Profitable passenger: who builds transfer hubs in Moscow

The Moscow government is ready to spend hundreds of billions of rubles on transfer hubs projects. However, not all investors will be able to capitalize on the construction.
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"What is built on a" planar "? It's quiet horror, there is a bus stop should be held sideways, - Director of the Institute of Transport Economics and transport policy the HSE Mikhail Blinkin critical of the first Moscow transport interchange site, opened in 2011. - Get a shopping center. "

Since 2011 there is a new program for the construction of transport hubs in Moscow - a huge covered bus shelters that allow passengers to change seats from the subway or train to the bus or tram in a comfortable environment. The Moscow government was going to build 255 TPU worth more than 300 billion rubles, actively attracting investors' funds. It was planned that the first "sobyaninskie" TPU will start to appear in 2013, but until now no one there. Despite the loud statements, program of construction of the TPU is stalled.

Why? "Professionals do not have. Some went abroad, saw and decided: let's, we will build - says the owner of a large real estate development company. - Naplanirovali, and money is not present. " social securityForbes ednik in 2013 found that the transport hub designed to land belonging to him where he was going to build a house. The businessman managed to transfer TPU from its site.

The problem is that for the design hubs meets several departments. "There is some confusion - says Regional Director of Business Development, Vladimir Sergunin Colliers International. - In the "single window" would be easier. " What is meant? TPU in the station area, on Railways lands are managed by its subsidiary "PB-Metro". 31 bus shelters planned to equip the stations of the Small Ring of Moscow Railway, after passenger traffic will run on it. "This is the most simple TPU", - says the first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Transportation Hamid Bulatov. Meets Russian Railways joint venture for them and the city of "CIT". TPU in the composition of the existing metro stations are the responsibility of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro" under construction plants - JSC "Mosinzhproekt". Each of these departments in their own way to workie with investors, and some people inside the Russian Railways, for instance, is opposed to making the passenger CIT.

According to the CIT Michael Goloveshkin of 31 scheduled on the ring TPU only 10 are of interest to investors. The rest will have to build on the budget money, the source in the Railways Forbes believes that this will be money in Moscow. Moscow is planning to exhibit the finished projects TPU investment competitions such conditions about: 1 sq. m technology node premises allow the investor to build a 3 sq. m of commercial real estate.

Difficulties arise when a transport terminal is being built at the intersection of the interests of several departments.

Matching items may take years. "A more simple circuit is obtained if the TPU are located on land owned by private owners - said Elkhan Kerimli, CEO of Essence Development, which is building two TPU on private land. - If it is in the municipal or federal property, the process becomes much more complicated. "

What you need to TPU it was built? While the authorities Mosks not lose hope on private money, the site should be attractive to investors. "All investors say: we want to build housing - says Hamid Bulatov. - It's a simple story, built and sold, it is not necessary to wait for payback 10 years. " "If allowed to build around the TPU housing, it would be interesting," - said General Director of MR Group Roman Timohin, agree with this five top managers of real estate companies that have confirmed their interest in the topic of TPU, but has not yet made concrete steps.

The authorities in Moscow RZD and structures have not been able to carry out any competition to select an investor for the construction of the TPU. However, some of them already working - mainly through the efforts of private entrepreneurs.

Atlas Shrugged

Several years in the experimental field in suburban Kotelniki was vygorozhena fence section. According to the plans of the Moscow government it has in 2013 here was to open the subway station as part of the transport interchange hub. However, the Muscovites could not negotiate with the owner of the site - an honorary citizen of Kotelnikov,the owner of a large automotive market "Avtogarant" Jan Rovner.

Yang Rovner told Forbes, which planned to build a TPU in this area since 2001 and coordinated by the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Moscow region government extension of metro line in Kotelniki. In 2009, when the authorities were still Boris Gromov and Yuri Luzhkov, Rovner received approval documents for the construction of the shopping center, which would lead exits from the underground - actually TPU. "We had a mutual understanding with the governor," - says the businessman.

However, when in the two metropolitan regions of change of power, mutual understanding has been lost. Rovner explains that he could not proceed with the construction of its shopping center, until it was ready to metro station. Moscow authorities, who are funding the underground construction, argued that resists Rovner allocation of land for construction of the TPU. Head of the Moscow Construction Department Andrei Bochkarev declared in 2014, which is almost ready station "Kotelniki" may simply conserve, because the project she Maugeronly work in conjunction with the TPU and its nowhere to build.

By delaying the timing affected not only builders and local residents. At two sites in the neighborhood to sell apartments in the residential complex "The park" and "White Dew" GVSU company "Center". The brochures stated: 100 m to the "Kotelniki" metro station. Sellers explained to buyers of apartments that the station will open in 2013, then - in 2014, but to explain it became harder and harder. Co-owner and chairman of the "Center" GVSU Board of Directors is Mikhail Cherkasov, who has worked in the investment company "Rosbilding" Senator, co-owner of GC "PIK" Sergey Gordeev.

In the summer of 2014 in the media reported that the owner of the problem area in Kotelniki changed and now the construction of the subway and TPU nothing prevents. It turned out that the land from Jan Rovner bought himself Sergey Gordeev. "He has more money, it is larger, - explains the reasons for the sale of the site Rovner. - He'll do it [build TPU] faster and better. " Rovner speaks about Gordeev as "honest and decent & raquo; man. Did the once at the conclusion of the transaction and the long-standing acquaintance Gordeeva Cherkasova? Rovner refused to talk about it.

Sergey Gordeev through a representative confirmed that Rovner bought 14 hectares of land near the "Kotelniki" stations and will build a shopping center here, TPU, office complex and housing. "An interesting new format - Work with the traffic flow," - explained the businessman his interest in this subject.

The amount of the transaction was not disclosed, but according to Gordeyev, the total investment in the two TPU belonging to him, "Kotelniki" and "Salaryevo", will be about $ 500 million.

Plot TPU under construction near the metro station "Salaryevo" in the New Moscow Gordeev bought earlier, and now it attracted Essence Development Company builds there TPU area of ​​430 000 sq. m shopping center. Settings "Kotelnikov" more modest - 310 thousand square meters. M. "Now both objects are in the stage of obtaining permits and design," - said Elkhan Kerimli.

Sergey Gordeev in 2010 sold its portfolio of readybusiness centers for more than $ 800 million, and it can afford to experiment with the format of real estate. But there is a businessman who agrees to finance the construction of TPU on Moscow soil. Co-owner of development group "Pioneer" Andrei Grudin plans to build a TPU and 166 000 sq. m of commercial real estate, including a shopping center and apartment hotel, near the metro station "Botanical Garden" and the future station CIT "botanical" in the north-east of Moscow. What about housing? The fact that the "Pioneer" is building the neighborhood residential district «Life Botanical Garden" area of ​​200,000 square meters. m and is already selling apartments in it.

The head of the Moscow construction Marat Khusnullin previously told Forbes, that the GC "Pioneer" urges the city to the development of the documentation for the TPU "Botanical Garden". According to him, "Pioneer" will necessarily go to the competition because their capitalization object depends on what next to it will be expensive and subways. Planned investments "Pioneer" - 12 billion rubles, according to a CIT, the competition should be held no later than III quartla 2015.