RBC investigation: who earns on the construction of the Moscow metro

The budget of 1 trillion rubles and the construction of 78 new stations before 2020: this is the development plan for the Moscow metro. RBC investigates, who earns in the construction of the subway in Moscow.
Origin source
The station "Kotelniki" opened in September 2015 with the fourteenth attempt, two years later than planned. Steel columns, maroon panel, shiny escalators, lobby without architectural excesses, but with ficus - in anticipation of the launch station, the passengers gathered at the freshly painted pavilion. I cut the ribbon at the entrance Sergei Sobyanin; Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov rapped welcome speech. Retired warmly thanked the mayor and photographed it on the phone. "Sergey Semenovich - straining elderly blonde. - Where would we be without the subway, God grant you good health! "

The city authorities are paying special attention to the subway: the head of the Moscow construction Marat Khusnullin promises to introduce 10 new plants per year, the total budget for the construction of up to 2020 will amount to 1 trillion rubles, while the number of new companies-contractors has increased several times.. Nevertheless, the construction of the Moscow subway can not be called smooth: repeated postponement of the entry station, the accident at the "Slavic Boulevard", the theft to "Shipilovskaya" - Metro News centerin the past few years.

RBC figured out who and how to build the subway.

Pride and concern

Over the weekend, the ground down to 7 million passengers on weekdays - more 9. "42 pairs of trains and 65 thousand passengers per hour -. Fantastic figures, a source of pride and concern at the same time as the lines are overloaded for a long time," - explains the director of the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport policy of the HSE Mikhail Blinkin. Any governor is one - promise new stations, says the expert.

In 2013, the campaign Sobyanin held under the slogan "The main thing - Muscovites!". Brochures with the scheme of new stations handed out to citizens - the new mayor relied on underground development. At a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev Sobyanin announced the figures necessary investments in the construction of the subway - 45-50 billion rubles. in year. In fact, spend even more: according to the Department of construction of Moscow, during the last four years the authorities have paid for work on the new stations to 411 billion rubles. During this time, the city opened 15 stations - mostlyelkogo inception. The cost of a kilometer of the tunnel at these stations - 4.5 billion rubles. Until 2011 in Moscow subway was built mainly deep foundations - the cost of 1 km then reached 7 billion rubles. Kilometer Madrid metro shallow, built in the 2000s, was worth € 62.5 million (2.2 billion rubles. At the rate for the year 2002, World Bank data).

When Mayor Yuri Luzhkov was for the construction of two new stations responded monopoly - metrostroevtsy of JSC "Mosmetrostroy" and the designers of JSC "Metrogiprotrans". Now - up to 20 companies, which hires a general contractor - JSC "Mosinzhproekt" Design Institute, created half a century ago, and reincorporated in 2010. Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Moscow government, until recently, the Institute has worked on a smaller scale - in particular, installed and serviced by sewers. In 2013 the company won the tender for the construction of new plants amount to 564 billion rubles. At the same time, "Mosinzhproekt" went to general contract of 5.9 billion rubles. for the construction of external engineering infrastructure of the innovation center "Skolkovo". ATthe nearest plans - the reconstruction of the Grand Sports Arena "Luzhniki" for the World Cup in 2018, worth 19 billion rubles.

Position Director "Mosinzhproekt" takes Konstantin Matveev, in the past - the head of OOO "Neftegasengineering". This company was the general contractor for the construction of an oil refining complex "TANECO" in Tatarstan, he was in charge of the process, the then Minister of Construction of the republic, and now the main builder of Moscow, Marat Khusnullin, head of the board of directors "Mosinzhproekt".

Matveeva he calls man, able to create from scratch a big deal, "Matveev built a petrochemical plant, over the past quarter century, the country did not build such plants. I took it to work, because with this plant built with it, because I was the head of the headquarters building of the plant. Matveev only able to manage a team of 15 thousand. Man. I trust him completely. " Former monopolists cares only profit Khusnullin explains, but "Mosinzhproekt" despises the construction of the metro.

