State order for Artemy Lebedev

The infamous blogger and designer earns tens of millions on projects financed by the city budget.
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On dismantling signage and facades Moscow cafe "Jean-Jacques" and "John Donne" designer Artemy Lebedev and his partners from the Moscow Committee could earn 18.3 million rubles. That's how much cost the development of "artistic conception appearance streets of Moscow", due to which the non-compliance under the sanctions were favorite places metropolitan hipsters, as well as hundreds of other catering facilities and shops. Also Lebedev Studio participates in the project on introduction in the Moscow metro outdoor navigation cost 117 million rubles.

"News" tried to find out how popular blogger Artemy Lebedev (known in the blogosphere as the Tema) earned by the capital budget.

August 19, the anniversary of the coup, the entire liberal public Facebook and LiveJournal in shock. The regulars fashion capital cafe "Jean-Jacques" and "John Donne" did not recognize their favorite places. By prescription of the city authorities the owners of restaurants were forced to dismantle the famous red panels and signage. As it turned out, they did not meet the architectural and artistic concepts inExternal Expansion street image that Moskomarkhitektura developed together with the studio Art Lebedev.

- Actually, my schools signage fits into the style of the capital's streets. So I would be here with Lebedev, with whom we are well acquainted, argued, - says co-owner of a chain of restaurants "Jean-Jacques" and "John Donne" Dmitry Borisov. - But since the authorities insist on a different format signage, we have decided not to resist and to obey.

According to the restaurateur, the dismantling and construction of a new facade, they will make at its expense. How much will cost him re-branding, Borisov refused to name. The cost is only a signboard with the name of the institution is 15 thousand. Rubles and above, explain the market participants, the replacement of all the places of design depends only on the imagination and the owner of the purse.

Under the roof Gupalo

External view of windows and facades of city authorities attended to at the beginning of last year. In February 2013, Moskomarkhitektura announced a tender for the development of architectural and artistic concepts of appearance 11 central streets of Moscow in a pilot mode.

In June 2013 Artemy Lebedev on his website said that his team has successfully developed the "design code" to the streets of Moscow, and thanked "the chief architect of Moscow Sergey Kuznetsov, and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow Tatyana Guk for the trust, comprehensive assistance and directly involved in the work on the project. "

During the work on the draft new regulations and requirements for advertising structures in the rear facades have been developed.

Now establishments signs must not be higher than 0.5 m and 15 m long. They can not be hung above the second floor, and on the facades of old houses built before 1962, the signs can be placed only in the form of individual letters and logos. Construction on the roofs of three-, five-storey buildings should be limited to the height of 1.2 m, while the height of the letters shop windows signs may not exceed 15 cm.

According to the Association of administrative and technical inspections (OATI) in Moscow, within the Garden Ring, this does not meet the standards of about 4.5 thousand. Signage and facades of shops, cafes and banks. Total Costst their modifications under a single style can be more than 400 million rubles.

- Moscow, as well as many other world capital, suffers from its lack of taste and confusion - a well-known architect Andrew Chernihov. - But bringing all to a single order of size, to a single spell - it's overkill, and contrary to the spirit of individual advertisements. Therefore, each street, each area should be a carefully crafted regulations.

Meanwhile, according to the site "Public procurement", the winner of the tender for the development of the concept to the streets of Moscow by 18.3 million rubles was subordinate enterprises Moscomarchitecture State Unitary Enterprise "Main Planning Authority" (SUE "GlavAPU").

In total last year, SUE "GlavAPU" signed with the Belarusian authorities 113 state contracts totaling 871.6 million rubles. Total revenue Gupalo amounted to 1.3 billion rubles.

How many earned Lebedev structure on the concept of creating the appearance of the streets and some projects even as a subcontractor involved his firm, do not speak in GUPe.

In Moscomarchitecture onteach operational comment about agency cooperation with Lebedev failed.

Meanwhile, on the website "Lebedev" the studio said that the company's designers are also involved in the creation of targeted navigation commissioned Gupalo and other projects of the Moscow Committee. However, as a rule, this work is based on the sub-contract.

However, as found out "Izvestiya", the Centre for the Coordination of designing complex accomplishment SUE "GlavAPU", which closely cooperates fashion designer, runs Alexey Guk - a relative of the deputy chairman of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow Tatyana Guk. The one that so often thanks for the cooperation on its website Artemy Lebedev.

- Participation Gupalo in such projects helps officials to evade uncomfortable questions, and to conceal the true executors of the order, - says Nikolay Perky businessman involved in Moscow tenders. - GUPy in procurement based on the 223rd federal law that allows you to engage subcontractors not openfrom competition, and at the request of quotations.

Designer All Russia

Artemy Lebedev, whose fans call him "the designer All Russia", was born in the family of the writer Tatyana Tolstaya and classical scholar Andrei Lebedev. He is considered the founder of one of the very first design studio in Russia. On account of the company's more than 2.5 thousand. Jobs, including corporate identity, books, magazines, signs, icons, graphics and physical interfaces, and websites.

