The prosecution requested from 7 to 10 years of imprisonment for Moscow law enforcers

The prosecution requested for the Major-General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his three accomplices-werewolves from the FSB from 7 to 10 years in prison.
The Moscow garrison military court held a debate on the case of the former head of the Moscow Interior Ministry, retired Major-General Viktor Trutnev and his three accomplices - officers of the FSB. All the defendants of the criminal case are accused of having acted as intermediaries in extortion of a bribe in the amount of $ 70 thousand from the general director of the company "Transeco" Yuri Kornilov in 2017 for the termination of his criminal case of fraud. The prosecution asked the defendants for 7 to 10 years of imprisonment.

The debate of the parties in the case of Major-General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in retirement of Viktor Trutnev and officers of the Balashikha interdistrict department of the FSB Denis Semenov, Alexei Vinokurov and Arthur Yusufov lasted just over two hours. The representative of the prosecutor's office said that during the trial the guilt of all the defendants for the mediation in bribery (part 4, article 291.1 of the Criminal Code) was proved in full.

According to Kommersant's lawyer Mikhail Osherov, acting as a witness, the general director of Transeco Yuri Kornilov described in detail who, how and under what circumstances he wanted to receive $ 70,000 from him for stopping the criminal prosecution for a crime he did not commit. In turn, the defense side tried to persuade the court that the defendants realized their guilt, actively cooperated with the TFR, and therefore they were transferred from the pre-trial detention center to house arrests. In the opinion of lawyers, when convicting defendants deserve leniency and for impeccable service to their homeland. Thus, General Trutnev was awarded the Order of Courage and the medal of Zhukov.

Nevertheless, the state prosecutor proposed to sentence retired general Trutnev to 10 years in prison, and FSB officers Yusufov, Vinokurov and Semenov to appoint 8 and 7 years of imprisonment respectively.

The criminal case, which involved officers, the 51st Military Investigative Department of the Moscow Committee of Defense for the Arts initiated at the beginning of this year at the request of Yuri Kornilov. At that time, Mr. Kornilov was taking part in the fraudulent embezzlement case (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of 2 billion rubles allocated in 2011-2013 by RZD structures for the disposal of used railroad sleepers that were not fit for repacking. According to the version of the police investigation, the management of Transeco, having received the money, did not comply with the dismantlement of the sleepers. In his turn, the lawyer Mikhail Osherov believes that in this case there was not the very event of the crime, as the decisions of the arbitration courts proved that all the works on the utilization were carried out in full. "Therefore, we have every reason to believe that this criminal case was initiated with a view to the subsequent extortion of money from the management of OOO" Transeco "," the lawyer said.

According to the investigation, this circumstance was decided by the accused Chekists, whom Victor Trutnev reduced to the victim. During the talks, the investigators say, they offered the businessman to pay $ 70,000 to transfer "to other law enforcement officers" for stopping the criminal case. The announcement of the verdict is scheduled for July 18.