Putin's colleagues occupied 126 cottages

Cottages in the Moscow region, previously on the balance of the KGB, were transferred to senior FSB officers.
Origin source
High-ranking veterans of the KGB and the FSB received 126 real estate in the Moscow region, which were on the balance sheet of the KGB of the USSR. This is stated in the report of the center "Dossier" "Lubyanka Federation. How the FSB determines the politics and economy of Russia ”, which was reviewed by Open Media. The property was privatized or bought at a price significantly lower than the market price - like dilapidated housing at a residual value, the center’s representative explained to Open Media.

Generals of the special services took ownership of former service dachas in the Odintsovo district, Malakhovka, Tomilino, Korolev and Khimki in 1999-2004, writes the Dossier, citing data from Rosreestr. Later, most employees sold the property, earning a large income. The Center "Dossier" relied on the calculation of the archival data base Rosreestra in the Moscow region, which were at the disposal of the center. “Open Media” selectively checked this information, received extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (and also sent a request to the FSB Public Relations Center.

The lists of generals from the central office of the FSB who "needed" to improve their living conditions in the early 2000s were made by the director of the special service, Nikolai Patrushev and his deputy Viktor Ivanov, the Dossier source in the presidential administration said. The lists were then amended by Igor Sechin, deputy head of the presidential administration, and approved by President Vladimir Putin. “The generals spent hours in the waiting rooms at Patrushev and Sechin and asked for the KGB dachas to be allocated to them, they were filthy, they wrote slanderous words to each other. Anyway, there wasn’t enough for everyone, there were a lot of offended people, ”recalls the source of the“ Dossier ”.

Which of the FSB generals got the KGB dachas

Real estate in one of the most prestigious villages of Rublevka - Gorki-2 (Odintsovo district), was obtained, for example, by Yuri Yakovlev, who in 2008-2016 headed the FSB economic security service. Yakovlev’s declaration has never been published, and so far nothing was known of his property. In the summer of 2016, Yakovlev was dismissed, as his subordinates were at the center of the scandal due to criminal cases involving smuggling. Yakovlev left his post following two inspections conducted by employees of the FSB’s own security department in the economic security service units, an Open Media source told close to the intelligence agency. After that, Yakovlev went to work at Rosatom.

The residence in Gorki-2 went to Yakovlev in 2001, it follows from the data obtained by the "Dossier" of the Rosreestr for the Moscow Region. Now on its site with an area of ​​3070 square meters. m is a house in 196.4 square meters. m. At TsIAN, cottages of similar parameters are put up for sale for about 50 million rubles. Yakovlev himself does not appear to be the owner of real estate: like many other high-ranking veterans and current special services officers, the Russian Federation is indicated in the extract from the USRN as the owner of the house and land. But, as "Open Media" was convinced, according to the same USRN, the owner of this property has not changed since 2001.

The former first deputy director of the FSB and ex-head of the Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Cherkesov, received a summer residence in Gorki-2 near Yakovlev, and Alexei Pushkarenko, ex-head of the FSB’s department of economic counterintelligence, in the neighboring village of Zhukovka, writes Dossier.

A few years later, Cherkesov's cottage was resold to a chain of offshore companies (the New Times described this scheme in detail), and then went to Krasnodar companies and now belongs to the Kuban businessman Yuri Antipin, it follows from the USRN data, which was studied by Open Media. After his death in 2018, the house of Pushkarenko passed to his wife and son Dmitry, who served as managing director of the Corporate Business Department of the Russian Regional Development Bank (part of Rosneft).

In the village of Pokrovskoye near Zvenigorod, from 1999 to 2003, 20 departmental special missions became the property of high-ranking security officials. Among the recipients of real estate is Yury Nyrkov, the former head of the FSB personnel department (until 2016, he served as deputy head of the Investigative Committee). In the old-time Malakhovka, 25 former KGB special operations units went to influential intelligence agencies, including Andrei Chobotov, who now heads the president’s anti-corruption department. In Khimki district, security forces privatized 32 special missions.

In 2015, Novaya Gazeta wrote that FSB real estate operations brought significant income to senior security officials. So, in the mid-2000s, FSB generals, including its director Alexander Bortnikov, sold land on Rublevka, which previously belonged to a recreation camp for children of KGB employees. It happened like this: according to the decree of the government, the land was transferred to the ownership of the Odintsovo district municipality, and then - for free urgent use of the Kalchuga 4 summer cottage non-profit partnership created by the FSB officers. Soon, an area of ​​almost 5 hectares was divided into 22 plots. 20 people received plots with an area of ​​18-20 acres, as well as an equal share in two plots with a total area of ​​108 acres. Then they sold the land, its owners generated approximately $ 2.5 million each. We bought the land of the structure of billionaire Igor Kesaev.

Long List Example

The story of the KGB’s real estate privatization is just a small part of the Dossier’s report on the structure and activities of the FSB. In its study, the center came to the conclusion that over the past ten years, this intelligence agency has taken control of almost all state institutions.

“The president, to whom the Federal Security Service is directly subordinate, directs it not only through the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, but also through individual representatives of various units within the special services. Thus, a multilevel FSB control system has been created. At the same time, the president is increasingly relying on information received from the FSB. Employees and representatives of special services with direct access to the president often use this for personal commercial and hardware interests, ”the study emphasizes.

In addition to the president, the FSB’s activities are influenced by people from the inner circle of Vladimir Putin - the head of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, the chief executive officer of Rosneft Igor Sechin, the general director of Rostec Sergey Chemezov and others, the authors of the report say.

“Representatives of the FSB systematically participate in corruption and often organize and lead what the special service is called upon to fight, especially in the banking sector. Almost the entire market of illegal banking operations is under the direct control of the FSB and brings significant profit to certain groups of special services officers and representatives of their “clans,” the report says. As an example of such systemic corruption, the authors of the study cite the case of Colonel Kirill Cherkalin, the case of robbery, which are used by FSB special forces, and other high-profile crimes.

The FSB, as the authors of the report note, is subject to not only systemic, but also unsystematic corruption, when security officers use their position to earn extra-working income. As an example, the "Dossier" cites the words of a source connected with the FSB, which names the prices for services of operational-search nature: for $ 10 thousand a day it is proposed to establish surveillance of any person; for $ 15 thousand a day - organize wiretapping. The minimum order is from 10 days.