MIA to check the Nuclear Medicine Center and officials of Ulyanovsk Oblast

Security forces are investigating the fate of 6 billion rubles allocated for the construction of the Federal High-Tech Center of Nuclear Medicine, and what the construction companies associated with the governor Sergey Morozov have to do with that
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Special forces on sensitive sites start pre-investigation checks at the Federal high-tech center of medical radiology (FVTSMR) in the Ulyanovsk region, which may result in criminal cases. Earlier, the auditors of the Accounting Chamber suspected that contracts for the design and construction of FVTSMR executing and delivering violations, because of what the building was delayed and require additional expenditures from the budget of another 6 billion rubles. Under the test will get officials of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA), as well as contractors and subcontractors, which may be associated with the Governor Sergey Morozov and his relatives.

The reason for the pre-investigation began auditing the auditors JV FMBA on the results of 2014, which revealed the possible illegal actions in the negotiation and execution of government contracts for FVTSMR.

- The audit of the 2014 budget implementation in FMBA Accounts Chamber sent the materials to the Prosecutor General, including in terms of training and a state contract on August 7, 2010 № 174 / COP - told "Izvestia" in the Accounts nAlat. - Prosecutor General's Office continues to verify the facts, revealed by the Accounting Chamber.

Head JV Tatyana Golikova also sent the results of the audit in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and which has initiated pre-investigation checks. According to "Izvestia", it will hold the 4th investigators Interior Ministry, which oversees the special regime facilities.

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- The management of material testing done on the treatment of the Accounts Chamber Chairman Tatyana Golikova on possible wrongdoing at the conclusion and execution of the state contract №174 / COP between the customer - the Federal Medical-Biological Agency and the Executive - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Centre for the design and development of nuclear medicine FMBA" - said "Izvestia" a source in law enforcement.

The contract for construction was signed FVTSMR September 7, 2010. Then FSUE has called "Plant" Medradiopreparat ". It dealt with the construction of the Dimitrovgrad Center for Medical Radiology, can accommodate 18 thousand. Inpatients, holding 17 thousand. Diagnostic tests, as well as 15 thousand.therapeutic procedures per year. The builder was selected profile FVTSMR Dimitrovgradskaya Hospital №172 FMBA, on behalf of which the state orders are placed. The developer can independently choose the contractors and subcontractors, already without competition.

Deadlines FVTSMR constantly frustrated that the increased budgetary expenditure. According to the original contract, the project was estimated at 13.9 billion rubles, and should have been delivered by the end of 2013. However, the construction and the end edges are still not clear. Among the possible deadlines are now called in December 2016 and even 2017. In September, the government clarified FVTSMR estimate to 20 billion. Rubles. The joint venture is considered that missed deadlines and budget overruns may be connected including with irregularities and frauds in the execution of contracts.

For example, the General Prosecutor's Office found that in FVTSMR has not been installed and put into operation a system of proton therapy Proteus 235, which cost the budget 5.7 billion rubles. Staff are not trained to work on this equipment.

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This system is a proton accelerator of particles that can becalled "little brother" of the Large Hadron Collider. They disperse the protons to 60% the speed of light (180 thousand km / sec), and by means of magnetic fields is supplied to the vacuum tube aimed at the source of the tumor in the body of the patient. It is believed that this - the most effective treatment of the existing methods, because there is an impact on neighboring, healthy tissue is minimized.

Now the Interior Ministry will be to find out which companies were related to contracts and how they performed. Do investigators have reason to believe that some of the contractors and subcontractors could be associated with the management of the Ulyanovsk region and its Governor Sergei Morozov.

Thus, the company "Alliance-Volga" won tenders Hospital №172 FMBA. According to SPARC-based data, this company owns Mikhail Morozov - the same name, and the eldest son of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region.

Representatives of the company "Alliance-Volga" were unavailable for comment "Izvestia". Head of the press service of the administration of the Ulyanovsk region Alexander Mamayev told "Izvestia" that neither sheitself nor the governor did not know whether Morozov associated with the construction Jr. FVTSMR.

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- The governor has no information on the matter. We recommend that you ask for information directly to the managers of this project - said "Izvestia" Alexander Mamaev.

The hospital №172 won tenders and Ulyanovsk company "East Line", which was the head of Vladislav power. His long-time business partner and co-owner of other companies is Emil Idrisov - the son of Deputy Governor of the Ulyanovsk region and the representative of the Government of Russia Shamil Idrisov. The latter is considered a close friend of the governor Morozov. Up to December 2011 90% of the share capital of "East Line" owned offshore Nexeot Global Inc, and 10% - Silaev. In 2013, it was decided to liquidate the "East Line", but, as of October 20, 2015 formally has a valid status.

Representatives Idrisov Sr. could not comment on "News" occupation of his son, as well as its relations with the authorities of the Ulyanovsk region.

Police officers will also seeks possible conflict of interest around the construction FVTSMR. Leaders of some contracting firms previously headed the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Centre for the design and development of nuclear medicine FMBA», or its affiliates, so they could receive the most profitable state contracts for his company.

Thus, a number of projects in FVTSMR led the St. Petersburg company "Rauma engineering". Its former director Alexander Drobotov Yuri Halitov at different times led the Federal State Unitary Enterprise and one of its branches. When he was Director of FSUE Khalitova case in "Rauma" went up the hill: from 2008 to 2010, the firm has participated in eight tenders declared "daughters" of FMBA, and never lost. The amount of contracts collectively accounted for 858 million rubles. Once in 2010 Halitov left his post, "Rauma engineering" was the play requirements. "Raum" by LLC "Direct Consulting" is 20% owned by the British «Malet Investments LTD».

The FMBA surprised pretensions on the part of the joint venture and believe that the budget did not suffer from the postponement of the construction FVTSMR.

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- This year, the Accounts Chamber audit conducted inFMBA, including under the state contract №174 / COP, but its results were not laid down for any violations - told "Izvestia", the press service of the department. - Completion of the work under the contract extended to the end of 2015. Construction readiness of the facility is approximately 75-80% of the total volume, the readiness of the object as a whole - 65% of the project.

For cooperation in the construction of the medical center has been established non-profit organization "Center for the Development of Nuclear Innovation Cluster in Dimitrovgrad of Ulyanovsk Region" (KRC). Among its founders was the administration of Dimitrovgrad and the apparatus of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region Sergey Morozov. The KRC "Izvestia" reported that have not yet heard of the claims of the joint venture.

- Timing really shifted, but of any other violations, overpayments or claims on the part of the Accounting Chamber we do not know - said "News" the deputy director of KRC Benjamin Sorokin.

Recall that the Investigative Committee in Moscow back in 2013 to open a criminal case on abuse of power, negligence and fraud in the CCABo large scale in the construction and reconstruction of FVTSMR Hospital №172 FMBA. However, it soon the case was closed.

In the autumn of 2014 the investigation of the case resumed. Because it has been allocated a case against the leadership of "TDS", deals with the reconstruction of the complex surgery. This it is a question of overpayment of 70 million rubles to contractors building the medical center as well as the payment of 473 million rubles for the reconstruction of the unfinished hospital. The reason for this was to check the prosecutor's office of the Ulyanovsk region in the spring of 2012. As it turned out, the fall of 2011 FMBA signed a contract for 500 million rubles from one of the capital construction companies for the reconstruction of the hospital. The works were performed by only 14%, but the builders have received from the FMBA of 473 million rubles.