Holiday for half a billion: how much Moscow authorities will spend on City Day

City Day will again cost Moscow more than half a billion rubles. The holiday one weak earlier than the parliamentary elections will be the most expensive Moscow even in a year.   
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All weekend, Sept. 10-11, in Moscow will operate 212 sites, which will host more than 1 thousand. Events, according to the program of celebration at the City Hall site. Festivities will broadcast 30 video surveillance cameras and for the Muscovites earn 200 points of free Wi-Fi. On Saturday night, the townspeople look festive fireworks, and on Sunday, September 11 the city authorities promise to the first parade of urban art. The parade will last for three hours on the Garden Ring will be 675 units of harvesting techniques and emergency services. And along the Crimean and Pushkinskaya Naberezhnaya proplyvut boats, jet skis and fire-rescue vessels, showing the work of water cannons.

For the organization of the festival in Moscow structures placed orders totaling more than 580 million rubles., Follows from the tender documentation on the public procurement website. Officially, the Moscow authorities the amount of the cost of the celebration is not called, a spokesman for the mayor Gulnara Penkova did not answer the question about the holiday RBC value.

City Day - the most expensive city event in 2016. For comparison, the Victory Parade at RBC estimated cost of 210 million rubles. Festival "Moscow Jam" was estimated at 100 million rubles, which caused a discussion of controversial decorations festival "Moscow Spring." -. 190 million rubles, and the organization of the festival "Moscow Ice Cream" has cost the city authorities in 104 million rubles.

Fruit head and pointe shoes: the main contractor objects Moscow festival

Last year the City Day cost was slightly less: RBC estimates, the municipality has spent about 500 million rubles. In 2014, the feast called the price of 250 million rubles.

Calculations RBC this year include expenses for the dispersal of clouds (89 mln.), But do not account for the entire amount spent on the festival "Moscow Cinema", which will be held in Moscow from 9 to 18 September and will partly overlap with the Day of the city.

The most important of the arts

The most expensive article of the year - the organization of cultural events. The total amount of contracts for them was not less than 363 million rubles.

The entire theme of the holiday is associated with the film, and gradually flow into the city day festival "Moscow cinema". Tverskaya Street will turn into an open-air studio, he promised the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin. The street will be installed thematic expositions and art objects from the Soviet and Russian cinema, announced the mayor's office. Muscovites will show scenes from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation", "Pig and shepherd", "War and Peace", "Night Watch", "dudes" and others. Sites will visit actor playing in these movies. In Gorky Park will show a movie and theater performances in the open air, kinotematikoy related events will be held at 50 venues in Moscow.

The largest contract for "the organization of cultural events," won the company "Gingerbread", awarded a contract for 79 million rubles. by GBU "Moscow Fair". The terms of reference of the contract stated that the company should provide decoration celebration points, summing up the electricity and cleaning areas. The company operates since 2014 in the last two years she has won six tenders - from the Moscow mayor's office, ENEA and GBU "Moscow Fair". The representative of the "carrot" Margarita Kondratieva asked to ask questions about the company's work in writing and at the time of publication of the material did not respond to them.

Kinotematikoy celebration of the city will not be limited. Thus, over 5.5 million rubles. Kremlin riding school should show performance 24 riders, reflecting the theme of the 750th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, the value and features of Cossack culture. At ENEA pass vcepocciycky fectival enepgocbepezheniya "# Bmecteyapche" monuments will "read" the poetry and performances by musical groups will be organized in the parks.

Emoticons and toasters

The second item of expenditure costs on - an ornament of the city. For this purpose, the Moscow authorities will spend at least 125 million rubles. City Hall has already chosen a holiday symbol - luminous numbers 869 in the colors of the tricolor. Decoration of the Central Administrative District of flags and decorative designs will cost 6.4 million rubles. Volume decorative design "Coat - Tricolor" only two places - Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Novoarbatsky bridge - worth 13.5 million rubles.

"Mossvet" became the main customer for the execution of works on installation of flags and volumetric decorative designs "Trivizhual" and the song "Moscow congratulatory stand" on the total amount of 67 million rubles.

