Peace to your domain

Coordination Center .RU / .RF is prepared for nationalization.
Coordination Center (CC) of the national domain, managing domains .RU and .RF may go under the control of government agencies. As the "Kommersant", its technical features and financial flows to be transferred to "Rostelecom" NII "Voskhod", "GIPROSVYAZ" or SRI radio, while KC is, in fact, remain representative functions. The desire to transfer the powers of state bodies KC, the work which did not arise claims for 15 years, can turn destabilize the Russian domain industry experts have warned.

KC reform discussed in the end of July at a meeting in the Ministry of Communications, told "Kommersant" several sources familiar with its outcome. The meeting was attended, including representatives of the Federal Security Service, Ministry of Finance, the Federal Tax Service, Roskomnadzor. KC proposed "virtually eliminated" in favor of the design formulated in the so-called bill of the autonomous system of the Russian Internet, according to a source "b" familiar with the plans for the reform of the CC. Document, in particular, defines the critical infrastructure elements such as points exchange traffic with networktie, and so on. d.

"The authorities have decided the technical functions of KC and TCI (Technical Center of the Internet, 75% of the share capital is owned by the CC, 25% - Fund development of the Internet, serving the main registry and registration system of national domain .RU, .SU domain .RF and ensures the smooth operation of the domain address Russian segment interneta.- "b") and the financial flows passing through them to redistribute "- knows the" Kommersant "source. According to him, there are four main contender for something to get the powers of the CC: "Rostelecom" SRI "Sunrise", "Giprosvyaz" and SRI Radio. "Russian presidential aide Igor Shchegolev lobbies option of" Rostelecom ", Deputy Head of the Ministry of Communications Alexey Sokolov - with NII" Voskhod ", - says the source" b ".- From the point of view of the authors of reforms, it is pure commerce, business, who want to learn." Discussions as such was not, in fact, all participants were put before the fact, adds another "b" source.

Finally, according to sources, "b", is preparing a replacement and the current Director of KC Andrei Woroevu. By December 2016 it may change the partner of law firm "Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners" Stanislav Puginsky. Mr. Vorobiev at the "Y" calls are not answered, the company "Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners" declined to comment.

If this scenario is realized, the need for KC in the form in which he has worked for all these years, will disappear, and it will be just a formal shell, according to the source "b" familiar with the outcome of the meeting. "At the same time it will avoid a re powers KC", - he added. The fact is that now is an agreement between the Ministry of Communications and KC management domain zones .RU and .RF. A redelegation is fraught with destabilization of the domain industry and, in particular, the problems with the US by ICANN, which is the administrator of the domain name of the global Internet. "Changing the legal structure of KC is not discussed", - said "Kommersant" on Wednesday, the press service of the Ministry of Communications, refusing to comment further. In "GIPROSVYAZ" declined to comment, at the Institute of Radio, RI "Inprogress "," Rostelecom "and Roskomnadzor on request" b "is not answered.

KC serves as the administrator of the Russian national top-level domains .RU and .RF (currently more than 5 million domains in .RU zone and more than 850 in tys.- .RF zone), is engaged in the administration of domains, ensuring the technological development of their infrastructure and the development of regulatory documents, accredited registrars.

Founders KC to December 2015 were Public Association "Association of documentary telecommunication", a non-profit union of operators online, a regional organization "Center of Internet technologies" and the Russian Institute for Public Networks. In the summer of 2015 the corporate conflict erupted in KC. Founders KC decided to change the charter, according to which the supreme authority was KC general meeting of founders, not an elected advisory council, which includes including the representative of the state. As a result, Andrei Kolesnikov, who served as director of the CC in March 2009, replaced the communications director of the Internet Development Institute Andrei Vorobyov.

In November of 2015and the Ministry of Communications together with the development of the Internet Research Institute (IRI) were included in the KC founders. "At the same time changes were made to the charter and for the six months taken regulating the activities of the General Meeting of the founders and Board documents. Now senior KC controls work, taking into account the views of all the founders. It should also be noted that in those documents regulating the activities of the Board designated as the veto right of the Ministry of the founder, representing the state ", - said the press service of the CC. "The technical center Internet services Register .RU, .RF only technically and any other orders did not arrive yet", - reported in the company.

At KC have regular income from TCI: The Foundation of Internet Development and KC receive "130 million rubles. annual license fees ", said in an interview with" Kommersant "in March 2016 TCI CEO Alexei Platonov. "In areas .RU, .SU .RF and about 6 million with a small domain names. Users pay registrars on average 500 rubles. for the extension of the domain of action for a year. 500 rubles. multiply by 6 million, we get the turnover in this sector - 3 billion rubles. Hal income is considered to be too easy - 70 rubles, which we take to the Registrar for registration or renewal of domain actions must be multiplied by the 6 million, that is 420 million rubles, "-.. he said.

Today the work of the CC as a potential operator "key element" of infrastructure Runet - pure example of the "bicycle, which should not be repaired, because it does not break up and goes," says the expert of the PIR Center Oleg Demidov. According to him, in terms of technical feasibility insistence ogosudarstvit KC unclear. Serious incidents of violation of access to resources in domains .RU and .RF, in the history of this country domain was registered.

In international practice, control of critical information infrastructures and critical services the state sets for private operators to the system requirements, sometimes quite hard, but not ogosudarstvlyaet them. "For example, the management of post and telecommunications in Sweden convert and provides operators for the cost of the former military underground bunkers with backup energy channelsgo- and water to accommodate the critical infrastructure elements, such as switches, the DNS-servers, rack data centers, "- gives the example of Mr. Demidov.