Baku Khan: Azerbaijan legalized hereditary presidential dynasty

According to the results of the referendum, Azerbaijan actually legalized authoritarian government. The president will now be elected unlimited for number of times for the period of seven years, and will have the possibility to dissolve the parliament. The purpose of this innovation is to save the ruling power of the Aliyev dynasty.
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Reform of the system of power became a cardinal - already changed 29 articles of the basic law of the country. Council of Europe Venice Commission noted that these amendments violate the balance between the branches of power, even more strengthening the executive power in the country and limiting the independence of Parliament and the judiciary. We do not agree with the experts and the amendments that restrict public gatherings by some vague reasons "to protect public order and morality."

On the eve of the referendum opposition forces held in Baku several protests demanding its cancellation on the authorities said numerous arrests. As stated by Amnesty International, «threats, arrests and harassment of those who criticized the proposed amendments to the Constitution have been a defining feature of the preparatory campaign of the authorities on the eve of the referendum." And this despite the fact that in recent years has been arrested or imprisoned on politically motivated charges dozens of human rights defenders, political and civil society activists and journalists. The Executive Secretary of the opposition movement "republicanKaya alternative "(" Real "), Natig Jafarli said:" The game goes on pre-emption: the economic downturn will continue in the next two years. Therefore, the government wants to significantly strengthen before the tension in the society reaches its peak. In the coming two to three months can not be ruled out holding early presidential elections.

According to the "Musavat" leader, one of the leading opposition parties in the country, Arif Hajili, "the authorities did not inform the public about what caused the need for a referendum. It is clearly aimed at strengthening the authoritarian regime. Existing legislation is not sufficient to establish a monarchy. One of the biggest issues is the fact that the President can now delegate some of its powers of vice-presidents. They shall be entitled to appoint only the President, these people do not even parliament approves. " Cancelled and the minimum age for presidential candidates, constituting now 35 years old.

Recall that Azerbaijan - the first post-Soviet country, which already realized the transfer of power by inheritance. The St.oё time President Heydar Aliyev appointed his son Ilham as prime minister, and thus made his official successor. The new ruling clan became Pashayev clan - the "first lady" of the country. Mehriban Aliyev-Pashayev became a member of parliament with a fantastic result - 94.5% of the vote. Now the talk is already walking in the country, that the post of two vice presidents is envisaged for the wife of the president, is the deputy chairman of the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan", and their 19-year-old son, Heydar, named in honor of his grandfather - the founder of the dynasty.

Trofimchuk Gregory, senior vice president of Strategic Development Modeling Center:

- The referendum was announced unexpectedly. Acceleration, in my opinion, the process was after Turkey was an attempted coup d'etat. I think, we have made specific findings in Baku. Another important reason was the economic crisis, to cover the post-Soviet space. Given the fact that the situation will continue to evolve in a negative way, with on the rise, it was decided earlyrovesti adjustments, so you do not have problems.