The city will be decorated for the most part with fresh flowers: in the tender documentation of several tenders stated that the amount of artificial plants shall not exceed 30% of the total weight of the ornaments.

In the evening on September 10 Muscovites will be able to see the points of the 32 fireworks for 17 million rubles. Basically fireworks are allowed into the parks. They themselves were customers of fireworks. It Babushkinskiy recreation park, the park "Sokolniki", Gorky Park, Lianozovo Park and others. Evening sky light up with fireworks in the form of emoticons, lilies, daisies, peonies and dahlias, the website of the Moscow government. It will be a salute to the colors of the tricolor and the last fireworks will be a lot of gold and silver waterfalls.

Muscovites will not be left without gifts. According to the tender documentation, to the Day of the city council decided to donate some of the residents of humidifiers, electrical kettles, blankets, sets drinking utensils, containers for food storage sets, tea sets, T-shirts, flags, pennants and flag. 865 thousand. Rub. spend district board Chertanovo North on gifts to residents who, according to the documentation of procurement will be to organize the sale of tickets for entertainment, cultural events. District board Khoroshevo-Mnevniki give residents 400 toasters in the amount of 677 thousand. Rub. District board Shchukino give residents taking an active part in the life of the district, juicers, food processors and pancake makers to 447.8 thousand. Rub. Total gifts to Muscovites to leave 6.9 million rubles.

Hidden purchases

Half of the contracts for the City Day in 2015 concludes state autonomous institution "Moscow Directorate events" (MDMM), founded by the Moscow Department of Culture: 500 million rubles. 155 million were distributed MDMM.

This year, the budget allocation to the City Day takes much more structures. MDMM kept leadership on costs, allocating 155 million rubles., But none of the tenders the organization did not contain references to its name holiday. All are equally called "Provision of services for the preparation and holding of cultural events", the words "City Day" is not contained in the terms of reference. What is a contract, it is clear only from the date of execution of contracts - there stated that the services needed by the Moscow authorities is 10 and 11 September. The rest of the competitions initiated by other organizations - from the state unitary enterprises to the district authorities.

In 2015, almost all of the activities carried out within the framework of the organization of the Moscow City Day, organized MDMM or without competitive procedures or without tendering, says Deputy Director of "Transparency International - Russia" Ilya Shumanov. In 2016, apparently relying on close attention to the conduct of trading in the organization of leisure activities for children and the tragic consequences of Karelia, Government of Moscow, it was decided to conduct the selection of bidders through open tender procedures at least in terms of trading, he says. But in the analysis of procurement there are doubts about the reality of competitive procedures: for example, often become winners of individual entrepreneurs with no experience in the performance of government contracts. In addition, says Schumann key mass customers Moscow City Day - are autonomous institutions, state public institutions, public enterprises, whose spending occur at not quite transparent and competitive scheme.

Closer to the elections

Traditionally, the city festival held in Moscow in the first weekend of September, but this year, Sobyanin signed a law to postpone the celebration for the week ahead. Thus, the largest festival held in Moscow last weekend before the election of the State Duma. Officially, the Moscow authorities have explained the transfer of the fact that the first weekend of mourning coincided with the dates, including the Day of the Beslan tragedy and the anniversary of the terrorist attack in Buinaksk. According to the authorities, how to celebrate the Day of the city, decided Muscovites themselves on the portal "Active Citizen".

Subject matches the City Day celebrations with the dates of the tragic events in Beslan raised before, said political analyst Yuri Stroke. In 2005, the anniversary of the tragic events in Beslan, the Moscow authorities have canceled a part of the activities in 2011, the main celebrations were also held not on Saturday, 3 September, on the anniversary of Beslan, and on Sunday, 4 September. Date City Day celebration was moved closer to the State Duma elections on September 18 to the end "to add positive" campaigns, political consultant disagrees Valentin Bianchi. "This is a classic biggest festival in the region under the voting day, which is organized by the authorities. It has even been shown in the film "Election Day", - he says.

If the cost of the holiday celebration is not increased compared to 2015, it has reduced costs, taking into account inflation, says Zagrebnoy.