Siberian innovator Dmitry Trubitsyn faces up to 5 years in prison

The investigating authorities considered the production of air purification systems to be a criminal offense.
In Novosibirsk, the investigation of the case of a well-known businessman Dmitry Trubitsyn, the founder of the holding company "Thion", engaged in the production of ventilation and air purification systems, is completed. Investigation authorities charged him with illegal manufacture of equipment for air disinfection in hospitals and its sale. Illegal medical equipment, according to the case, was issued for more than 100 million rubles. and was delivered to the clinics of many cities. Mr. Trubitsyn denies the accusation, the business ombudsman Boris Titov called the criminal prosecution of the Novosibirsk businessman "an attempt to purposely destroy the promising innovative production business."

The Novosibirsk Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia sent a resonant case to the 36-year-old Dmitry Trubitsyn, the founder of the group of companies "Tion". It was opened last summer on the materials of Novosibirsk departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. They indicate that in 2010, the equipment for air disinfection in hospitals, manufactured by Aeroservis (part of the Tion holding company), was successfully tested and Roszdravnadzor issued a permit to manufacture the company. In the future, as the case goes, the entrepreneur "with the aim of reducing the cost of production and extracting from the sale of the greatest profit" has introduced structural changes into the equipment. The received sample of the air disinfector, launched in January 2015 in mass production, did not receive a registration certificate.

Mr Trubitsyn was charged with the illegal production and sale of unregistered medical devices in large quantities (Part 1, Article 238.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The investigators found that Aeroservis had sold illegal medical equipment worth more than 100 million rubles. The founder of the "Tion" was detained. "The arrest of the general director is unjustified and aimed at hindering the company's work ... Such actions were typical for the 1990s," the head of the holding company commented on the arrest. By the decision of the court, the founder of "Tion" was placed under house arrest. In December last year, when the investigation was drawing to a close, Mr. Trubitsyn was released on his own recognizance.

The entrepreneur faces three to five years in prison.

Kommersant's lawyer, Elena Dobritskaya, told Kommersant that on Monday her client received a copy of the indictment. According to her, Mr. Trubitsyn did not agree with the prosecution. "We will seek an acquittal. There is no crime in the case, there is no evidence, according to the defense, "Ms. Dobritskaya said, noting that she had repeatedly applied for the termination of the case at the investigation stage, but was refused.

The case received a great public response. In support of the entrepreneur, the business ombudsman Boris Titov spoke. He considers the case against the businessman to be "an attempt at deliberately destroying a promising innovative production business". "Calling Trubitsyn's actions a crime is a very big exaggeration. Experts believe that the consumer quality of equipment supplied by "Thion" did not suffer from changes in its parameters in comparison with those specified in the document of Roszdravnadzor. Dmitry Trubitsyn is a young, energetic representative of the innovation sector, whose development is most needed for modern Russia, "Mr. Titov believes.