FSB went into the criminal case of Elena Skrynnik's business partners

Theft of 600 million rubles from Rosagroleasing, which was done by the ex-Minister of Agriculture's subordinates, will be investigated by the secret service officers
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How do I find "News", an unexpected twist occurred in one of the high-profile criminal cases - about the theft of 600 million rubles from the state company "Rosagroleasing" witnessed by which goes ex-Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik. Sent for trial materials unexpectedly lawyer accused of Lipetsk district court hit the Investigation Department of the Federal Security Service of the Lipetsk region. Accused of embezzlement of budget funds a former aide of ex-head of the Ministry of Agriculture Oleg Don, and her business partner, Igor and Sergei Konyahin Burdovsky. According to "Izvestia", the transfer of criminal investigation in the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation could be initiated by the current leadership of "Rosagroleasing".

Defender Aleksei Mamontov, who represents the interests of one of the accused, Sergey Burdovsky, says that the transfer of the case in the Russian Federation Federal Security Service of the Lipetsk region was a complete surprise to him.

- From a legal point of view, the investigation was completed long ago, and it was transferred to the court. I filed a statement in which they askreclassify the charges to another article of the Criminal Code - told "Izvestia" Alexei Mamontov. - My client is accused under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud in a large scale"), for which he faces up to 10 years in prison.

However, the lawyer intends to ask the Court to reclassify the charges in the new article - 159.4 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud, combined with the deliberate failure to contractual obligations in the field of entrepreneurship"), which is much softer penalties - up to 5 years in prison.

Lipetsk regional court, before make a decision at the request of the defense by Alexei Mamontov, he sent the case to a study in the Prosecutor General of Russia. Trial lawyers have decided that it is the capital's lawyers should study the materials of the criminal case of resonance and deliver a verdict.

- For me the news was a complete surprise that the case of my client returned from the General Prosecutor's Office is not a court, but it was in the Investigation Department of the Federal Security Service of the Lipetsk region. I do not understand what is happening - outraged lawyer. - I'mI ponder what to do next, how to build a defense.

According to investigators, a former regional operator "Rosagroleasing" in the Lipetsk region, the head of the company "Lipetskagrotehservis" Igor Konyahin, the former head Sergei Burdovsky Central vodka company and former Assistant Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik Oleg Don engaged in fraud with the budget funds allocated holding " Rosagroleasing "for the purchase of machinery and equipment for agricultural enterprises. In total, they are charged with damage of about 600 million rubles. Oleg Don in December 2012 was announced in the federal and international wanted list and is still hiding from the investigation. Investigators found that the majority of questionable contracts were signed by the then head of the "Rosagroleasing" Elena Skrynnik, who then headed the Ministry of Agriculture.

As follows from the criminal case, suspects Konyahin Igor, Sergei and Oleg Burdovsky Don in 2007-2008 stole about 266 million rubles allocated from the "Rosagroleasing" budget for the purchase of equipment for more alcoholicplants of the Lipetsk region. Before equipment factories never came, although on paper enterprises were equipped with first-class imported equipment.

According to another episode of the same criminal case, the attackers in 2008 for 331 million rubles were purchased from "elevator service" for the "Lipetskagrotehservisa" elevator. However, as the police found out, elevator, surrendered to companies in leasing, was actually sold to another owner, and subsequently replaced several owners and new management "Rosagroleasing" vainly tries to prove, that the elevator belongs to him. All in all, as found out a consequence, as of January 1, 2007 to October 31, 2009 Elena Skrynnik has concluded with "Elevator-service" dozens of contracts totaling 3.4 billion rubles. For the money the company should put "Rosagroleasing" elevators and other agricultural equipment. But in reality, "Rosagroleasing" received equipment only 1.3 billion rubles.

Sami defendants argued that they had no intention of stealing budget funds, and it was only on the failure to fulfill its obligations to its partners.

During the criminal investigation officers of the Interior Ministry as witnesses questioned the ex-Ministers of Agriculture Alexei Gordeyev (now the governor of the Voronezh region) and Elena Skrynnik (headed "Rosagroleasing" the Minister Gordeev) and Lipetsk region, Oleg Korolev head. Will the officials again questioned now FSB officers about the Lipetsk region is unknown.

Get prompt comment from the FSB about the new turn in the investigation of the so-called Don failed business. A spokesman "Rosagroleasing" Alex Smorodov told "Izvestia" that he knew nothing about the resumption of the investigation of theft 600 million rubles, the state company in the Lipetsk region. Meanwhile, according to "Izvestia", the transfer of the investigation of resonant criminal case FSB could be initiated by the leadership of stateudarstvennoy company "Rosagroleasing", which was dissatisfied with the way the investigation carried out employees of the Interior Ministry.