His place Starteds interlocutor RBC "Mosinzhproekt" describes as "11 floors of effective managers." Holding on to him, hiring builders, enter into contracts and equipment purchases, denying additional earnings contractors. Yes, I agree Khusnullin "Mosinzhproekt" purchases to 40% of the necessary construction equipment, significantly reducing costs and the contractor is always short of money, it is a question of a long-standing and philosophical.

Older metrostroevtsy dislike "Mosinzhproekt", considering it a favorite toy Husnullina, explains the source of RBC in the construction complex in Moscow. "The guys who used to collectors in Moscow pulled, his dirty hands to climb our favorite subway, which we have built themselves a lifetime" - ironically the source of RBC in the construction sector.

The hard way metrostroevtsev

Subway workers' Mosmetrostroy "engaged in more than 80 years. "Since 1931 we have built a station 181 '- proud of the company's CEO Sergei Zhukov. Now his company is building 10 new stations and nearly 22 km of tunnels, the total value of contracts - 140 billion rubles. (Data Stroykompleksa).

The "Mosmetrostroy" complicated history and the difficult financial situation - crisis of 2009 reduced the company's revenue tripled to 10 billion rubles. in 2010. Then the Federal Property Management Agency put up 100% of shares of "Mosmetrostroy" for sale. Assets of interest to many: among applicants were not admitted NGO "Mostovik" Oleg Shishova and "E4 Group", owned by the Minister for "open government" Mikhail Abyzov. But the company has bought "Tsentrostroy" businessman Vladimir Kogan - for 7.6 billion rubles, three times higher than the original price..

But in 2011 Cohen sold the company at the same price the company's top management, led by CEO Evgeny Kashin: to make a purchase, he was credited in the Savings Bank and the Bank of Moscow. Cashin admitted to "Vedomosti" that "Mosmetrostroy" need financial help of her talks were held with Andrey Bokarev, co-owner of "Transmashholding", which supplies Moscow subway cars. In 2012 Bokarev bought a controlling stake in the company, and two years later with a partner Iskander Makhmudov consolidated 100% "mOsmtrostroya ".

Then Kashin quarreled with Khusnullin, refusing to build the station at reduced rates. According to the official, Kashin argued that kilometer tunnel should be a minimum of 7 billion rubles., While the contractor working on the verge of profitability. Khusnullin, who had experience in subway construction in Kazan, considered assessment overestimated. After the debate with the director Khusnullin "Mosmetrostroy" retired. Kashin has refused to answer questions on the RBC, adding that the agreement under which he left the company, provides a three-year non-disclosure of the details of the transaction. "I know too much," - grimly joked former director, offered to call back in a year.

Over 51% of the shares "Mosmetrostroy" Bokarev Makhmudov and paid $ 250 million, of which $ 200 million went to pay "Mosmetrostroy" debt Bokarev lamented in an interview with the "Company". The total amount of the transaction is unknown.

When in 2014 Bokarev Makhmudov and consolidated 100% "Mosmetrostroy" its accounts payable amounted to 29.5 billion rubles. and exceeded the annual revenue and net loss reached almost 850 million rubles. (SPARC information). Bokarev knew about debt and bought "Mosmetrostroy" with the "hole", relying on monopoly contracts, but "walk freely on the buffet was not given", I am convinced one of the bidders for the company's shares. "Andrew mistakenly believed that all of the contracts on a huge construction site will" Mosmetrostroy "- confirms other potential investors. Bokarev did not respond to questions RBC.

Now we are discussing debt restructuring and ownership structure of the company, told RBC VTB top manager and confirmed a source familiar with the situation in the "Mosmetrostroy". According to the latter, 49% of the company extends to the assignee of the Bank of Moscow, VTB Group, 49% will stay with Bokarev, and 2% get "Mosinzhproekt". VTB representative declined to comment. "There are different conversations, the final decision yet," - commented RBC Khusnullin evasively. According to him, Bokarev is doing everything to improve the company and correct the situation, and personally attends briefings on the station under construction, where, as expected builder goes to the helmet and swears.

