In Moscow, by January 2016 it had been arranged more than 50,000 paid parking spaces in charge of their operation and administration fees from the parking state state institution "The administrator of the Moscow parking space" (CCU AMPP) transferred the city from 2012 to 2015, about 5, 8, billion rubles collected from the owners of parked cars, and half -. from parking fines of violators (see incision.). On the project itself paid parking spent for this time more than 16 billion rubles., According to the Department of Transport in Moscow. "The main purpose of the organization of paid parking - not generating revenue, and streamline parking, reducing the number of violations, creating a favorable, comfortable environment for pedestrians, motorists and urban transport", - explained the "Vedomosti", the press service AMPP.
Nevertheless, the introduction of parking lots the city authorities have emphasized that the funds collected through the municipal budgets in each area will be used for the implementation of the wishes of local residents for landscaping, reminds the coordinator of NGO "Blue buckets" PeterKumata. "But municipal councils deputies say that the council actually receive only a small part - and the spending without taking into account the views of residents," - he adds. "At the expense of the funds collected will long Lata hole in the budget, which was formed due to the introduction of paid parking of the project", - wrote in his letter to President Vladimir Putin at the end of last year, deputy municipal district Basmanny Eugene Budnik. "Vedomosti" learned how justified these complaints.
Additive for improvement
To launch a pilot project three years ago, Paid Parking, Moscow authorities immediately indicated, what will the money collected. At the end of 2012 it was issued a government decree "On stimulation of management areas of Moscow", according to which the council areas in the territory of which earned the first parking lot, got the right to spend 100% of the funds collected from the owners of vehicles parked there. This document allowed the waste obtained from the budget only for the improvement areas and repair homes. Later used listl expanded: money is allowed to spend on "improving pedestrian accessibility metro", and in 2015 - and even subsidies for the installation of barriers in the yards adjacent to paid parking. The subsidy is fixed at 50 000 rubles. - In that amount, according to the non-profit organization "Center for Urban parking space", manages the installation of the barrier.
However, the money under the law do not go directly to the council. First they go to the city treasury, and already from her government of the Moscow government program "Housing" translated budgetary allocations in proportion to income and number of residents of the area.
A complex calculation
funds distribution scheme looks quite simple, but keep track of how much money comes from parking lots and how they are spent, has been difficult, said the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow, check out last year's establishment and operation of a single parking space. "[Because of] the lack of access to the information systems of the data involved in the urban settlement system, can not be sufficient towarning light for the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of payments for paid public parking, - stated in the auditors' report. - So, the powers of the administrator of income are not fully implemented, including due to lack of sufficient information on the accrued and prepaid payments (organized exchange of information between the settlement participants). " Shall examine the activities and documents AMPP in 2014, examination revealed violations, affecting the quality of activities and shows that all allocated funds are spent as intended, all the comments were removed immediately after the test, the press service of AMPP.
But these institutions are really different from those indicated in the reports of relevant departments, noted "Vedomosti".
Thus, the press service of the AMPP reported that in 2014 transferred to the CCU Moscow budget 2.09 billion rubles. funds from the parking lots. Prefecture of the Central Administrative District, in his presentation (there in the ground and first paid parking was arranged) pointed out that in the same year the county council received 1.187 billion rubles. such income -.. ie, to 903 million pyb. less. In 2013, the budget of Moscow will target an article to encourage councils costs. It is filled at the expense of income from paid parking. Report of the city program "Housing", the budget which govern parking translated means confirms that it actually managed to get the same amount -. 1.187 billion rubles, with part of it - at the beginning of 2015 the missing 900 million rubles fate. could not figure out, "Vedomosti".
Come down to councils the money was spent mostly on the repair in yards, on playgrounds - install rubber coating and slides with roundabouts (only 626 million rubles.), As well as for the repair of balconies in buildings and pipes in basements (on 394 million rubles. ). Each yard project costs from 500 000 to 2 million rubles. All council in the Central District in 2014 published a report on the work with photographs "was" and "was". According to these documents, even appeared special label "Made with funds from the paid parking" on many objects. Since the beginning of 2015 the publication of the reports stopped completely. None of the councils told "Vedomosti" failed to explain what it is connected,osovetovav seek data on the expenditure of funds in the parking Prefecture CAO. In the prefecture said that the money from parking lots continue to be spent on landscaping yards and parks in the area, but the most accurate data on the amount of spending and the appointment of the money is in the departments of the Government of Moscow.
