The US imposed new sanctions against Russian companies

The US Treasury announced the inclusion in the sanctions list of three other Russian companies, which, in the opinion of the agency, are connected with the FSB.
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The message, which is published on the website of the US Treasury, states that the St. Petersburg companies Digital Security, Davetechnoservice and FSUE RI Kvant are included in the sanctions list and are allegedly all linked to the Federal Security Service.

Digital Security is a consulting company in the field of information security. "Divevtekhnoservis", according to the information posted on its website, specializes in all types of diving equipment, diving equipment, rescue and underwater technical work, diving equipment and tools.

FSUE "Research Institute" Kvant "is engaged in the development and maintenance of electronic computers and complexes for special and civil purposes.

In addition to them, Embedi and Erpscan companies registered outside Russia were also included in the sanctions list, which, according to the US Treasury, are linked to Digital Security.

The sanction list was supplemented by three natural persons from Russia. We are talking about Oleg Chirikov, Vladimir Kagansky and Alexander Tribune from "Divevtekhnoservis".

The last major package of US sanctions was introduced on April 6. Then, the agroholding "Kuban", Basic Element company, EN +, GAZ Group, Gazprom Drilling LLC, UC Rusal, Rosoboronexport fell under restrictions.