& laquo; From any, even the most difficult situation, there is a way, until we manage to find a solution "- says CEO" Mosmetrostroy "Sergei Zhukov. But several officials of the Moscow government told RBC that the company delays the timing of delivery of objects. "They need a year to develop 40 billion rubles. While they were up to the task is not quite cope, "- notes Khusnullin. In most construction management "Mosmetrostroy" over the past year are regularly detained salary, told RBC several employees SMU. The biggest, a two-month delay in July, resulted in the strike, which was attended by more than 70 employees. As RBC Zhukov said "Mosmetrostroy" is working in accordance "with the agreed with the customer," schedule of doing the work, but "management SMU-5 has complied with all its obligations" on wages.

Beginners and experienced

Even five years ago, "Mosmetrostroy" had no serious competitors in the subway, only a couple of areas to work "Engeocom" and "Transinzhstroy". In 2011, the Moscow government announceda sharp acceleration in construction to the capital's subway pulled large holdings, contractors from the regions, companies from related industries and even foreigners. "We will not work with some monopoly, the market requires the rapid mobilization of a large number of contractors", - hard Khusnullin.

In 2011, Metro held contests only 17 billion rubles., Then transferred to the customer function "Mosinzhproekt". Most of the tenders for the plots allocated "Mosinzhproekt" in 2011-2013, on the public procurement portal to be found. The general contractor had prequalified companies then simply distributed volumes, he told RBC employee of one of the contractors. Khusnullin argues: Tenders may be submitted by any company that has a portfolio of orders and pre-qualification allowed to check all of the company and avoid one-day firms on technically complex and strategically important for the city areas. Under this scheme, bookings of more than 100 billion rubles. We received "Transinzhstroy", "Engeocom" UIC "Bridge", "Kazmetrostroy" and "Mosmetrostroy".

The second ofbemsya construction contractor, "Engeocom" began to build the Moscow subway in 2001. His first station - "Exhibition" - passed four years later. On account of the company has the most distant from the metro projects: for the Pope at the Vatican the Roman parking, tunnels in Hamburg and in Flanders, the strengthening of the royal castle in Krakow, Poland. The company was the general contractor for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi - the stadium "Fischt" and the Ice Palace "Iceberg".

He founded the "Engeocom" Michael Rudyak, a geologist by training. "Rudyak Sr. was a man of action, was friends with many people, that's all happened," - says the manager of one of the competing companies. In the 90 years Rudyak befriended Yuri Luzhkov, and has long been his adviser on public principles. In 2007 Rudyak died, the company now belongs to his family, and the eldest son of Ernest chairman of the board "Engeocom". Shots from Rudyakov not enough, but to build normal, says one of the competitors. The company has no shortage of shots, objects representative of "Engeocom". And he adds: "When will announce new tenders for the construction of the subway, we take part in them."

The third position in the list of major contractors USC takes "Bridge" Vladimir Kostyleva, Eugene and Ruslan Baysarov Sura. "Most" good building tunnels, but the subway was not able to gain the necessary competencies, management can not cope with the terms explained RBC Khusnullin. Check begun Kozhuhovskaya line will "Mosinzhproekt". Repeats the situation with "Kotelnik", which also started to build a "bridge" and launched "Mosinzhproekt".

Image contractor further tainted the accident on the stretch "Vykhino" - "Zhulebino": in 2013, two months before the delivery of the object in the tunnel collapsed soil - section length of 140 meters had to recover strongly pushing deadline station. Workers have forgotten to fix the ground and hit the "water bag" - so deformed tunnel, he says RBC is one of the members of the commission that investigated the accident. By the conviction Husnullina, the company presented a fine, but he does not remember the details. RBC source close to the company,tes that: the builders working "blind" because the customer did not have time to carry out geological surveys. "Bridge" is now completing a tunneling on Kozhukhovsky line and goes from early termination of the contract, said Khusnullin. The representative of the "Bridge" declined to comment.

