Ziyad Manasir

Manasir Ziyad (born 12 December 1965 in Amman, Jordan) is a Russian businessman of Jordanian origin, the founder of Stroygazconsulting. 

Ziyad Manasir's construction firm Stroygazconsulting has close ties with Russia's state-owned gas producer, Gazprom, which has been sanctioned over Russia's role in eastern Ukraine. The sanctions have cut into Manasir's business. But Stroygazconsulting has another big client, Rosavtodor, the federal agency behind road construction in Russia. Among Stroygazconsulting's projects: metro construction in Moscow, the Kolyma highway in Russia's Far East and various sports facilities. Manasir was born in Jordan, went to Russia as an exchange student and attended the Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute. While a student, he began buying and selling computers and cars, and he later moved on to trading yellow phosphorus, timber and oil products. In the mid 1990s he bought a construction factory in Tyumen and started building residences for Gazprom workers there.

Sberbank came into possession of President Plaza


The bank got it in settlment of the debt of 350 million dollars.

Save and preserve: what happened to Ziyad Manasir's construction business


In the spring of 2015, the former billionaire sold Stroygazkonsalting.

Save and preserve: what happened to Ziyad Manasir's construction business


In the spring of 2015, the former billionaire sold Stroygazkonsalting company. Forbes finds out why, and what does Ramzan Kadyrov's friend Ruslan Baysarov have to do with it. 

Claims of banks to Manasir and Baysarov's company exceeded 13 billion rubles


The Moscow Arbitration Court has registered two more claims to Stroygazkonsalting in the amount of 8 billion rubles, as follows from the court base. Among the claimants is Bank of Moscow. The total amount of claims against the company reached 13 billion rubles.

Ruslan Baysarov has not yet bought Stroygazkonsalting back


According to RBC, Ruslan Baisarov has not yet closed the deal to sell the controlling stake in one of the oldest "Gazprom" contractors, Stroygazkonsalting. However, the company may have been put for sale. 

Sergey Kelbakh: kickbacks on the roads?


After Ziyad Manasir's Stroygazkonsalting became the winner of the first stage of building competition of the Central Ring Road, the experts suspect that the owner of Avtodor Sergey Kelbakh is connected to the businessman, reported the specialists in the construction sector to the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

From Rublyovka to Cyprus


What's the reverse side of the toll highway?

Gazprom replaces the main contractor in Yamal


The new favorites have already been found. And they will get billions of dollars.

Billions buried under the asphalt: who's coining money on roads in the Moscow region


In the coming years almost 2 trillion rubles will be spent on roads in the Moscow region. Who would get the money?