Last week's conflicts in Russia: Siemens and the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Last week in Russia one of the hottest topics was the problem of Siemens turbines, which had been sneaked into the Crimea quietly. The second most important topic was the search conducted by the FSB in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. It is believed that the FSB is trying to put this agency under its control.
History with Siemens has acquired the character of an international public scandal. The news of supplies of turbines to the Crimea, despite EU sanctions, appeared on Reuters tapes on July 5. The agency referred directly to several sources. A version appeared that the merging of information confirming the supply of Siemens equipment to the Crimea, journalists (or officials of the controlling bodies of the European Union) could have come from Power Machines. According to sources, the fact that the turbines were upgraded to the needs of Russian TPPs, including in the Crimea, was only known to a narrow circle of people from Power Machines, so a leak that equipment was on the peninsula could happen Only from there.

Siemens was at the epicenter of not only a reputational scandal, but also possible legal sanctions from the EU. The concern took the position to blame the Russian side, demonstrating contracts that prohibited the supply of equipment to the Crimea and some promises from the Russian President not to use German turbines on the peninsula.

According to experts, without the participation of Siemens, the delivery of equipment to the Crimea was impossible. Another thing, the German concern agreed that there are "modernized turbines" in the Crimea.

Representatives of Rostecha state that it is not permissible to talk about the supply of Siemens equipment to the Crimea and the violation of agreements. Turbines were purchased in the secondary market and underwent modernization - there were no import units and parts left in them. The question is to what extent the equipment could be "modernized" and constituted a "state secret".

What information, why and how, consciously or negligently, left the Power Machines and will constitute the subject of investigation. The problem is that all the people involved in the problem of the Crimean thermal power plants - the President, Chemezov, Kozak, Manturov - were under attack.

Meanwhile, Siemens began the procedure of lawsuits and loud statements about withdrawing from Russian projects. But there is no reason to speak about the departure of Siemens from Russia. Officially, Siemens left the business of Interautomatica, which supplies equipment to the Crimea.

Perhaps Siemens will stop contacting Russian Technologies, but will keep them with Power Machines, Russian Railways and oil companies. If, of course, Siemens is not subjected to severe pressure from Western regulators.

Last week, Roman Filippov was dismissed from the post of general director of Power Machines. The Mordashov group apparently managed to use all its resources to save Filippov from arrest and re-qualify the criminal case under the article "Negligence".

But this did not eliminate the conflict between Chemezov and Mordashov.

Perhaps the consequence will be the fate of Power Machines. At the end of 2014, rumors persisted in the market about Sergey Chemezov's interest in "Power Machines". However, the deal did not take place. Sources then pointed to the financial difficulties of Rostech, the beginning of the crisis, which allowed Mordashov, in fact, to fight back from the attack. In addition, a certain protective function was performed by the partnership with Siemens, which eventually enabled the implementation of the scheme with supplies of turbines to the Crimea. In the current situation Mordashov is more vulnerable. And even taking into account the fact that the power scenario against the general director of Power Machines was hampered (otherwise it would be more logical for Filippov to be arrested and accused), the risk of pressure from the siloviki on the company remains high.

Ministry of Emergency Situations, Shoigu and FSB

Once again, the struggle over the future fate of the Ministry of Emergencies intensified. The effectiveness of this structure, after Shoigu's departure, raises big questions. Minister Puchkov and his team are in a state of constant pressure from the siloviki. What is understandable in the context of the conflict of the Shoigu group with the power community.

It's no secret that interest in controlling the former estate Shoigu is shown by the FSB. In fact, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is one of the few structures where there are not a single FSB officer on the leading positions.

It is also believed that Rosgvardia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are interested in obtaining a part of the powers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Some time ago, there were talks that the Shoigu group had developed a project for the reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with the transfer of most of the powers to the Ministry of Defense.

Last week, FSB officers conducted searches in the Department of Development of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They were interested in documents related to the corruption purchase of hundreds of quadrocopters. According to the law enforcers, the cost of aircraft was 2 years ago exaggerated by the Ministry of Emergency Situations several times. The basis for the initiation of the criminal case was the results of the Audit Chamber's audit of the budget expenditures of the ministry when importing Chinese drones Phantom.