Why Moscow sinks: how reconstruction of streets clogged drains

As RBC found out, the streets of Moscow, which were the most affected by a flooding during a rainstorm on July 22, had undergone a storm drain overhaul in 2015. However, during the implementation of "My Street" program, the storm drain was clogged by construction debris.
Origin source
The Perfect storm

The city authorities claim that the cause of flooding began July 22 abnormal rainfall. "This month, five days were short, but intense rains. During the rains, which lasted about an hour, drop 30-40% of monthly norm of precipitation, "- said Alexey site mos.ru Lyakhov, head of the management of meteorological developments SBD" Highways "(subordinated to the Department of Housing and Public Works of the Government of Moscow). However, the director of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Roman Vilfand sees no rain in the past is no anomaly. "There is no need to treat this as to something unusual. Well, yes, summer, rain, storms - this is a normal situation. It falls in July, the largest amount of rainfall, many Muscovites this discovery. July - the most "wet" month of the year ", - said in an interview Vilfand radio station" Moscow speaking ". According to the Hydrometeorological, climate rainfall for July in Moscow - about 94 mm. Last Friday, in various parts of the city fell from 18 to 38 mm of rain.

"Probably with livnevki do something still needed. wehiring some places, such as near Ostozhenka, not just heat a little. But this time was flooded and Manezhku and armor - this I honestly do not remember - said RBC Grigory Revzin partner CB "Arrow", dealing with the methodological support of the program "My Street". - We are looking at what could spoil livnevki during the implementation of the program "My Street". So far we found nothing, but there is one of the expert opinions that the water flows on the reconstructed streets faster and congestion can form stronger than before. "

Deputy Head of the Technical Department of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodostok" Alexander Zakharov told RBC that the cause of the flooding is not only deviant precipitation, but also construction debris. "But it is worth noting that most of the flooded areas where construction work [on the program" My Street "] are underway, - said Zakharov. - During heavy rain gutters clogged wells remains instantly tiles, packaging and construction sand. The problem areas are constantly on duty brigade, who were engaged in clearing manhos, but it was a lot of garbage. "