The contract for 16 billion rubles. three stations Kalinin-Solntsevo line the company has received "Transinzhstroy": it is building the Moscow subway in 1955, on account of its 11 stations. Two RBC interlocutor in contracting companies and one source in the construction sector said that the company's management protects FSB: in particular, "Transinzhstroy" was in the works for a secret government tunnels under the code name "Metro-2". FSB Public Relations Center did not respond to questions about the RBC. According to the report "Transinzhstroya", 38% owned by the Federal Property Management Agency, the share of other owners do not exceed 2%.

Tver Court of Moscow on October 15 sent to the detention center deputy director of the "Transinzhstroya" Alexander Semin, the investigation accuses him of embezzling 313 million rubles. during the construction of the station "Shipilovkai. " According to law enforcement, Semin, prior agreement with subcontractors, deliberately overestimated the cost of work. The representative of "Transinzhstroya" refused to comment on the RBC.

"What they have there internal problems and who abducted - will understand law enforcement agencies," - commented RBC Marat Khusnullin incident, adding that "the government of Moscow it has nothing to do."

Station "Govorovo" and 3 km tunnels builds Tatar "Kazmetrostroy" (Kazan belongs committee of property relations). The cost of these works - 8.5 billion rubles.

Joint farming "Pauline" and "Olga"

With the start of construction of new power stations have collected all Metrostroiteley Russia, then made suggestions to companies from Azerbaijan, Belarus and Ukraine. "They have experience in subway construction, and there is no language barrier," - explains the choice Khusnullin. So the list of builders of the subway, there are three joint ventures established with participation of foreign companies; the total volume of contracts — more than 26.2 billion rubles. According Husnullina, create a joint venture offered the foreigners because they were subcontracted work unprofitable.

Without exception, the joint venture are arranged the same pattern: 49% owned by a construction company, 49% - "Mosinzhproekt" and 2% - the Bank of Moscow. The list of contractors - a joint venture with the Belarusian company "Minskmetrostroy", with a registered corporation in Baku Evrascon and the Ukrainian company "Interbudtunnel".

The joint venture created exclusively with foreigners, says Khusnullin but RBC found two joint ventures with domestic companies.

The first - "SP" Transtonnelstroy LLC. " Its CEO, Ukrainian mining engineer Vasily Pasika, moved to Russia in the late 80s for the construction of the LHC at the Scientific Institute of Physics in Protvino - says classmate Pasika on Krivoy Rog Mining Institute, his brother in law and deputy in "Transtonnelstroe" Viktor Panov. Under construction collider Pasika company acquired two six-meter board Lovat Canadian firm, which gave the names of Pauline and Olga [the builders have long beenI have a tradition to name boards female names]. Then the shield cost about $ 12 million. The construction of the collider died down at the beginning of the two thousandth years now, "Pauline" and "Olga" dig the ground under the subway.

"We built a stage of" Business Center "to" Kiev ", after" Sretensky Boulevard "and" Marino grove ", later received the contract for the Kalinin-Solntsevo line" - restores the chronology of events Panov. In 2013, the company received a contract for 5 billion rubles. for the construction of 1.3 km of tunnel and "Solntsevo" station. The contract for the construction of "Solntsevo" moved by LLC "Transtonnelstroy" of the same name joint venture, established in 2014 at the suggestion of "Mosinzhproekt": 49% of the company belongs to the lawyers, who, according to Panova, represent Pasika, 49% - "Mosinzhproekt" 2% - "Bank of Moscow". So the customer easier, and cheaper to control the builders, explains the logic of creating a top manager of the company.

The second joint venture, LLC "UK" IGC "(Moscow excavating company), was established in 2012" Mosinzhproekt "and the company" PGR №1 ". Hunullin said that the existence of such a company "not heard", but she has won several tenders "Mosinzhproekt" for relaying communications totaling almost 1 billion rubles. When Luzhkov "PGR №1» took part in the construction of a shopping complex on Moscow's Manezh Square and "Tsaritsyno" Museum. IPC main specialization - takeaway communication (tunnel boring it does not).

When construction complex came Khusnullin, contracts did not, says the company's top manager. Manual orders requested, as a result of the joint venture was set up, he added. "Mosinzhproekt" was beneficial to take us in the joint venture: first, is the control, and secondly - orders, says "IPC" top manager. "For two years, we have won several competitions, which was attended by other companies, so that lobbying is completely excluded", - said the source RBK.

