Olga Mirimskaya crunches with American chips

The owner of BKF-bank Olga Mirimskaya rescues the assets of Russian Product, as she no longer hopes for the bank.
The American company Mondelez, which produces Estrella chips, is looking for a way to restore sales in Russia after deliveries from the factory in Ukraine were closed due to sanctions. Contract manufacturing was discussed with the owner of the Moscow Potato brand. According to The Moscow Post correspondent, Olga Mirimskaya may be behind the deal.

Two years ago, one of the main brands of the Russian Product company, Moscow Potato, closed a plant in Moscow and transferred production to the Kaluga site. The production of other products of the company also moved there. The site in Moscow put up for sale at a price of 1.6 billion rubles.

Why did Mirimskaya need to write off a profitable business? In 2017, the turnover of the Russian potato chip market grew by 4.5%, to 67.6 billion rubles. Moscow Potato ranked 5th in sales after Lay’s, Max Pringles and Estrella. The fact may be that Olga Mirimskaya could rewrite this business with her friends so that they would not be selected during possible future trials.

First, the real threat of closure loomed before the companies of Mirinsky. In April 2016, Izvestia wrote that Olga Mirimskaya was implicated in the scandal with the “Panamanian documents”. And the Corporate Finance Bank, owned by Mirimskaya and her ex-husband Alexei Golubovich, was on the verge of revoking the license. Ukrainian media said that Mirimskaya was preparing a warm place for herself in Kiev and even built bridges with the Right Sector (the organization is banned in Russia), which was confirmed by a spokeswoman for the organization, admitting that Mirimskaya “supported them”.

Secondly, the business was transferred not to someone, but to Olga Mirimskaya’s close friend Alexey Pashkin, who since 2020 became the general director of the company Moskovsky Potato LLC (who would doubt it). Prior to this, the company was led by Anton Kornilov, previously engaged in procurement at the Russian Product. Things are better and better with Moskovsky Potato LLC every year - in 2018, revenue amounted to 5.3 million rubles. That is, a chicken that lays golden eggs sits in the warmth, for which there was a calculation.

Now, Americans can breathe new life into the production capacities of Moscow Potato, because this is not a weak extra profit. By the way, in 2011, the Americans quite powerfully promoted the Moscow Potato brand. Then the chairman of the board of directors was the American Daniel Malina, the former vice president of development of the American corporation General Mills (competitor Danone, Nestle, etc.). Under his leadership, the company launched an advertising campaign, giving a good kick to the whole "Russian product."

But what about the banking business?

Since the beginning of 2020, the net profit of BKF Bank has been -1490%, return on assets -4438%. Today, reading the bank’s profit is -30,288 thousand rubles. What kind of credit institution is it that works in the red?

The Moscow Post last year wrote that Olga Mirimskaya, who owns nearly 90% of the shares, is taking out assets from the bank, and bankruptcy is just around the corner. The rest of the shares are held by the ex-spouse of Mirimskaya - Alexei Golubovich, the former top manager of Yukos and the owner of Netcore Solutions - an offshore company from Cyprus, which 10 years ago issued a loan to the bank for 11.15 million dollars.

When Golubovich requested the bank to repay the debt, Mirimskaya offered to pay elite Crimean real estate. It’s ridiculous, considering that after 2014 this property is not worth a penny. The bank said in response to Golubovich that thanks to this agreement, money has been dripping into the account of the Cypriot company all these years, causing damage of seven million dollars. In general, while the pair was clutching at the bank, its financial situation was weakening ever further, but it still somehow remained afloat.

And then the scandal arrived. Version wrote that before Golubovich and Mirimskaya became owners of BKF in 2001, they were first run by Estonian Sberbank, and then Swedish Swedbank Group. In 2019, it turned out that the Swedbank Group had a stigma in the gun - together with the German Deutsche Bank and the Danish Danske Bank, he fell into the epicenter of the money laundering scandal in Russia. Now bankers are hastily sweeping Russian traces behind them, so the BKF Bank is not shining anything good.

The warlike banker Mirimskaya - a godsend for a lawyer

Mirimsky is not accustomed to fighting with her former men. She went through the case in bribery of judges when she shared property with Golubovich. In addition to a showdown with Golubovich, the businesswoman appeared in a criminal case against former civil husband Nikolai Smirnov, one of the leaders of the Golden Crown company. The details of this case covered Mediazone.

Mirimskaya was accused of wiretapping Smirnov’s lawyers, who allegedly dared to take a surrogate daughter from Mirimskaya. The banker eventually took this daughter to herself, and the lawsuit against Smirnov continues to this day. Now the ex-spouse demands compensation for non-pecuniary damage for temporary separation from her daughter. One can only guess how the unfortunate failed mother "suffered".

In the course of this high-profile case, under strange circumstances, the doctor who participated in the surrogate process died. They should have questioned him in court, but they found him in his office, pumped up with medicines. Well, Mirimsky was not pleased with his testimony? Could she decide on desperate measures?

Golubovich, in an interview with Lente, admitted that Mirimskaya could have done a lot to prove her case. Golubovich suggested that Mirimsky’s child was not needed either. According to Golubovich, his ex-wife always wanted more money, and, knowing that Smirnov had this money, she would sue him to the last.

Alexei Golubovich, like his ex-wife, will not die of financial appetite, who is more voracious?

While Mirimskaya was suing Smirnov, a new case arrived on the part of Golubovich - he attracted her as a third party in a lawsuit brought against him by his own daughter Natalya, who claims that her father brought out from her London house a valuable collection of statuettes carefully assembled by her mother. According to The Secret of the Firm, a collection of figurines is worth 4 million pounds. Golubovich is sure that his daughter and ex-wife have many businesses that need to be checked.

And this, too, may be one of the reasons why Olga Mirimskaya is trying to hide her assets. There is simply no other way out for a banker taxed on all sides.