Olga Mirimskaya turned out to have a Kalashnikov assault rifle

Co-owner of Russian Product has been checked for involvement in the financing of Ukrainian nationalists.
The investigators of the TFR, with the support of Rosgvardia's special forces, conducted a series of searches on Wednesday of Olga Mirimskaya, co-owners of the BKF bank and the Russian Product company. A well-known entrepreneur is suspected of bribing and is checked for involvement in financing extremist activities. Earlier, assistant Mrs. Mirimskaya was seized with gratitude for allocating the funds of the banned in Russia organization of Ukrainian nationalists "Right Sector". Representatives of Mrs. Mirimskaya say that the document was planted, and the information on the website of the "Right Sector" was placed by its enemies.

According to Kommersant's information, on Wednesday several groups of investigators of the control department of the District for the Southern District of Moscow were escorted by policemen and soldiers of the special forces of Rosgvardia (only about 60 people), came to search the central office of the BKF bank in Krasnaya Presnya, as well as to the houses Ms. Mirimskaya and one of her assistants, located in the elite village of Nikolina Gora on the Rublevskoe highway. On all three addresses financial and legal documents were withdrawn. In addition, in the house of Mrs. Mirimskaya Kalashnikov was found, which was sent for examination.

Representatives of Mrs. Mirimskaya told Kommersant that it was not a combat weapon, but a mock-up of the machine gun. According to them, a criminal case initiated on the fact of giving a bribe (Article 291 of the Criminal Code) in 2015 served as a pretext for large-scale investigative actions. To whom and for what it was intended, the order presented to the lawyers of Mrs. Mirimskaya was not indicated. According to "Kommersant", it is a remuneration allegedly paid to employees of the judiciary for solving certain issues.

In addition, the participants of the event, according to Kommersant, checked data that Ms. Mirimskaya could have been involved in financing extremist activities (Article 282.3 of the Criminal Code). The reason for this was the information published on the official website of the banned in Russia organization of Ukrainian nationalists "Right Sector", in which Ms. Mirimskaya expressed gratitude for the active assistance to nationalists. In addition, according to Ukrainian media reports, the businesswoman was allegedly awarded the medal "For a year and that patriotism" (given to volunteers and patriots of Ukraine for civic courage and activity) from the nationalist block "Order and prosperity".

Ms. Mirimskaya's representative, in turn, told Kommersant that she had nothing to do with the Right-wing sector. According to him, the information that compromised Olga Mirimskaya was posted by her enemies, who paid several thousand dollars for it. He said that after publishing in the house of Secretary Mrs. Mirimskaya, the gratitude was withdrawn from the "Right Sector". However, as he asserts, that search was not sanctioned by anyone and was conducted without witnesses. Therefore, according to him, thanks could be thrown. In this connection, the secretary appealed to the TFR, demanding that a criminal case be brought against the participants of the event for illegal entry into the dwelling (Article 139 of the Criminal Code). Surrounded by Mrs. Mirimskaya, it is noted that it is actively engaged in business, but not in Ukraine, but in the Crimea, financing the construction of the elite residential complex "Richelieu Chateau" in Gurzuf.

This asset, as well as other assets of Ms. Mirimskaya, is claimed by her former husband Alexei Golubovich, with whom they conduct processes related to the division of property. One of the assets is the BKF bank, where Mr. Mirim and Golubovich own 80% and 20% of the shares, respectively. However, as follows from the documents available to Kommersant, Ms. Mirimskaya's ex-husband insists that the ex-spouse removed him from participating in the bank's work.

Representatives of Ms. Mirimskaya do not exclude that a new investigation and verification can be conducted with the filing of Mr. Golubovich. Mr. Golubovich himself was not available for comment on Wednesday, and his ex-spouse, who is now abroad, did not answer calls.