Ruslan Baysarov will create "Russian Alibaba"

Businessman Ruslan Baysarov wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin saying that he would like to participate in the creation of an online platform for the sale of Russian goods abroad.
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The first bidder

In his message to the Federal Assembly on December 3 Putin instructed to establish a project office on the support of major economic projects - in particular, to support the "Russian private companies in the field of e-commerce to Russian goods delivered via the Internet to all countries of the world." The President then did not specify about any goods in question and what it will be government support.

Respondents RBC branch entrepreneurs answered that did not understand any of the projects in question. For example, the CEO of the state corporation "Rostec", which is written on the site that it promotes the export of high-tech products, Sergei Chemezov suggested that "perhaps we are talking about helping small businesses, which itself is not able to promote their products."

A month later, it became known about one of the contenders for the creation of a similar description on the online platform.

A letter with a proposal to "establish an internal e-commerce infrastructure," which should allow "any manufacturer of quality products" from Rosss "to enter world markets", "find-your-customer" and "compete anywhere in the world", was sent to the president general director of Tuvan Energy Industry Corporation Ruslan Baysarov in December of 2015. On Baysarov letter, a copy of which is at RBC, Visa is the President of December 10: "Consider and support."

After that, a letter was received by the Prime Minister's office, Dmitry Medvedev, and the second half of December, the Vice predpravitelstva Arkady Dvorkovich ordered "to fulfill the President's instructions of 10 December." The order was passed against the three departments - the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications (copy of the document is also a RBC).

Dvorkovich representative Aliya Samigullina and Assistant Economy Minister Elena Lashkina confirmed receipt of the letter and accompanying documents. "We are working on this treatment. The entrepreneur does not ask for specific privileges and preferences, but asked to support. We discuss how to do this "- said the source in the Ministry of Economic Development RBC.

Deputy miniStra Communications and Mass Communications Mikhail Evraev said that the Ministry is involved in the discussion of the new project: "We proposed to create e-commerce infrastructure to consider the possibility of FSUE" Mail of Russia "for the promotion of Russian goods on world markets. Mail has the largest and most extensive logistics network in the country. Today, the Internet platform is already running in the enterprise, and we see this project as one of the most significant projects of mail. " Ministry of Communications proposes to simplify the procedure of domestic exports, he added.

A source in the government does not exclude that promotes Baysarov "some already existing in his platform." Press secretary of the Tuva Energy Industry Corporation (EPDM) Jan Makarentseva refused to comment on the letter to Putin, as in "not ready to divulge details of the proposed project at the moment." On the question of whether it is the creation of a new company, Makarentseva reported that "no decision."

The term of the president of the order fulfillment e torgovle - until July 1, 2016. According Lashkina, it planned to set up a working group, a report will be sent to the government by June 1.

What the future holds online seller

Forbes magazine noted that in the early 1990s Ruslan Baysarov traded consumer goods. But since then he has not been seen in connection with consumer markets.

Baysarov owns Tuva Energy Industry Corporation (EPDM), which owns the license to develop Elegest coal deposit. EPDM main infrastructure project - the construction of a railway line Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino that is planned to start as early as 2011. At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in 2015 Baysarov promised to start construction before the end of the year. To this end, in August, he bought from billionaire Gennady Timchenko blocking stake (25% plus one share) construction company "bridge" to erect a bridge on the Russian island for the APEC summit.

In 2014 Baysarov tried to buy 74.1% in the largest at that time, the contractor of "Gazprom" - "Stroygazkonsalting" Ziyad Manasira; representativeEPDM then assured that the deal is $ 4.8 billion, but the deal has not closed:. In the spring of 2015 the first "Stroygazkonsalting" was purchased by Gazprombank and UCP fund controlled by Ilya ShCherbovicha.

Baysarov condition, according to Forbes, is $ 0.9 billion.

In 2009, commenting on the conflict Ruslan Baysarov and Christina Aguilera for someone with whom to live their common son, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said the "Interfax", "Baysarov - my friend and comrade. It educated, intelligent people. He is a gentleman. "

Alibaba in Russian

The letter to President Baysarov attached 9-page presentation of the future project called "Opportunities for business development in Russia, the CIS and other countries" (a copy is in the RBC). It follows from this that the created web site will have to "cover all the key markets of the world" and not only trade with the CIS countries, but also outside the community, such as China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.

There has also planned "to create logistics companies in every region of Russia, and the necessary infrastructure to SHORTof the deadline for the delivery of goods anywhere in the world and the automation of customs ", the development of" electronic payment systems and payment "and cloud services in the" regions with excess energy "for the processing and storage of data, it follows from the presentation.

The presentation does not specify what exactly was going to trade in goods Baysarov. RBC interlocutors in the ministries clarify that it is "everything", nothing more specific, they are not heard.

Last week, 22 January, the ministry held a meeting on the development of exports, dedicated to the instruction of the President, told RBC several of its members, it has been noticed and a representative of EPDM - Head of the Department of Finance and analysts Andrei Tipsters. They discussed the existing problems of export, customs clearance procedure of VAT refund issue, told RBC was there head of e-commerce in the Internet Development Institute (IRI) and the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC) Ivan Kurguzov.

"There is a serious question about the output for export in those categories where Russian products are mJette be competitive, especially for food, light industry, "- said in December the Ombudsman in the field of regulation of trade Andrei Danilenko. Today, the demand for Russian products adds devaluation, he said, so it is necessary to seize the moment and to support a business that has a chance of priority in the coming years to become export-oriented.

Adviser to the President on the internet German Klimenko sees no problem in the fact that a person who does not have experience in e-commerce, pretend to such a project. "When the online business came Alisher Usmanov, all at first laughed loudly, but now it is clear that neither Mail.Ru Group, nor to" Vkontakte "or to the" Megaphone "in terms of their management issues there," - says Klimenko . He believes that the current legislation "simply does not allow to export goods abroad" and needs to be changed.

In Russia, there are many manufacturers that can export products abroad, and it will be in demand there, confident inravlyaetsya partner online store "220 Volts" and president of the Association of e-commerce companies (Akita) Alexei Fedorov. Abroad can be claimed Russian designer clothing, alcohol, honey, said Fedorov. "For me it does not make any difference who will be engaged in the development of exports, because the issue is not the creation of the site itself, but in the legislative simplification of the VAT refund regime", - Fedorov sure.

Among the Russian goods, which may be popular abroad - Russian confectionery, alcohol, fur, clothing, furniture, said the general director of the group of companies "Footwear of Russia" Anton Titov.

What Russian exports

During the first 9 months of 2015 the volume of Russian merchandise exports amounted to about $ 273.4 billion in the CIS countries and about $ 41 billion - to the CIS countries, from the data of the FCS. The basis of Russian exports in January-November 2015 of traditional steel fuel and energy goods, whose share in the structure of exports to non-CIS countries amounted to about 67%, in CIS countries - about 40%.

Russia, besides hydrocarbons,It is a major exporter of steel products - this article deliveries abroad accounted for about 10% of the total. The share of exports of machinery and equipment in the structure of supply to non-CIS countries amounted to over 9 months of last year, 5.5% in the CIS - about 16%.

Thus, for example, textiles and shoes - it is only 0.1% of export.