Ruslan Baysarov replenished his harem

51-year-old billionaire, former lover of Christina Orbakaite, married an 18-year-old model.
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Recently it became known that the former civil husband of Kristina Orbakaite, an influential multimillionaire Ruslan Baysarov, married again. The 18-year-old Chechen model became Baysarov’s new wife, and the wedding with the girl was held according to Muslim traditions.

That is, this means that he did not divorce his previous wife, whom he married 11 years ago, but brought a young wife to the house, where there is another missive and full house for children.

By the way, the age difference between the bride and groom is 33 years. The girl Ruslan married is younger than Denis, his son from Kristina Orbakaite.

Alamat - a native of the village of Shali. After the news spread to the media, envious people who were not able to keep two wives under one roof began to scare the millionaire and publish excerpts from the Family Code :)

Star attorney Timur Marshani explained that everything is in order - everything is possible for Baysarov:

This event cannot be regarded as polygamy, because, most likely, the first marriage was registered in acts of civil status, that is, in the civil registry office, and the second marriage was religious, not requiring legal registration, ”Timur Marshani explained. - Moreover, the second wife, by law, has no right to property. Her children may inherit property, in the absence of a will, after the recognition or establishment of paternity

Before Alamat, for the last time, an entrepreneur married in 2009 to Madina Gaitayeva. Two sons are growing up among them - Amin and Amir.

Baysarov also has children from previous wives: Camilla’s daughter from model Tatyana Kovtunova, Dani’s son from Kristina Orbakaite, Elman’s son from model Alina Tsevina (because of an affair with her, a civil marriage with Orbakaite broke up), and Dali’s daughter from model Julia. The spouses of Baisarov agreed that the children should be brought up with him. Therefore, it does not seem unusual to them that the man brought his new wife to a house full of children.

Roza Syabitova commented on the situation as a professional matchmaker and Muslim:

The husband should not only be wealthy, but also obliged to give so much warmth and care to each wife so that they are happy with him. If a man does not fit these requirements, then he is strictly forbidden to take another wife. But in this case, the moral and legal aspects are not violated.

She also fears that their wives keep Baysarov in suspense with their showdowns, as in the series “The Magnificent Century”:

Muslim women - with character. One makes the brain, and then two wives, between them, of course, there will be a showdown. And we know how women can subtly fight each other. Remember what happens in the series "The Magnificent Century" - historical experience shows that it does not lead to anything good.

We remind you that Ruslan Baysarov is one of the richest people in the country. For the past 20 years, he has always been on the list of 200 richest Russians.

By the way, we remembered how many years ago Christina fought with her husband for her son. He absolutely did not want to give it to her, and Alla Pugacheva and Kristina sat on some talk show and cried, asking the country to help them. Now all the sorrows are over - the guy went through military service in Chechnya, then he went to study in Cambridge. He is already 21, he often visits with Alla's grandmother in Moscow and with Christina's mother in Miami.