"When we finish the construction of the subway, from the capital of the joint venture will come" - says Khusnullin. The purpose of "Mosinzhproekt" - to build a subway, but if the company will have a profit, shareholders, of course, divide it in half, etc.rogovarivaetsya head of all construction. "[These funds] really reduced urban subway construction costs," - he explains.

If "Mosinzhproekt" decides to withdraw from the capital of the joint venture, all property or divide the rest of the owners offered to buy out his share, it suggests the source of RBC in the IPC. On the possible the "Pauline" and "Olga" Panov is not intended: the shields are on the joint venture's balance sheet, but the construction of the underground program will last until 2025. It is about the division of the property does not go, confirming the representative building complex.

Friends and Colleagues

Marat Khusnullin, like many managers, to work comfortably with trusted people. "Mosinzhproekt" headed by his old friend Konstantin Matveev, "Mosekspertizu" in 2012 to approve all projects subway - Valeri Leonov. Before Husnullina appointment as head of the construction sector Leonov worked in the Tatarstan Ministry of Construction and after the former chief moved to Moscow. "A decent man, in the past - commando. In eqspertize need to be strong in spirit and not be afraid "- laughing Khusnullin.

The list of contractors RBC correspondent found construction companies connected with people from Husnullina team. In the 2000s, the head of the Moscow construction complex served as Deputy General Director of "Tatenergo" Ilshat Fardiev - it is mentioned on the website of the Tatar group of companies "Invent" as a person "involved a" GC formation in Tatarstan energy cluster. In 2014-2015, the company "Invent" group received contracts in excess of 3.1 billion rubles. to relaying communications in the Moscow metro.

Khusnullin confirmed that Fardiev knows, but denied its connection with the GC "Invent." Meanwhile, the current General Director of "Invent" Radik Motygullin in 2013 was the chief of a complete set of management "Mosinzhproekt". The ownership structure of "INVENT" opaque: according to SPARK, in 2012, 98.85% of the share capital controls "Broker-credit" Jan Wajda, who was formerly "Tatenergo" member of the board of directors of subsidiaries, and then was referred to only in a modest office withAdviser "Invent" general director. For a long time, "Invent" owned by big businessman Safayeva Marat, who, along with her daughter Fardiev, Alsou, Kazan has restaurant holding "Rubaiyat". Board of Directors of "INVENT" headed by his son Elbik Safayev. The representative of "INVENT" has not responded to a request to RBC.

Khusnullin that the company - a major contractor "Mosinzhproekt" not heard. "I know that he [Moscow] tenders involved, but for all do not watch", - he says. The annual volume of all construction investment -. 400 billion rubles, to track all contractors personally "physically impossible".

Until March 2015 CEO of "INVENT-Tekhnostroy" (part of "Invent") was a Roman Galaktionov, former head of "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Engineering Group." In 2013-2014, the company participated in 18 tenders for the construction of the Moscow metro, winning two by RUR 80.6 million., In 4 competitions for RUB 177.2 million. Commission recommended to conclude a contract with her. In 2013, the "SCA Engineering Group" owned by Damir Gazizova: in 2005-2006 he was a subordinateennym Husnullina Kazan and directed by the Office of Capital Construction and reconstruction of the city. In 2006, the Tatarstan prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against Gazizova: it was suspected that he had put pressure on the members of the tender committee for the tender for the reconstruction of the Central Stadium of Kazan. The prosecution failed to prove the guilt of Gazizova; in 2014 he re-submits Khusnullin and supervises management of civil construction in Moscow.

Overseas visitors

With the head of the Spanish company Bustren PM Jesús Trabadoy Khusnullin met three years ago. "We have invited the Spaniards, because they knew how great they are building subway, - says the official. - In Madrid, 120 km and 180 stations built in just 10 years. " Trabada, according to him, the man who created it all personally. "We told him, come to us to design, so he has come" - says Khusnullin.

