God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev buy up Moscow Oblast

Company affiliated with God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev buys up elite land plots near Moscow.   
As it turns out, an office, close to the company "Kiev area" Year Nisanova and Zarah Iliev, wants to build apartment complex in Barvikha. 8000 sq. m will occupy apartments, 3000 square meters. - Boutiques, restaurants, offices and a supermarket. It should be noted that the owners of "Kiev area" - Nisan and Iliev this year won first place in the ranking of the largest owners of real estate in Russia by Forbes magazine! The turnover of the company amounted to an astronomical 1.3 billion dollars.

Businessmen belong scandalously famous shopping mall "European" near the Kiev railway station, Trade Fair Centre "Moscow" in Lublin, hotel "Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya" and others. But the scandalous is not only their TK, and biography. There is a common business with the "thieves in law", friendship with the leaders of the CIS countries, traders' Cherkizon "and the other set of modern billionaire 2000s.

Unclean hands on traders?

In August this year made public correspondence became famous Moscow businessmen Aram Gabrelyanov and Nisanova years. The occasion was shown last autumn story on the TV channel REN TV about the searches in the food warehouse of Food City, which possess Nisan. Security officials revealed gross violations in the sale of alcohol. In particular, it implemented without a license, and the alcohol itself was of dubious quality!

Recall that Nisan bought one of the largest shopping projects in Moscow - a complex "Lotus City" in the Kaluga road. The project brings together retail, office, hotel and warehouse areas - in the long run more than 1.5 million square feet. m. Investment in this facility is estimated at $ 2.5 billion. It is said that the transaction was carried out in the shortest possible time, and almost immediately after the clean-up operations in the shopping center "Moscow" in Lublin (November 25 where more than 700 people were arrested) and the market " Gardener "(a week earlier there detained about 600 people), which belong to Messrs Nisanovu and Iliev. The source pointed out that this is not the most favorable for business acquisition.

Iliev and Nisan could get the market "Gardener" is not easy - there moved to Cherkizon traders. Together with them, we moved to a new location and the established order.
When space and "Gardener" was obviously not enough, Azerbaijani businessmen have started construction of the "South Gate" at the 19th kilometer of the Moscow Ring with multilevel parking, and bus station for visitors "shuttles". Chadyaschie old buses with numbers predominantly southern regions, loaded with bales and trunks, stretched, and at the 19th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, turning it into another "damned" the place for motorists.

No Europeans

complex "European" was built in 2006. Its construction was accompanied by scandals and public concern. Underground parking complex was built in risky proximity extending underground subway tunnels, that at any moment could lead to disaster. It should be noted that under the construction site of the "European" was illegally park in the center of Moscow, and he turned out to be a complex erected in the water protection area - in close proximity to the bed of the Moscow River. All claims of Rosprirodnadzor and other regulatory bodies have been successfully developer ignored.

At least until 2011, when replaced by Yuri Luzhkov, Sergei Sobyanin decided to include the share of the "European" in the program of privatization of municipal property.
As it turned out, this is not possible, since the city for some reason does not belong to a third area of ​​the center, but only their 10th part. How did it happen and who of the officials did not pay attention to it, to find it was not possible.

As a result of the scandal, the mayor's office appealed to the court. The parties agreed that Iliev and Nisan recognize the disputed area in the country with their subsequent redemption, thus taking full control of one of the largest shopping complexes in Europe. But observers noted that such preferences have no "kickbacks" impossible. In Laksheri segment highlanders businessmen were realized construction of the shopping center "European" in the area of ​​the Kiev station. It is no secret that Nisan and Iliev were persons, particularly close to the family of the then Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov and his wife Yelena Baturina. So the problem is easily solved ...

But in the same 2006 Nisanova name again appeared in the center of the scandal associated with the construction of the "European" shopping and entertainment center under construction company "Kyiv area" Nisanova on the square in front of the Kiev railway station. Building of Rosprirodnadzor wanted to test, as the future of the hotel car park had to stay in the water protection zone of the Moscow River, and the building itself could threaten the Fili metro line.

Then the deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol, together with the deputy of the State Duma Sergei Mitrokhin, and. about. Deputy Prosecutor of Moscow Dmitry environmental Kavyshkinym and State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein tried to get to the construction site of the shopping center, but they were not allowed employees Chop. Plywood door by sliding the window in which Hinstein stuck his fingers, they damaged his hand, then poured on the heads of the assembled concrete dust. According Nisanova, at that time all his staff just went on vacation.

Mitvol and Hinstein sent a written statement to the prosecutor. In general, the "European" shopping center became the center of various scandals. Basically there is "hanging out" elite youth from the Caucasus. So, in 2012, the wife of Tamerlane Mingaeva Madina after when she was offered to park the car on the rules of "rescue" she called to her son.
Arrived son Madina Mingaevoy with friends and a fight broke out, which is also a video appeared on the Internet.

Businessmen "in law"

This year, the Year of billionaires Nisanova and Zarah Iliev found two secret business partner - "thieves in law" Vagif Suleymanov (Vagif) and Zachary Kalash (Shakro Young). Rumor has it that authorities are unofficial members of the project Nisanova and Eli called "Food City". This agroklaster was presented in 2014 with the participation of Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and Moscow is to supply fruit and vegetables. Supply takes place under the tutelage of a dense and Vagif Shakro. Nisan and Iliev communicate with Aras Agalarov. The latter is known not only as the owner of "Crocus City", but as the singer's father Emin. Emin had visited her husband's daughter Azerbaijani President Leyla Aliyeva and take second place in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Note that the June 6, 2016 Year Nisan Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev awarded the Order "For Service to the Fatherland" of the 3rd degree. But the most interesting, for many years Agalarov friends with a "thief in law" Vagif Suleymanov. This "lawyer" was once an associate of one of the major Russian mafia Aslan Usoyana (Ded Hasan). When in 2013 Father Hassan shot sniper place "boss of all bosses" took Zachary Kalash. Vagif was a place at the court Shakro, and in recent years it has become very close to Kalashov.

There are even more influential friend from dubious businessmen. Partner Nisanova Ilieva and for many of their projects, including the market "Gardener", a friend and classmate of Vladimir Putin Ilham Rahimov! Thus, the former military prosecutor and now a human rights activist Leonid poloho recalls that Ilham Rahimov, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Hmarin not just talking, and friends houses. About friendship Rahimov Khmarin and Putin recalled the coach and the last judo Anatoly Rachlin (Rahimov doing this exercise too): that Rahimov was often a guest of Putin and a sign with his mom, and Putin often stayed overnight in a hostel where he lived Rahimov. Finally, he Ilham Rahimov in the few interviews confirmed that he and the current President of the Russian "friends for forty years" and this friendship is the envy of his enemies ...

By the way, in 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the Order of Friendship Nisanova with the words "for his great contribution to the implementation of economic projects and the attraction of investment funds into the Russian economy." A year later, Putin signed a decree on awarding Nisanovu commemorative medal "70 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." This is despite the fact that Nisan - born in 1972!