Andrey Murov


To the port for money


The head of OJSC "Company Ust-Luga" has been arrested. 

Gennady Timchenko gets even with Valery Izraylit


The favourite criminal of Vladimir Yakunin now testifies against his patron in the dungeons of the FSB.

Predators of the Federal Counter-Intelligence Service


Turncoat Zakharchenko covered up not only the thief Shakro Jr , but also the main contractor of the company, the son of General Yevgeny Murov.

The families of Muratkin and Murov, Crimean energy bridge and disappeared billion


The friends of the FSO director chated the Ananyev brothers, under the guise of salvation of the Crimea from the Ukrainian darkness.

Crimean energy bridge builder asked to pay


Under the threat of criminal proceedings for a particularly large fraud.