We were invited to participate in the tender on a general basis, RBC said the executive director of "Bustren" Anastasia Mingaleeva. The contract amount is called a trade secret. « Bustren "projects a significant part of the Third interchange circuit and plot Kozhukhovsky line - according to the portal of public procurement, the design of the site was worth 811 million rubles, three sites TPK - 2.1 billion rubles..

Bustren PM exists since December 2011, according to Jesús Trabady page on LinkedIn. Before its founding Trabada was CEO of the Spanish MINTRA (Madrid controls the transport infrastructure) and headed Tres Cantos (responsible for planning and development of urban infrastructure). On the Spanish site Bustren reported that the company is mainly engaged in consulting and helps governments to cities, developing the metro network - in Peru, Argentina, Ecuador and Russia. Russian "Bustren" by 69.2% of the share capital is owned by the Spanish Bustren PM SL, 30,8% -. Sergei Groshikova director general (SPARC information). Bustren PM entered the capital of the Russian "Bustrena" only in October 2013, until that time, the proportion of directly owned Trabade.

Of the 14 projects "Bustrena" 2013 examination was only one source told RBC in the construction sector. "Each of our facilities is 1411 or more stages, for a certain number received a positive opinion ", - parried a company representative. The Spanish company designs station "European": a 10-meter tunnel in the center and on the edges of coastal platforms, told RBC Mingaleeva. For such tunnels "Mosinzhproekt" has ordered a tunneling shield of 10.4 m for 800 million rubles., Says Khusnullin.

He promises to finish the line, who designed the "Bustren", but admits that the designer will not be able to continue to work ". When the euro exchange rate has exceeded 55 rubles, the company ceased to be competitive." The official regretted that the Spaniards are going to leave, and adds that "if permitted by law, be invited to Trabadu" Mosinzhproekt "for the post of a Deputy Director General. Jesús Trabada RBC questions answered. The representative of "Bustrena" did not answer the question of the possible withdrawal of the Russian market, adding that "the possibility of increasing the participation in the program of the Moscow Metro" will depend on the ability to "Bustrena" "win or not wincontests "that announces the city.

Stations and dates

Construction of the subway can not be called smooth - for eight years, the city must build 78 new stations, but over the last four years, opened only 15. None of the stations were not open at the time provided the schedule of metro design and construction of up to 2020 (there is a RBC available). Khusnullin explains that at the start it was not a full design and estimate documentation: "We can only begin to build stations on those lines, that could prolong." Since 2016 we will take more than 20 km per year, and 20 km - about 10 stations, promises Khusnullin. But four RBC interlocutor in contracting companies claim that the construction of the stations, which are scheduled to open in 2020, for example, "Plyushchikha", "White Sea Street" and "Chelobitevo", postponed to 2025, and can be canceled altogether. Metro - a living organism, Khusnullin says, adding that these stations are not critical and will take a decision on them later.

First Deputy of "Metrogiprotrans" General Director Igor Uprman doubts that will be able to keep pace declared: Moscow - the city is very difficult and complicated geology of property rights. "Build as fast as it wants Khusnullin, it is impossible", - he said. In September, the head of the construction sector said the discovery "Salaryevo" delayed by six months. But the most striking example of the problems with the time - multiple transfers of opening the station "Kotelniki".

Construction began in 2011 on a plot of experimental field belonging to the owner of the automobile market "Avtogarant" Jan Rovner. Businessman planning to build on the experimental field of large-scale shopping center and offered to help in the construction of metro and transport interchange hub. The project Rovner, station exits were conducted in established businessman Megamall, where merchandised residents built their houses well. As explained RBC Rovner, a site of 20 hectares he purchased in the mid-1990s for $ 50 million, 3 hectares of which gave the authorities the gratuitous use of the construction of the metro. "At the preparatory work on the site at the metro station, energy, and I livnevkipersonally spent $ 10 million ", - says Rovner.