However, Lebedev became famous not only as a designer, but also as a blogger, making shocking statements in social networks. He organized fotozhab competition for the patriarch of the ROC, obscenely criticized the work of his colleagues.

Meanwhile, around Lebedev's work also often flared scandals. For example, the web designer's portfolio appears first with the work that he allegedly did not exist for the customer and for the sake of profitable orders.

In 2011, the banker Oleg Tinkoff accused Lebedev studio in disrupting the timing of the work to create a new design of TCS Bank. This Tinkoff Lebedev exchanged public insultsonline.

In 2012, bloggers accused of plagiarism studio Lebedev: supposedly developed by the studio logo and corporate identity designers copied Gorky Park with the brand National Parks of New York Harbor, which unites 23 national parks in the vicinity of New York.

However, the scandals do not affect the business Lebedev. It still remains one of the most sought-after designers.

However, according to the ex-deputy of the Moscow City Duma and the head of the news agency "Mossovet" Yuri stroke, Artemy Lebedev, can not be an expert in the design of all existing routes.

- There is no dispute that in the design of websites Lebedev has no equal in Russia, - says Zagrebnoy. - But the architecture and the Internet - are two different things. I think that the appearance of the city must deal with professional architects, rather than specialists in internet projects.

Stroke reminded that not so long ago installed a sign in the garden "Hermitage" project Lebedev Studio has been criticized by the Muscovites, because it did not fit in with the historical appearance Karetnogo Series.

Gold "Tile & raquo; subway

According to the database "SPARK-Interfax," Artemy Lebedev is co-owner and head of 11 companies: LLC "DizaynRu", "ArtDesign", "Graphic design", "Studio web design", "design only", "Interdesign", "Studio Art . Lebedev, "" bold move "," Karmarket "," Industrial Design Studio, "" Poor Yorick ". Of these, in 2013-2014 three companies participated and won tenders for government contracts.

The company "Poor Yorick" for 1.5 million rubles in the order of the Moscow Department of Culture has developed the concept of social advertising and a series of posters on the year of Culture in Moscow. Another 1.5 million rubles Lebedev "Yorick" should receive this year from DK "Architects" for the development of a common identity for the institution.

Earlier, in 2013, another firm Lebedev, "DizaynRu", has received an order from "Gazprom energy" to 960 thousand. Rubles for the "execution of works on the development of wall maps for enterprise objects". Also in 2013 the company "Interdesign" in which the director reckonsXia Lebedev, won two tenders for 118 thousand. rubles for the supply of household goods of the Russian State Library for the Youth.

Meanwhile, on the website "Lebedev Studio" popular blogger talks about his participation in the much more expensive projects, which are financed from the budget of Moscow. For example, the studio has developed a design concept for outdoor signs 49 Moscow metro stations located within the Circle Line. Total project cost - 117 million rubles.

"At the end of 2013 in Moscow, a competition was announced for the design, production and placement of outdoor pointers Moscow subway. The specialists of our SRI decided that we should participate. The competition we went together with our partners-production workers: with us in the project - design outdoor navigation with partners - the production and placement of signs, "- said in a report on its work, which is published on the site studio.

The story describes in detail the preparation of the documentation for participation in the competition, in which the victory was won. However, according to the site "Guoprocurement »tender Moscow metro on" Right to sign the agreement to perform activities on the development of design projects, placing elements of floor graphics in the 49 stations of Moscow Metro "was recognized as not valid.

Notice of the beginning of the electronic tender was published on 10 January 2014. Applications for participation in the tender was given two companies - JSC "Triada-Holding" Ltd. and "Sid-Group". However, in early February during the summing up of their applications were considered non-compliant.

In the Moscow subway tell with whom was eventually signed by 117 million rubles contract, refused.

In addition to outdoor navigation Lebedev Studio on request "Mosinzhproekt" developed font for the inscriptions on the wall of the station track "Parks" Butovskaya line of the Moscow Metro, as well as make recommendations on the selection of materials and technologies for their production.

Lebedev also in 2013 won the competition to develop the underground circuit. Under the terms of the competition were designers Centre the instrumentthread work for free, having only the right to place its logo on the scheme.

Critics creativity Lebedev noted that his scheme, which participated in the competition, even before the announcement of the results appeared in the columns of the emergency call to the new stations of the Moscow metro - "Alma-Ata" and "Pyatnitskaya highway."

Artemy Lebedev himself said "Izvestia" that never discusses and makes comments about his work to journalists.

Art Director Discovery magazine, Anna Zhernakova designer says design business in many ways is very subjective.

- Earnings and rates depend largely on the name and fame of the designer and his ambitions - says Zhernakova. - For example, the cost of developing a single poster can range from $ 30 to $ 1 thousand suppose that Lebedev Studio prices are much higher..

- For project selection system that win competitions Moscomarchitecture, there are so many issues - said a member of the Moscow Union of Architects and Urban Planning Mark Gurari Council. - As a rule, all the final competitions are Collrytymi. They involve 5-6 of architect and designer bureau that seems to have been an open selection procedure, but much depends on the composition of the jury and personal preferences.

According Gurari, can not be excluded that sometimes the winner work and personal relationships.