Ruslan Baisarov became a controlling shareholder of Most construction company

Businessman Ruslan Baysarov increased his share from 25% to 56%. He needs the company for the project the government has no money for.
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Businessman Ruslan Baisarov, whose fortune Forbes magazine estimates at $ 0.9 billion, became the controlling shareholder of the construction company (IC) "Bridge". He bought from other shareholders of the company 31% of the shares, increasing its stake to a blocking stake to 56%, says an acquaintance Baysarov.

businessman spokesman confirmed the deal. According to him, the agreement on the sale of shares between Baysarov and other shareholders was signed on 14 of March. Baysarov and three of its representative became part of the "Bridge" the board of directors, and the businessman became chairman of the board.

Who exactly were acquired shares and at what price the interlocutors RBC did not specify. The company does not disclose the composition of the shareholders. Baysarov representative said that the remaining 44% distributed between one of the founders of the "Bridge" Vladimir Kostyleva, a member of the board of directors of the company, Sergey Sokolov and minorities.

General Director of "Bridge" Victor Friesen did not respond to calls.

Group of companies "SC" bridge "established builders of BAM Kostylev Vladimir and Yevgeny Sur. In 2012, 25% + 1 share (with an option to increase) bought billionaire Mr.ennady Timchenko. He planned to create a single holding, but the plans have not been fulfilled on the basis of its construction assets. In July 2015 Baysarov Timchenko bought out. The amount of the transaction parties not disclosed. According to SPARC, revenue "Bridge" in 2014 amounted to 31.7 billion rubles.

SK "Bridge" has participated in the majority of large public construction projects of the last decade. For example, to build a bridge on the Russian island for the APEC summit in 2012 (contract amount - 32 billion rubles.) And the combined highway and railway road from Adler to Krasnaya Polyana Sochi Winter Olympics (25 bln.). However, the last two years, things went bad: according to SPARK, the 2013 "Bridge" has concluded 15 contracts for 93 billion rubles, in 2014 - seven contracts for 5 billion rubles, and in 2015 - no... The company is among the three largest contractors for construction of the Moscow metro, until the fall of 2015, Deputy Mayor Marat Khusnullin not accused her of missed deadlines. Khusnullin promised to terminate the contract as soon as the "Bridge" has finished laying the tunnel on Kozhukhovsky line.

The data do not include contracts SPARK "daughters". Incoming in the UK & laquo; Bridge "Company" Stroy-Trest "is a major contractor for the reconstruction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. In 2014, she won the tender for the construction of a new branch of the Baikal tunnel worth 34.1 billion rubles.

When Baysarov bought a stake in the UK "Bridge" Gennady Timchenko, once said that the company he needed for the construction of a railway line Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino. According to the familiar Baysarov, these plans are stored and it is not excluded that the businessman will soon become the sole shareholder of the contractor. The road will connect Elegestskoe coal deposit, the license for which belongs to Tuva Energy Industry Corporation (EPDM, Baysarov controlled at 100%), with the port of Vanino in the Khabarovsk Territory area. Customer construction will EPDM. After gaining control of the "bridge" the first deputy general director of the company appointed Igor Freidin, occupying the same position in EPDM, says a representative Baysarov.

The cost of construction of the railway, ore-dressing plant and the terminalVanino Baysarov estimated at 235 billion rubles., about 25% of the businessman to invest on their own promises. In 2014 he applied to the Government with a request to transfer from the National Welfare Fund for the project 86.6 billion rubles., But the money is not received. Later Baysarov said it will build at the expense of bank loans, but did not name the banks with which the negotiations.

railway project envisages the construction of more than 120 bridges and eight tunnels. "While no company in succession has not received, we build ourselves, our own. But we publicly announced a tender shall indicate all conditions ", - noted Baysarov.

SK "Bridge" is not the first company engaged in the construction of infrastructure, which interested entrepreneurs from Chechnya. In late 2013 he bought for $ 4.8 billion in Ziad Manasira 30% "Stroygazkonsaltinga" (GTS), the largest at that time, the contractor of "Gazprom". Six months later, the businessman increased its share to 74.1%. However, do not get new contracts from "Gazprom", the company ran into financial difficulties, and in the spring of 2015 Baysarov Manasir and sold it to Gazprommbanku and investment fund UCP. The transaction amount was not disclosed. In Baysarov and Manasira remained GTS assets in development - four office center in the Moscow area of ​​320 thousand sq. M. m, but fully completed only one of them. Property owned and Baysarov Manasir equally.