London's prisoner: Russian authorities have dropped charges from Yukos ex-lawyer Dmitry Gololobov

Gololobov himself spoke about the decision of the authorities; he earlier gave testimony in favor of Russia.
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As it became known to Forbes, with the former lawyer of the oil company Yukos Dmitry Gololobov, Russian law enforcement agencies dropped the charges. About this Forbes told a source close to the shareholders of Yukos, and this is confirmed by Dmitry Gololobov himself. "How much can you believe the SC, GP (Investigative Committee and Prosecutor General's Office - Forbes) and Interpol, yes. I'm afraid I will never know the true reasons, but charges are lifted either in case of loss of a real danger by the person or if it is absolutely futile. In my case, it was just profitable for the Russian Federation, "Gololobov said.

In the UK and the Prosecutor General's Office, Forbes did not respond promptly. Now there are no Gololobov names in Interpol's database.

By the end of the problems with Russian law enforcement agencies, Gololobov, according to him, is treated in the same way as Mikhail Khodorkovsky for his release - "with deep satisfaction." According to him, he understands that there is a different attitude to this event on the part of those who were imprisoned and the employees of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. "No one said bad words about me," Gololobov said.

Representative of Mikhail Khodorkovsky Küle Pispanen reported that neither she nor any other sane people would comment on anything related to Gololobov. The head of the International Center for Legal Defense, Andrei Kondakov, says that his organization does not deal with criminal cases. "Our focus is the lawsuits and executive proceedings of former Yukos shareholders against the Russian Federation," Kondakov said. The former lawyer of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, director of the Institute of Contemporary Russia Pavel Ivlev says that Gololobov is a bad person. "The bastard. I think that many will agree with me, "Forbes Pavel Ivlev said.

Dmitry Gololobov worked for the bank "Menatep" and Yukos from 1995 to 2004. In 2004, he was placed on an international wanted list and was listed in the Interpol database as being sought in Russia on charges of embezzlement and legalization of illegally acquired funds from the balance sheet of Yukos Group of Companies and subsequent laundering. Gololobov was an employee of the legal department of Yukos, he became one of dozens of investigators and managed to leave Russia. Since 2004, he was in London (being in the base of Interpol imposed restrictions on his movement around the world). Other employees of the YUKOS legal department also suffered. Vasily Aleksanyan died of a serious illness after being held behind bars, and Svetlana Bakhmina was in prison for more than seven years.

Last year it became known that Dmitry Gololobov had testified in the American court against the former owners of the oil company. His statement was added to the case by the lawyers of White & Case (who represented the interests of the Russian Federation). White & Case then filed a petition of the Russian Federation on the non-recognition of the Hague arbitration award for $ 50 billion in the US. In his testimony, Gololobov reported illegal payments by the "oligarchs" led by Mikhail Khodorkovsky against Yukos state managers for helping to privatize the company in the mid-1990s, withdrawing Yukos shares offshore without the permission of the Russian authorities and the dedicated efforts of top managers To conceal "old sins" (violations of the law in 1995-1996) in documents for US regulators in the early 2000s, when Yukos was preparing to place depositary receipts in the United States.

Russia positioned Gololobov's testimony as "critically important" to clarify "the illegal and corrupt acquisition of YUKOS by bribing four state-appointed company managers" (Sergei Muravlenko, Yuri Golubev, Viktor Kazakov and Viktor Ivanenko), RBC reported. Although most of the relevant documentary evidence was already collected during the Russian investigation, "Mr. Gololobov's explanations give the key to ensuring that this puzzle is fully formed," the Russian defense maintains.

Gololobov claimed that he gave the testimony completely voluntarily. According to him, the document "does not contain anything new" in comparison with his own publications in the media in recent years. "The opposite side did not deny the correctness of my statement and argued that there was nothing new in it. The court attached him. That is, it is already a recognized truth, "Gololobov told Forbes.