Internet-shop "" suspended work due to searches of the FSB

The Internet shop suspended work against the background of searches.
As the "Kommersant" found out that the Internet shop "" stopped the work, it was conducted by the FSB of the Russian Federation. The company has worked on the market for more than 15 years. Questions to it more than once arose and the other players, and industry associations, and analysts. But stopped to serve shoppers shop only after reports of carrying out in her office of investigative actions with the seizure of electronics and other goods.

The Internet-store "" reported on the suspension of work. "The shop temporarily does not work. We apologize for the inconvenience, "read the announcement at the entrance to the only issue point of the company in the street Masterkova, to which people approached. In the office of "" in Moscow, searches are conducted, TASS reported on Monday with reference to a source in law enforcement agencies: "In the shop" "on the street Masterkova are being investigated. Law enforcers remove accompanying documents for goods and electronics. "

In the GU MVD in Moscow, "Kommersant" was informed that they had nothing to do with the searches. It should be noted that the police repeatedly conducted checks and searches in this company in the early 2000s.

Another source of Kommersant reported that this time the check was conducted by the FSB of Russia.
Get a comment in the FSB, as well as in "" on the phone listed on the site, failed.

"" has been working since 2002. Alexei Konyshev confirmed to Forbes magazine in 2013 that he is the founder of "". Then Forbes included "" in the rating of the most expensive Runet companies with revenues of $ 60 million. In 2016, "" also entered the top 100 of the largest online stores according to Data Insight and was on the 88th place with an indicator of revenue from online sales of almost 1.3 billion rubles.

In the registration data on the site "" the LLC "Aleko T", created in April 2017, is indicated. Its only owner is Tatyana Konysheva, it follows from the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Since June, "Aleko T" twice changed the CEO, since July 17 this position is occupied by Olga Krapacheva.

Activity "" has repeatedly been criticized by other participants in the market of trade. " yurlitsa live one year, after which they are buried," wrote Dmitry Alekseev, the founder of the online DNS store, on July 6. "I can assume that such a price, a left check and an absolutely black legal entity speak about the probability of constructing a scheme for the uncovering of money and the smuggling of goods," he noted. "" divided the goods across the country to the manufacturer, which allowed the seller to justify a lower price for goods, followed from the publication of 2011 on the site of the leading analyst of Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin. "In real life, there is not a single such production, and in fact," "deliberately and brazenly deceives customers," the material says.

In 2014, the Association of Internet Trade Companies (ACIT) recognized the online store "" not corresponding to "standards of customer service ACIT". During the control purchase, she found, in particular, that the website "" does not contain information about the return rules and the specific delivery dates. In addition, the store refused to return the goods at the first request of the buyer, only after a repeated appeal, follows from the material on the website of ACIT. At the same time, "" is not included in the ACIT, which unites the largest participants of the online trade market.

"As far as I remember, in fact, in due time we analyzed whether the requirements of the law were fulfilled by the most popular online stores, among which was" ", but it did not pass the test. Couriers traveled with checks punched in advance, they did not accept cards. This is prohibited by the law on consumer protection, "AKT President Artem Sokolov told Kommersant. In January 2016, "", as Kommersant wrote, participated in the sale of "Cyber ​​Monday", its co-organizer was ACIT. In the same year, "" was negotiating to join the association, but did not file an official statement, the source of Kommersant notes, familiar with the situation.