Crimean energy bridge builder asked to pay

Under the threat of criminal proceedings for a particularly large fraud.
As the "Kommersant" Alexander Muratkin - the head of OOO "Lenelektromontazh" acting contractor for the construction of an energy bridge Kuban to the Crimea - can become involved in the case of a large loan fraud. The businessman believes that the claims PSB 1 billion rubles., Should be made not to him but the company, which he sold.

In the pre-investigation check, which at the request of the police Mosprokuratury holds, it comes to lending in October 2013. The group of companies "Setstroyservis" (CCC) owned by Alexander Muratkinu. Hoping to receive a credit line in the PSB, the businessman reported that with the help of plans to complete the construction of hydropower plants on the river Mtkvari in Georgia. He presented to the Bank a draft agreement with the customer of construction - LLC "Mtkvari HPP" and, again, a preliminary contract for the supply of its hydropower companies and hydromechanical equipment with "Gidroenergotehnoinvest" (GETI). In addition, CCC, according to the borrower intends to build a high-voltage transmission line from TPP-2 in the Vladimir region commissioned by the Center for Engineering andConstruction Management at JSC FGC UES.

From October 2013 to June 2014, PSB, received as collateral Alexander Muratkina share in his company, listed CCC 1.427 billion rubles., And still in the process of construction of the third part of the loan was repaid. However, CAS managers, as suggested by the lawyer representing the interests of the PSB office "Act" Elena Kabanova, so only "created the appearance of credit repayment intention to disguise their criminal actions."

As it turned out, the order for the construction of transmission lines Muratkin businessman did get, and the customer - FGC - even listed CCC advance in the amount of 120 million rubles have been spent on design work.. In the process of approvals it became clear that the line will have to lead to circumvention of the cultural and historical reserve "Bogolyubov meadow. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl" and its length is therefore increased from 7 km to 22 km. Accordingly, it has grown and pre-arranged with the customer estimates, but it did not bother contractor - CCC is believed representatives of Promsvyazbank, on "Credite "money cleared ROW transmission lines, set props and pulled the wires.

Customer somehow learned about the changes in the project until May 2014, when the line was almost built. The FGC grown estimate is not approved and announced a new tender for the construction of transmission lines, in which CCC has lost another applicant - one of the divisions of LLC "Lenelektromontazh" (LEM). On the winner accounts and was transferred to pay for already completed work in the amount of more than 400 million rubles. Meanwhile, the sole owner of the LEM then, according to lawyers' law ", was the son of Alexander Muratkina Maxim. As a result, family members, as suggested by the creditor could withdraw money from accounts controlled by the company and share them.

With the company "Mtkvari HPP" Alexander Muratkin did not even sign the contract for performance of work, and therefore no longer need to purchase equipment. CCC sent in advance GETI 200 million rubles. But the mediator, rather than to place an order for the profile of the factory "Tyazhmash" transferred the money in the company "Neftepromekologiya". The firm, according to representatives of Promsvyazbank, had noakogo relation to hydropower equipment, specializing in the sale of fuel, and belonged to a friend of Alexander Muratkina Andrey Denisyuk.

Shortly thereafter, a businessman Muratkin informed the creditor of his intention to sell Andrey Denisyuk and the whole group CCC companies. Holding at the time remained PSB should be slightly more than 966 million rubles., And Alexander Muratkinu owned stake in society have been pledged as collateral, but the buyer Denisyuk promised not only to take on the debts of CCC, but also act as a guarantor on the loan later. PSB did not object to the sale, but their money back and has not received. Moreover, the new owner of SSS declared bankruptcy of the company.

Bank lawyers have seen in Denisyuk actions Muratkina and signs of fraud, and filed an application to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Administrative District (CAO) of Moscow. The police, however, felt that the conflict relates to the field of commercial disputes to be resolved in arbitration. The lawyers then filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office, which found their arguments reasonable. In its ruling, the deputy prosecutor of the Central District Andrey Nesterov canceled the results of the audit, calling them illegal. Supervision ordered the police also check the circumstances of the incident, re-interview all the participants, receive statements on the movement of funds through their personal accounts and to make a decision "in accordance with the rules of criminal procedure legislation."

As suggested by the managing partner of "law" Dmitry Stasiuk, money issued by PSB to ensure industrial activity CCC, scrolled through a chain affiliated with Alexander Muratkinym companies and cashed. In this connection, the lawyer appealed to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, which is now studying the operations on the accounts of the borrower, his relatives and associates. The results of this audit will be submitted to the police.

Muratkin Alexander, who is currently chairman of the "Lenelektromontazha" Board of Directors (is one of the contractors in the construction of an energy bridge Crimea), said, "Kommersant" that builds power facilities for over 30 years and is constantly in the creditand. It has become commonplace, and a loan to Promsvyazbank. "My then-office (SSS.-" b ") with a staff of 1,100 people to function smoothly and efficiently as a Kalashnikov rifle - said biznesmen.- The work at that time there were dozens of the largest socially significant objects of the company's net profit for 2013 amounted to 380. mln., so cheating to credit money to me made no sense. It was easier to give them and make new ones. " However, in September the same year, according to the builder, he was forced to do heavy heart surgery in Switzerland, after which he decided to retire and sold 74% of its shares in CCC Andrey Denisyuk. Partners before the transaction have audited the company, and Alexander Muratkin, according to him, personally called all creditors CCC and informed them about the change of the company's owners.

The buyer, however, wanted to take full control of the firm, so in June 2014 it persuaded Andrey Denisyuk PSB leadership to allow him to buy out the former owner of the remaining 26% SSS - the proportion of those who were pledged as security for the loan. Moreover,Unlike Muratkina, Denisyuk also surety for the loan as a private person. "Thus, the entire construction and financial activities of CCC in the autumn of 2013 disposes of other persons, - said Alexander Muratkin.- A bank for some reason is still trying to get my money from me." Get comments from Andrey Denisyuk "Y" failed.

Interestingly, a similar situation was also Gazprombank has granted SSS loans around the same time and under the same projects as the PSB. However, this financial institution filed a complaint in the police department of South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, and there was a criminal case of "fraud on a large scale" (Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code) against "unidentified leaders of CCC."