Roskomnadzor filed a lawsuit on blocking Telegram

Roskomnadzor filed a lawsuit to the Tagansky court on restricting access to Telegram, according to the website of the agency.
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"Roskomnadzor on Friday, April 6, filed a lawsuit in the Tagansky District Court of Moscow with a requirement to restrict access to the territory of Russia to the information resources of the organizer of information dissemination in the Internet Telegram Messenger Limited Liability Partnership," the report said.

The Office notes that the reason for the claim was the failure of Telegram to act as the organizer of the dissemination of information. Representatives of the messenger stressed that their position on the requirements of Roskomnadzor and the FSB remains unchanged. They called them technically impracticable, as well as contrary to the Constitution of Russia.

The Supreme Court in March dismissed the claim of Telegram to the FSB. The messenger demanded to invalidate the order of the special service, on the basis of which he was fined 800 thousand rubles because of the refusal to transfer the encryption keys.

After that, Roskomnadzor notified Telegram of the need to comply with the requirements of the law and provide the FSB with encryption keys within 15 days. This deadline expired on April 4, but the messenger did not fulfill the agency's request.

Telegram replied to Roscommodzor that it would be technically impossible to provide the FSB with encryption keys for correspondence. The company explained that the service administrator does not have access to information, which makes it possible to decode messages sent in the messenger.

The creator of the Telegram, Pavel Durov, called useless threats of Russian authorities to block the messenger. According to him, the company will "adhere to the principles of freedom and inviolability of private life."