"The fact that no significant money from parking lots in 2015, we no longer received, the city took them yourself and determine how to spend", - he explained on condition of anonymity, employee of one of the central councils. Interlocutor "Vedomosti" said it right. "In such a difficult financial situation, as of now, the money is spend on the really important program, whereas if you ask residents of the area, they will require some small improvements - to whom the dog sites is not enough, and who require access to repaint, though it is not so repaired for a long time ", - he explains. As the city considers it appropriate?
Parking curbs replaced
In 2015, AMPP, on its own data, collected and transferred to the budget of 3.45 billion rubles. The revenue growth was mainly due to a significant extendediem paid parking, first to the Third Ring Road (TTC) in 2014, and since December 2015 they have crossed the border and TTC. At the same time, as the presentation of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow, the city council last year were to receive 2.18 billion rubles. parking revenues. That is, 1.27 billion rubles. less than the stated amount AMPP. In fact, according to the Department, for the 2015 article on councils incentives to municipalities was transferred just 436 million rubles., T. E. About 13% of parking fees. Why so few? "Last year, for the large-scale work on the improvement of the streets of the capital was made a temporary decision on the redistribution of amounts of stimulus funds councils areas", - he told "Vedomosti" representative office. Part of the proceeds collected from paid parking, as well as other articles are usually fully convey the council, - patents and taxes from rental housing - was designed to work on "updating the appearance of the streets," gave "Vedomosti" head of department of economic policy and city ​​development Maxim Reshetnikov. "What the EUs, in fact, it was not a loss of resources and their concentration on the performance of the same work on the improvement, but as part of a single set of measures ", - continued the official. As a result, according to the Department, 80% of the revenue from parking lots in 2015 -.. Ie, about 1.6 billion rubles. - Went to finance initiated by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin city program "My Street", providing for the improvement of the central streets and highways vyletnyh. Which street is to arrange well in 2015, Muscovites are elected through voting in the annex "active citizen". At 50 selected streets and tracks vyletnyh last year, new curbs, sewers wires removed in the sidewalks were widened installed, mounted boxes, and so on. Also in 1126 new parking spaces were created. However, on the part of the street improvement works, such as the change of the road surface, carried out just recently - a few years ago. Control and Audit Chamber of Moscow estimated preliminary budget program "My Street" in the 2015-2018 biennium. to 126.7 billion rubles. According to RBC, in 2015, "my street" wasIt spent about 21 billion rubles. Among contractors RBC program found three companies associated with people whose names coincide with the names of relatives of Vice-Mayor Pyotr Biryukov responsible for the execution of the program. These structures have received contracts for a total of more than 2 billion rubles. Assumptions about the relationship with contractors Biryukova family programs "My Street" - a lie, said spokesman Igor Biryukov Pergamenshchikov.
The challenge for the future
In 2016, all parking will return the money back to govern, and the advance and promised to "Vedomosti" Reshetnikov. According to him, last year the government has received a lot of proposals for improvement of the councils, municipal deputies and residents of the area, so the authorities have decided to return to the previous funding scheme. This list of articles that are allowed to spend the money, will be expanded, he added. According to plans of the parking department must bring the city in 2016 no less than 3 billion rubles. About 80% of this amount has already been received in the areas of Moscow in advance, and the rest will be transferred to the 15th of March. "The transition to the advance scheme - it is a challenge for AMPP needin any case do not provide a smaller volume of fees, and although, according to the forecasts, the existing parking potential to bring about 4 billion rubles, we will support the expansion of the theme park area in Moscow ", -. he told" Vedomosti "employee AMPP. Since 2016 the Department of Economic Development will not be separately set the size of the revenue from parking, and include them in the total amount of funds to stimulate the councils - together with income from patents and taxes on rental housing.