIA.

But Sukhov after the expulsion of the deputy chairman of the Russian Federation decided to go not by accident Amiryantsa and Lena Music track, volunteered in public-commercial VTB Bank. However, in a new place of work Sukhov soon realize what a blow to the reputation of this recruitment is fraught with the acquisition. It seems that the father troubles will soon begin the problem and adopted son Taras Cirrus Ulyukayev of Svyaz-Bank.

At any money lives the head of VTB

As is known, previously the head of VTB Andrey Kostin and his colleague of Sberbank German Gref has already obliged to disclose their income. As it turned out, for the year Kostin has received compensation in the amount of $ 35 million. However, managers of state-owned federal government is not allowed to publish their income. "It further explanation to the previously adopted government decree, the meaning of which is to ensure that managers of commercial organizations, including state-owned, if OJSC, where there is some state share, in the strict sense are not civil servants, but are representatives of the commercial business, "- previously reported spokesman for Prime Minister Natalia Timakova.

It turns out that now the head of VTB Andrey Kostin formally be able to avoid the need to publish data on their incomes. "The government has adopted a code of conduct, even in business. He accepted, but does not really work. If you ask my opinion, I would strongly recommend the heads of our companies to present their income. I do not see nothing wrong here, "- the president said during a" hot line ".

The new mechanism of "cutting"

But their real incomes Costin can not reveal. The thing is that VTB may act "innovative scheme" for the withdrawal of assets, which looks absolutely legal. The fact is, VTB expenses for charity in the I quarter of 2015 amounted to 15.5 billion rubles. That charitable contributions could be the cause of his loss. In January, the loss amounted to 8.9 billion rubles, in February -. Reached 11.4 billion rubles, and in March the bank received a profit of 15.5 billion rubles, and for the quarter loss narrowed to 5.1 billion rubles...

Of course, that VTB helps to Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow theater "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop" sports team "Kamaz-Master" and FC "Dynamo-Moscow" - there is nothing wrong. But "cost transparency" VTB charity does not exceed 5.5 billion rubles. And it is even with the program "World Without Tears", which annually costs the bank 15 million rubles.

But where are gone the remaining 10 billion rubles.? What such "noble purpose" of Mr. Kostin spent?

Possible scheme to withdraw funds

But these 10 billion rubles. quite could "leak" of the so-called "offshore schemes." According to preliminary version, the bank can transfer the money "dummy" charitable organization, and can enter into a contract with a dummy offshore company under the pretext, but in the end the money, VTB could easily "escape", for example, in Cyprus.
However, Liechtenstein and other "offshore hole" where disappear without a trace derived from the budget of Finance, no one has repealed. By the way, it has already proved that Andrei Kostin have secret accounts in foreign banks. After Kostin was listed among the clients of the Swiss bank HSBC Group. This once again confirms the version of the "sawing".

"Mated offshore"

As it turned out, President Andrei Kostin, VTB Bank mentioned in the list of clients since 1997 in connection with the companies CC Service, Dalton Services, Suncloud Investments, Druce Settlement and Danale Corporation. The accounts of these companies were closed until October 1999. Since 1996, Costin has been chairman of the state-owned Vnesheconombank (VEB). There is a version that these companies could engage in transactions with foreign debt of Russian companies: redeemed these debts in foreign companies and sold four authorized by the Government of the Russian banks, earning a certain percentage of it.

It turns out that Costin could "scroll" through the CC Service and other companies with accounts at HSBC VEB money and get a good "profits".

Luxury life for budget account

But against the background of how the 10 billion rubles. budget VTB "leave in an unknown direction," Andrei Kostin in anything does not deny. By the way, previously known businessman Alksandr Lebedev accused of "state of the banker," that he "bought" a yacht in the Maldives and the aircraft. We are talking about an airplane "Global Express" (hull number P4-AAA, worth $ 45 million.). Lebedev information, the aircraft is designed to cover organization.

The yacht, which he wrote Lebedev, called «Were Dreams» (assembly of the Dutch, in 2008, 171 feet, the price -. $ 60 million one month of its contents - $ 1 million.). Incidentally, it is also framed in the frontman. In addition, there is a very interesting information that the head of the group VTB Andrey Kostin has a fleet of «X-Land» (archive copy links) in the Russian segment of the Internet (on the portal "web"), which is located on 100 acres of the "golden "Moscow region land in the Dmitrov district.

According to the available journalists reports, "park« X-Land »is located 1 km from the ski resort Sorochany in a beautiful place with forests, fields, lawns, river, pond, and its infrastructure offers all the conditions for active individual and corporate recreation and winter in summer". At the same time formally the founder of «X-Land» is the general director of «X-Land» and the head of the trucking company "Auto-Land" someone Victor Palenov, but as it is written in the group of the Communist Party, the land assets in fact controls Andrei Kostin.