The FSB detained the "shadow banker No.1"

Arrested in the case of embezzlement of 3.2 billion rubles from Promsberbank, Ivan Myazin at different times controlled dozens of Russian banks ..
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Employees of the FSB detained one of the biggest shadow bankers Ivan Myazin, He is taken into custody in the case of embezzlement of 3.2 billion from Promsberbank. Ivan Myazin at various times controlled dozens of Russian banks, figured in the case of the murder of the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank Andrei Kozlov, but every time remained at large.

As a source in law enforcement agencies told Rosbalt, for the past month Meazin, who still had the status of a witness, had conducted a number of investigative actions. In particular, his face-to-face bets with former chairman of the board of Promsberbank Boris Fomin (arrested in autumn 2017) and former main shareholder of Promsberbank Alexei Kulikov (convicted of nine years in prison) were held.

During these investigative actions, Myazin denied the testimony that in fact he was the main owner of Promsberbank, and personally gave orders to withdraw funds from the credit institution. Despite this, the investigation found that he collected enough evidence against him. Last week, Myazin was detained by FSB officers, the court elected him a preventive measure in the form of arrest.

Ivan Meazin has a rather rich biography. In February 1990, he was declared a federal search by officers of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on suspicion of committing a crime under part 3 of Art. 144 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (theft). In October 1991, the search was terminated in connection with his detention, he eventually received a suspended sentence.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Myazin was suspected of controlling the activities of dozens of Russian banks, including the European Settlement Bank, the Bank for Investment and Lending, the Kreditimpex Bank Commercial Bank, Union Bank, CB Alliance Bank, JSCB Falcon, Siberian Bank for Economic Development, IC Financial Bridge, etc. All these lending institutions "glowed" in the materials on "laundering" and "cashing out "Tens of billions of rubles. Then they had their licenses revoked. However, no official charges were brought against Myazin.

At one time, another scandalous banker, Yevgeny Dvoskin, was the business partner of Myazin. According to the interlocutor of Rosbalt, Myazin is a good friend of another shadow financier Alexei Kulikov.

Alexey Kulikov and Ivan Myazin were once considered to be one of the largest specialists in cashing out huge sums. Their names periodically "floated" in high-profile cases. For example, they were mentioned in the investigation of the murder of the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia Alexei Kozlov, because they were familiar with the alleged "customer" of the attack by Alexei Frenkel. Also, Kulikov and Myazin constantly "glowed" in the investigation of the illegal "cashing" and the theft of billions of rubles with the help of scams with VAT refunds. But every time before the accusations did not reach - they were the maximum witnesses in such cases. Moreover, Alexey Kulikov "helped" investigator Denis Nikandrov in the investigation of the case of VAT theft and even conducted interrogations with him. It was believed that Kulikov and Myazin belong to the category of untouchables, they have the most reliable rear services in law enforcement agencies and special services.

However, in the beginning, Kulikov was arrested in the case of Prospersberbank. Myazin continued to remain in business as a witness. Then a good acquaintance of Myazin, former chairman of the board of Promsberbank Boris Fomin, was taken into custody. After that, under Miasin, "the land began to tremble."

As the source of the agency said, Boris Fomin gave detailed testimony in the detention center. He said that Ivan Meazin, who was the main private owner of Promsberbank, gave the order to conduct various operations, including the withdrawal of funds from the bank, the transfer of money to Deutsche Bank, etc., etc. Also, Fomin applied for a pre-trial agreement, which was approved by the Prosecutor General's Office. After confrontation, Myazin was also sent to the remand prison.

According to the investigation, the shareholders of Promsberbank ordered the issuance of loans to dozens of "one-day" firms under fictitious pledges. Thus, the bank withdrew 3.2 billion rubles, which were abroad. According to the scheme developed by the organizers of the scam, after issuing loans Promsberbank assigned the right to claim them to its "daughter" - the insurance company "Oranta". She sold the loans to firms controlled by the defendants in the case, located in Moldova and the Baltic States. These non-resident firms through foreign courts demanded that the debtors return the funds, then the money settled outside the Russian Federation.