General Denis Nikandrov received 5.5 years in prison

The former deputy head of the GSS of the Moscow Kremlin was also deprived of the title for helping the criminal authority named Italian. Nikandrov managed to avoid a more severe punishment, having surrendered his immediate superior Alexander Drymanov to the investigation.
Having deprived him of his rank, the Moscow City Court sentenced Denis Nikandrov to five years and six months in prison for the former first deputy head of the Investigative Committee of Russia's Investigative Committee (CID) in Moscow. He was found guilty of taking a bribe in a particularly large amount for retraining the actions of the criminal authority of Andrei Kochuykov, which almost allowed the latter to go free. Mr. Nikandrov escaped a longer deadline, giving testimony to two other participants in the alleged corruption scheme, including General Alexander Drymanov.

The case of Denis Nikandrov - in the recent past, the first deputy head of the main investigation department of the Moscow Committee of the Arts, previously a senior investigator for particularly important cases under Alexander Bastrykin, - the Moscow City Court considered in a special mode. The trial of Major-General Nikandrov, who fully admitted his guilt, was held behind closed doors without examining the evidence in the case. During the debate of the parties, the state prosecutor requested the minimum penalty for the defendant - five years and six months of a strict regime colony, as well as a fine of 65 million rubles. In addition, the prosecutor proposed to deprive the convict of a special rank. The Moscow City Court did so, having saved, however, the convicted person from paying the penalty. Having served time, the ex-general will not be able to occupy leading positions within three years.

The criminal case against Denis Nikandrov on the materials of the FSB was personally initiated by the chairman of the SCP, Alexander Bastrykin. However, then the Prosecutor General's Office changed the jurisdiction of the case, transferring it to the FSB. According to the special service's version, in 2016 a criminal group was created in the TFR, which, in addition to Denis Nikandrov, included his immediate supervisor - the head of the Moscow City Department of Homeland Security Alexander Drymanov, the head of the department for the Central District of the Central District of the capital Aleksey Kramarenko, the head of the main department for his own security and inter- Mikhail Maksimenko and the head of the CSS of the committee, Alexander Lamonov. The leader of the group considered the influential Colonel Maximenko.

Michael Maksimenko for $ 1 million, which was transferred by an entrepreneur - a former FSB officer Dmitry Smychkovsky (absentee arrested and put on the international wanted list) - promised to organize the release from custody of the arrested person for extorting the criminal authority of Andrei Kochuykov, known as the Italian. Kochuykov, in turn, was the closest associate of the thief in the law of Shakro the Young (Zakhary Kalashov). Having received, according to the investigation, for $ 250 thousand, Messrs Drymanov, Nikandrov and Kramarenko organized the re-qualification of the Italian accusation against a lighter article of the Criminal Code, which allowed him to leave the pre-trial detention center. True, the FSB officers, having detained the authority, immediately returned him to custody.

The first was convicted Colonel Maksimenko, who for a number of corruption episodes received 13 years of strict regime and a fine of 165 million rubles. Then he sat down for five years and was fined 32.5 million rubles. Colonel Lamonov, who admitted his guilt and concluded a pre-trial cooperation agreement. Finally, thanks to the testimony of General Nikandrov in the SIZO, there were Colonel Kramarenko and Major-General Drymanov. And the latter, according to the testimony of Denis Nikandrov, in addition to money from Shakro received a bribe from him personally. It was about a credit card for € 10 thousand, allegedly handed over for appointment to the post and general patronage. General Drymanov, known for his investigation of criminal cases related to the events in South Ossetia and Ukraine, said in court that after confessing, his former deputy actually "raised a term from the floor". It seems that this term he raised immediately for three - himself, the ex-heads of the departments of the TFR in Moscow and the Central Administrative District.

Lawyers said that they would appeal the verdict to Denis Nikandrov regarding the punishment he had been assigned. They stated that, in seeking to re-qualify the accusation of the Italian, their client was only following his immediate commander, Drymanov.