FSB stops enterprises in the regions hosting the 2018 World Cup

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation ordered to stop industrial enterprises in the regions hosting the 2018 World Cup football matches.
The FSB began to massively warn Russian enterprises about the need to stop for the period of the World Cup and even, perhaps, preparations for it. Thus, production can stop for almost two months - from mid-May to mid-July. The siloviki refer to the government decree and the presidential decree on enhanced security measures. But industrialists call measures excessive, bearing huge losses, and in some cases simply technologically impossible.

At the disposal of "Kommersant" was a letter dated January 16, which was received by the head of one of the major chemical enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region from the regional branch of the FSB. The document says that the work of the plant should be stopped for the period of the World Cup (held from June 14 to July 15).

The siloviki refer to the presidential decree of May 9, 2017 and the Russian government's decree of June 9, 2017 on the application of enhanced security measures within the championship, explaining that special rules have been approved for the time of the mundial.

They terminate the work of "dangerous industries and organizations that use sources of ionizing radiation, dangerous chemical and biological substances, radioactive, toxic and explosive substances" in all regions where matches are held. These are Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Samara, Saransk, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi and Yekaterinburg.

The head of the company should issue an order to stop the work and coordinate it with the "regional interdepartmental operational headquarters". The order should contain a list of sites, shops and equipment that will be stopped. If it is not possible to suspend the activity of the enterprise temporarily, an explanation should be sent to the headquarters and indicate what the consequences may be in emergency situations - the ecological and possible number of victims.

At the chemical factory, "Kommersant" clarified that the suspension of activities are requested not only for the period of the matches (in Nizhny Novgorod - from June 18 to July 6), but also for the time of preparation for the World Cup since May 14. The company emphasizes that in this case, employees will have to be sent on leave, and she herself will suffer "multi-million losses".

According to "Kommersant" from various sources, similar letters were received by almost all major industries of the region, including Kstovo refinery (refinery) of LUKOIL, SIBUR enterprises, "Rusvinil", "Korund", OKBM. Afrikantova (included in Rosatom), the plant them. Sverdlov (including producing bombs), Sintez, and even agricultural producers.

In OKBM it. Afrikantov's "Kommersant" confirmed that they received a letter and even sent a response, assuring the FSB that the enterprise had no dangerous productions. At the SIBUR and in "Rusvinil" factories, information on the notification from the FSB was not confirmed or denied. The Kstovo refinery reported that the FSB letter had arrived, but it was impossible to fulfill the requirements: "Our production cycle is continuous, but the plant is ready to develop a plan of measures and to strengthen security, establish a headquarters that will monitor the production situation around the clock and report this in a regular manner authorized bodies during the championship ".

The attention of the FSB was attracted even by enterprises, which are very far from Nizhny Novgorod, so they received a notification in the "Orgkhime" located 400 km from the city.

At the enterprise, "they are negative about the idea of ​​halting production of hazardous industries, especially those that are far from the infrastructure facilities of the championship." "At the time of the championship, the company is ready to consider the possibility of temporarily suspending the activities of those production units, the stop of which will not lead to a breach of contractual obligations," specified at "Orgkhim." - With regard to industries that can not be stopped for technical or commercial reasons, we will develop a list of measures to improve safety in order to minimize the risks of occurrence of abnormal situations. The company is ready to cooperate with the regional government and the headquarters, which prepares for the championship, to continue the operation of the enterprise. "

The FSB's appeal to the Pushkinskoe breeding plant in Bolshoy Boldino, 200 km from Nizhny Novgorod, also looks unexpected. Igor Gordeyev, the owner of the company, explained to Kommersant that the letter concerns a small production of mixed fodders: "There is no question of stopping Pushkinsky. As for the work of the feed mill, which belongs to the category of potentially hazardous industries, we have prepared our response. I do not see any obstacles or additional costs. We are sympathetic to the work of the special services. "

In the FSB in the Nizhny Novgorod region could not clarify how many enterprises received letters and how much should be really stopped. They only assured: "We do not close anyone. There is a usual working correspondence with the leaders of legal entities: they themselves determine the mode of operation of hazardous industries. "

An expert of the chemical industry said on condition of anonymity that letters from the siloviki were received by all the large enterprises of Dzerzhinsk (most of the chemical industry of the region is concentrated around the city), but he hopes that the document is of a preventive nature and work with each enterprise will be carried out individually. Meanwhile, the amount of work looks great - similar letters should have been received by enterprises around the rest of the championship. In particular, "Kommersant" knows that the enterprises of Mordovia have already entered into a dialogue with the FSB.