But the views of a businessman and "Mosinzhproekt" on the territory of the future went, followed by a series of trials. In 2012, the Investigative Committee of the Moscow region in absentia filed Rovner charged with fraud, attempts to bribe officials and the organization of a criminal community. A few months before being charged the businessman went to Europe, where he remains to this day.

In 2014, "Kotelniki" were almost ready, but until September 2015 to prepare all the documents builders could not. In the summer of 2015 he bought land from Rovner owner of GC "PIK" Sergey Gordeev. According to the company Knight Frank, Olga Kochetova, the cost of land can be up to $ 120 million, although Rovner says that the amount was "much less". "PIC" to build next to the "Kotelnik" transport hub, shopping center and commercial housing - construction finished in 2018, RBC said the representative of "peak". A similar project with shopping and entertainment center and residential areas "pic"I intend to implement in under construction" Salaryevo "station.

Moscow prospects

With two members of SMU "Mosmetrostroy" RBC correspondents communicate with the third attempt: Builders are afraid of publicity, several times changed venue and agree only to an anonymous conversation in the park. The conversation begins with a complaint by them and ends: the delay of salary up to several months, the salary itself constantly reduced - instead of 40 thousand rubles.. per month working now pay 30 thousand. Timing of delivery stations all the time shift, the builders do not have enough. Of course, due to the emergence of new facilities, our staff turnover will require highly skilled workers, he told RBC General Director of "Mosmetrostroy" Sergei Zhukov. To perform the tasks and ensure the proper pace of construction, it is necessary to use 55 thousand. Builders, explained RBC representative "Mosinzhproekt". In the coming years, he said, it planned to mobilize about 20 thousand. Workers.

The worst thing - when running out of money in the midst of construction activityand, says Mikhail Blinkin: "Now we are on the preservation of plants can not escape: the welfare budget, which allowed Moscow to actively build, yet ended." According to him, to build all that is planned, and many more will have to freeze construction until the end of 2016.

This year, argues Khusnullin, for the construction of the metro allocated 130 billion rubles, the reduction of this expenditure is not threatened:. "We went so deep in the underground, we have no room for complacency." The plans Husnullina - creation on the basis of "Mosinzhproekt" the city's largest engineering holding. According to the projects of construction department (there are at the disposal of RBC), in 2016, the state holding will be increased three times, up to 9 thousand. People, by the addition of new businesses and companies. In addition to the construction of the subway, will strengthen the design, development, logistical units, said RBC representative "Mosinzhproekt".

The statements "Mosinzhproekt" specified for the year 2014: the company's goal - to increase market share to 70% within the framework of targeted and investment program of Moscow in terms of infrastructure (paAIP howling volume - 400 billion rubles).. Revenue "Mosinzhproekt" in 2014 amounted to 84.4 billion rubles, net profit -. 1.9 billion rubles, the material incentive fund in the same year was sent to 90 million rubles, it follows from the statements of the company... "I'm not saying that" Mosinzhproekt "in 20 years will be the largest company in the world - as long as we have the task to build a subway and develop the area around" - said Khusnullin.

In developed around the underground area will attract private investors, he promises. "Gordeyev has been building in Kotelniki and Salaryevo, Agalarov - Myakinino, Mikail Shishkhanov [the company" Inteko "] interested and ready to participate in the design on Aminevskoe actively involved in this issue, Samvel Karapetyan [GC" Tashir "]" - encouraged by the building complex. The press service of "Inteko" RBC said they are developing a project of planning the territory adjacent to the TPU "Aminevskaya", taking into account the future interconnection with adjacent TPU. But it is neither the design nor the TPU construction company "Inteko" does not plan to engage in. representativeGC "Tashir" RBC confirmed that the company is interested in the construction of the TPU and is ready to become a partner of the Moscow government on this program. Several sites under the commercial building put up for the competition in October.

When asked whether the plans in the future to lead himself Khusnullin holding "Mosinzhproekt", an official raises his eyebrows in surprise: "Deleted. These thoughts in my head did not even come. " He adds that his place will donate only if there is "willing to fifteen-working day", which will convince the mayor that does the job just as well. And then, laughing Khusnullin he will his "hobby" - agriculture and animal husbandry.