Forgiveness for prodigal brothers

Why did the authorities pardoned Akhmed and Magomed Bilalov?
Origin source
Until recently it seemed that Bilalova brothers are unlikely in the near future will be the figures, which will write a major Russian media. Businessmen three years ago left home after a scandal in the Olympic Sochi. But fate, it seems, turns to them by the other party. As it turned out, the criminal case against the brothers stopped, leading to the conclusion: Entrepreneurs forgiven. The case is quite rare, because it concerns one of the most important creations of the Russian authorities - the 2014 Olympics. The same businessmen deserve forgiveness?

Two-plutocrat brother

Officially, the information that the criminal cases against Bilalova brothers stopped - not confirmed. Based on those data, which published the authorities - a consequence of still believes Akhmed and Magomed Bilalova suspects in crimes against property. Ahmed, according to security officials, embezzlement of 80 million rubles. The fact that he was once the head of state corporation board of directors of "Resorts of the North Caucasus." And investigators found only on charter flights representative of state-owned company spent 80 millionubley. And he flew on business trips to France, the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates. Like any self-respecting senior people to get from the airport to the posh hotel by helicopter.

His brother Magomed charged that damaged the Savings Bank. Jacobs received his billion rubles as a partner for the construction of Olympic facilities. Money transferred to the controlled bank and gave them as loans to controlled companies. And they then lend to the company Bilalova "Krasnaya Polyana", but not preferential, and on market conditions. It is quite clear scheme to obtain public money and scroll through them with great advantage. And, in fact, pinch off a piece of public funds. Perhaps the brothers thought that in times of high oil prices and money rain that poured down on Sochi, such actions will go with it. Especially as they are called close to Dmitry Medvedev, the presidency of which in the year, when the Sochi construction had just begun. But the "plutocracy" Bilalova ended after Putin's visit.

Out of sight out of Russia

Large Russian bznesmeny probably sometimes see bad dreams. And perhaps that dream them three of the most horrific scene, all included in the history of Russian business. Scene one: "Doctor to Zyuzin," when Vladimir Putin publicly expressed claims owner of "Mechel" Igor Zyuzin. Scene Two: "The handle return" when Putin Pikalevo counted billionaire Oleg Deripaska. And finally, the third stage, the most recent: "Comrade Bilalov" when Bilalova brothers lost their jobs and assets and were forced to flee the Fatherland.

This happened three years ago, ie shortly before the Olympic Games. Vladimir Putin inspecting construction terminated, learned that kickers, "Russian hills" ripped off deadlines set. I told him that the curator of construction of Olympic facilities Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. According to officials, construction cost estimates increased from 1.2 billion rubles to eight. When asked about the president guilty, Kozak said: "Comrade Bilalov." "Well done, good work", - summed up the president.

Those who followed the events then,ylo feeling that Ahmed Bilalov almost a minute later flew from his post as vice-president of the Russian Olympic Committee and the head of the supervisory board of "Resorts of the North Caucasus." Soon it became known that the brothers were ill and treated in Germany, and then the media reported that they had moved to England. Absolutely the right decision in their situation: Britain does not extradite Russian.

Russian authorities have set the task to redirect all carriers loads from the Baltic ports to Russian. Moscow deliberately shows indifference to the Baltic States, for which there is a desire to give the authorities of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to demonstrate their short-sighted policy.

We do not promise, but returned

The first signals that things Bilalova not so bad, appeared in the same 2013 year. It is known that Magomed Bilalov returned to Russia. "I am in Moscow, and, just like you, trying to get in traffic jams in the snow", - the businessman said. It turned out that Bilalova were negotiating the sale of its share in the "Krasnaya Polyana" Mikhail Gutseriev (businessman who at one time also survived disgrace and been forgiven). Bilaleven he promised that within a week or two to come to the capital and his brother. It happened or not - is shrouded in mystery. But we know that Gutseriev bought a stake Bilalova-suffering and finish Olympic venues.

And then - silence, prolonged for three years. And it is as it is now found the media played into the hands of businessmen. Ostensibly they were very well taken. We do not build yourself out of "prisoners of conscience" and gave interviews to Western journalists. At the same time we sold the business, in general, did everything to make them simple. One can not compare with Mikhail Khodorkovsky. He was pardoned, provided an opportunity to escape abroad. At first he said that he devoted his life to human rights activities. But then, again I became interested in politics, and as a result the security forces again untwisted coil old criminal case.

Mistakes of the past, we will not repeat

Bilalova not an example of Mikhail Khodorkovsky chose to leave at the bottom. Although not quite. Some publications indicate that they have made some effort to earn forgiveness. For example, information of the opposition blogger Alexei Navalny, who last year said Thu"Honeymoon" President's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, and figure skater Tatiana Navka paid Ziyavudin Magomedov. And there featured with yacht rentals, worth 26 million rubles a week. Navalny, as if by chance, mentioned that a cousin Magomedov - Ahmed Bilalov. This blogger said that this time he had no documents confirming that Magomedov clan made a gift to Putin's press secretary.

How is media reports, one of the brothers flew to Russia this year. But the final decision whether they will return to Russia, will be made only after the brothers determined: what and under what conditions they are engaged. Perhaps this is the main question. Construction of the century seems to be over, there is no money, oil is cheap and generally crisis. However, we are optimistic. How to know if the brothers decided to learn the wisdom sayings of John F. Kennedy: "Ask not what country did you ask for what you can do for your country."