Ex-owner of "My Bank" Gleb Fetisov is detained

The billionaire, who returned from abroad to answer the questions of investigators, may be arrested in the near future.
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The former owner of "My Bank", the ex-senator, chairman of the party "Green Alliance - People's Party," Gleb Fetisov (№55 in the ranking of 200 richest businessmen of Russia on the version of Forbes, the state - $ 1.9 billion) was detained, the official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Vladimir Markin Friday, 28 February.

Fetisov is suspected of committing a crime under part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale). According to the investigation, as a result of illegal actions for the withdrawal of assets of LLC "My Bank" has not fulfilled obligations to depositors, and their obligation to repay the sum of more than 6 billion rubles were assigned to the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Billionaire tonight came from abroad, specifically to cooperate with the investigation, so that his detention is strange, says the chairman of the central council of "green alliance" Mitvol. According to the politician, to put pressure on Fetisov such methods are major influential investors "My Bank", in which a revocation of the license from a credit institution "hungand "contributions to hundreds of millions of rubles.

A source from the list of Forbes richest businessmen familiar with Fetisov said that the influential contributors of "My Bank" really have the resources to provide Fetisov pressure from the Investigative Committee.

A source close to the Central Bank of Forbes said: "The main complaint already announced by the Bank of Russia:" My Bank "make loans that do not generate cash flow statements and forged. All this took place with the knowledge of Fetisov, so the Bank of Russia raised the question of bringing him to justice. Details of the transaction will investigate TFR ".

In early December Fetisov sold the "My Bank" group of investors, among them the owner of GC "Nikokhim» Mikhail Baranov and several people with lobbying resource: former head of the Russian Federal Property Fund, the developer Vladimir Malin and former deputy chairman Rinat Setdikov. Fetisov amount of the transaction were not disclosed. Two of Forbes said the banker, billionaire sold the bank for 1 ruble, but a man surrounded by Fetisov is denied. Less than two months after the change of ownership at the end of January, the credit institution has lostlicense. The Bank of Russia "hole" in the balance of "My Bank" was rated by more than 10 billion rubles. In the language of economists, "My Bank" was "zombie bank" in spite of the negative equity, he continued to work and even to grow thanks to the trust of creditors because of the support guarantees. Such guarantees to depositors in 2007 gave Fetisov personally (read more: zombie bank: when and where the money disappeared from the "My Bank" ).

Reported issues of "My Bank" liquidity appeared after the release of Fetisov. They are linked to the common problems encountered in the banking market due to several reviews of licenses, which the Central Bank carried out after a change in leadership. But after the deprivation of "My Bank" license deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov said that the problems in the credit institution began before the change of ownership.

Fetisov claimed to have lost because of the withdrawal of the license for more than 2 billion rubles, which were kept in the accounts of "My Bank". In early February, the billionaire said that he could file a lawsuit against the new owners and managers of the bank withRequired for him to compensate the loss. One of the victims of the reviews of "My Bank" license also was a famous film director Nikita Mikhalkov (№1 in the ranking of the most highly paid stars of Russian cinema, according to Forbes, the revenue - $ 2.5 million). According to the newspaper "Vedomosti", the director kept in the bank 200 million rubles own funds and 100 million rubles under its control structures.

In late February, the newspaper RBC daily, citing sources reported that the Bank of Russia appealed to the TFR to check the actions of Gleb Fetisov and other top managers of "My Bank". According to the newspaper, the Central Bank was interested in credit agreements entered into by the bank in the past three years, with companies with signs of fictitious activities. The official representative of the TFR and the Central Bank did not comment on it.

Gleb Fetisov, for nine years he was a member of the Federation Council, and its assets while managing partner. The crisis of 2009 Fetisov handed over the senatorial mandate to focus on business. In an interview with Forbes, he said that a rich man after the 1998 crisis, "as it seize an opportunity." "Now ocheednoy crisis, and I can not afford to lose time ", - he explained.

But in 2013, the billionaire has decided to return to politics. In particular, he was nominated as a candidate for the election of the governor of Moscow region and the mayor of Moscow, but was unable to pass the so-called municipal filter. At the end of the year Fetisov began selling off its assets. Business - it is an excellent target when going to the opposition, he said. Due to the urgency and the unsuccessful sale of "My Bank" Fetisov autumn could lose billions of rubles (read more: Cash $ 2 billion: billionaire Gleb Fetisov sold all ).