Moscow named the final cost of the Zaryadye park

Expenditures for the construction of the Zaryadye park near the Kremlin amounted to 14 billion rubles. This is almost three times more than was envisaged at the beginning of the project.
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Today, the authorities of Moscow called the final cost of building the facilities of the park "Zaryadye". According to Deputy Mayor of Moscow on urban policy and construction of Marat Khusnullin, it amounted to 14 billion rubles., RIA Novosti reports.

The initiator of the creation of the park near the Kremlin walls in 2012 was Vladimir Putin. Complex "Zaryadye" occupies 13 hectares between Vasilievsky Descent, Varvarka Street and Kitaygorodsky Passage on the site of the demolished hotel "Russia". International competition for the development of the architectural concept of the park was held in 2013, the organizer was the Strelka Design Bureau Alexander Mamut. The winner was recognized international consortium led by the American architectural bureau Diller Scofidio + Renfro. The construction of the park began in the summer of 2015 and was conducted entirely for the budget account. The main contractor was Mosinzhproekt JSC, which belongs to the Moscow authorities.

During the implementation of the project its value changed several times in the direction of increase. Initially, in 2013, Moscow's address-investment program (AIP) for 2014-2016 indicated that the state would spend 5.08 billion rubles on Zaryadye. By November 2014, the estimate increased to 12.8 billion rubles, which the authorities attributed to the need for building communications.

In September 2015, the newspaper Kommersant, referring to the press service of the state enterprise "Civil Construction Management" (KPS UGS), wrote that in the AIP for 2014-2017, already laid 13.3 billion rubles. to finance the "Charge". But even then the sources of the publication noted that the estimate of the project could grow to 22-27 billion rubles. Sources of the publication explained that additional funds were needed to dismantle the stylobate part of the hotel "Rossiya" that stood on this site and build an underground parking lot for almost 500 seats. In addition, as RBC told a source in the capital construction complex, in the process of implementing the project, it was amended. In particular, there appeared the so-called "floating bridge".

Five articles from the budget for the "Charge" *

1.845 billion rubles. - equipment for a concert hall located on the territory of the park (mechanical equipment of the stage and the stalls). Another 608.409 million were expenses for electroacoustics of the concert hall; 432.033 million - for stage lighting.

746.856 million rubles. - multimedia equipment for the objects of the park zone (the attraction "Flight over Russia"). Another 444.001 million was required for the purchase of multimedia equipment for mediahall.

180.574 million rubles. - development of the project concept, project and working documentation for the concert hall of philharmonic music for 1,5 thousand seats.
9 million rubles. - Development of corporate style "Charge".

370 thousand rubles. - the alienation of exclusively the right to the result of intellectual activity - a graphic image of the logotype of the park "Zariadye".
* Data from ongoing public procurement in the framework of the park construction project

Officially, the authorities did not comment on the cost of the project. At the end of May 2016, the head of the Department of Construction of Moscow, Andrei Bochkarev said that the total cost of the park will be determined in the summer. However, in December 2016, RBC announced to the press service of the department that this would happen "after receiving positive conclusions from the Moscow Expertise on all launch complexes of the park zone." At the request of RBC in the press service of the Complex of Urban Policy and Construction in Moscow (Stroykompleks) in the final week before the opening, they also refused to disclose the final value of Zaryadya, saying that it will be announced at the official opening of the park on September 9.

On the site of the Construction Complex it was noted that "Zaryadie" should become "an open-air museum where the city itself is a permanent exposition," that is, the buildings in the neighborhood constructed from the 16th to the 20th century "that can be called a living exhibition around the future of green space." The project of the Diller Scofidio + Renfro bureau was based on the principles of "landscape urbanism", which creates a system of interaction between nature and the city. The concept of the park provides for the reconstruction of landscapes of the main climatic zones of Russia. The whole territory of the park is divided into four climatic zones: mixed forest, northern landscape, steppe and flooded meadows.
In the park there is an artificial glacier with an area of ​​220 square meters. m, as well as a media center. Inside the latter is an attraction offering a virtual flight over Russia. In the spring of 2018 in Zaryadye Philharmonic will open with an area of ​​23.6 thousand square meters. m.

Despite the preliminary concept of "Charge", in February 2017 the authorities decided to hold a competition to develop a socio-cultural concept, as well as financial, management and communication models of the park. Then the general director of "Charge" Pavel Treleb explained this to RBC by the need to "verify and detail the figures based on international experience." The main task was to "systematize the priorities of the development of the park, develop a business model of its commercial infrastructure and describe all the processes of its activities. In the technical specification it was stated that the company should study the best foreign practices, in particular the experience of Central Park and Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York, Millennium Park in Chicago and Gardens By the Bay in Singapore. Its author was the architectural bureau Citymakers, which previously developed the concept of the failed park "Russia". With a starting price of 17 million rubles. Bureau Citymakers agreed to perform work for 16.15 million rubles.