Central Bank peeped into Webmoney through a bank

Webmoney users' money got stuck due to the Central Bank checking the settlement bank of the system.
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Undisclosed number of customers of the bank violated the rules for the withdrawal of money on electronic purses - are now suffering ordinary citizens.

Webmoney Users can not withdraw money from the Central Bank of checking the settlement bank of the electronic system. Although it ended, the regulator has hinted that will come back. Some pay for Internet at 1.5 years in advance, while others invent clever scheme to save money through the accounts of mobile operators.

e-payment system Webmoney Customers complain en masse to the inability to withdraw money at cards and bank accounts. When you try to transfer the money they see the message "Service not available" or an error notice.

The correspondent of "Fontanka" has tried to transfer 500 rubles with Webmoney account to his bank card, but also received an error message.

"Operations on the replenishment of linked cards / accounts are temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience "- among other things reported in your account. Support responded similarly: "The service is temporarily unavailable. Unfortunately, the timing of the resumption of work withthe Tools are not yet regulated. "

Members of the official Webmoney online now reside "in the deepest despair," and are seeking other ways to display or use the money. According to reports, the activities of many of them tied to the extraction of profit entering the wallet in the system. The discussions can be found examples of a client in an attempt to find a way out "paid Internet for 16 months." Other invited participants list for the year ahead for gas, electricity and water in the apartments.

Now among the most common ways to output - to accounts in other systems (. Contact, "Golden Crown", "Leader", "Unistream", etc.), although some users claim that this method does not work (there are also those whom he helped). Another option - to transfer to mobile operators due to the further transfer to a bank card, but in this case there are restrictions on the amount and various commissions. With Webmoney to the phone company "Beeline" through, for example, you can list no more than $ 100, but with the "Beeline" on the map - no more than 14 thousand rubles.. Some users offline Oudaxis to return the money transfer to the bank account.

Wrong withdrawal

The first reports about the issue appeared on March 9 and in the financial section of a specialized forum Searchengines explanation problem was still five days before. It turns out that the central bank carried out the inspection in Astrakhan Conservative commercial bank (the main settlement bank Webmoney) belonging to Muscovite Andrei Trubitsin and his wife Irina Klochkova. Trubitsin - the main founder of the firm "Computing systems" that developed almost all of the system software. His colleagues and himself in the 2000s, have been presented in the media as «Webmoney leaders in Russia", and then withdrew from the public field.

"Now the Central Bank of Russia carries out [in the conservative commercial bank] checks transfer of funds from legal. accounts for replenishment of WebMoney and cashing - says user forum Searchengines. - Legal entities came chain letters explain their activities in the system. sale WMR legal entities "has been stopped.

As follows from the data of the Bank of Russia, in February, the Central Bank doesHe spent "the planned thematic inspection" in the credit institution, but its results are not disclosed. "Test results will be taken into account by the Bank of Russia in the implementation of banking supervision of credit institutions, including the Bank of Russia in decision making as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation", - said in the meanings of the Central Bank reported.

According to the press service Webmoney "Fontanka", the Central Bank demanded that the credit institution to change some of its clients to legal entities, the order "the acquisition of title characters of WMR," ie credited Russian rubles belonging to them on the wallets in Webmoney. What exactly were the shortcomings of the process and why it is needed to change, the press service did not say. For the purposes of title units - similar spread in the 90s "in. e., "where the money is calculated corresponding to" ruble "(or exchange) purse. Legally titular characters - a kind of securities, which the user buys for real money.

"Recommendations of the Central Bank ... were aimed at improving the work with tools with WebMoneyto prevent [them] ... Part misuse customer [bank] has moved to a new settlement procedure and continue their normal activity ", - the company said.

The Webmoney refused to tell what part of the customers served by its conservative commercial bank, as well as the total number of customers. Total worldwide 30 million users each month who make 5.2 million transactions. At the end of 2014 they made operations of $ 16.6 billion.


In the specialized forums on the legalization of criminally obtained incomes of a large number of proposals for cashing affect virtually all electronic and payment systems - including Webmoney, «Yandex-money», Qiwi, - who control 85% of the Russian market of electronic money. However, in most cases, these proposals concern the withdrawal of funds, already caught up in these systems.

The central bank can not control the movement of money in Webmoney, as it is a foreign company is not registered in Russia and are not formally engaged in remittances. It is, in fact, is not in the registryCB (as opposed to "Yandex-money" and Qiwi), so the only means of influence on those who use the system, it checks the banks, of which the money comes in Webmoney.

transactional operations in the system are made through a "guarantee agencies", each of which deals with one type of electronic purses. In Russia, for example, WMR accounts (in rubles), Moscow-based company engaged in "BMP", headed by Sergei Sukharev - a former member of the Board of Directors of the Moscow Link-Bank, which the Central Bank in 2014 withdrew the license. The Bank has been involved in "suspicious transactions related to the withdrawal of money from the country's foreign trade contracts and transactions", as well as dealing with the issuance of cash to legal entities (in 2013 the amount of these transactions exceeded 20 billion rubles).

Between owner of the "BMP" Vladimir Charcot traced a clear link with the leaders of the Conservative Astrakhan commercial bank, where the Central Bank has come in February. He led the now defunct company "Evroinvest", a co-founder of which was the owner of the bank KKB Andrey Trubitsin. Many of Uss with firms that as a "Qualified participants" or other dignitaries membership in Webmoney system, providing various kinds of services.