Olga and Ziyavuddin Magomedov were not helped by a fictitious divorce

At the ex-wife of the co-owner of the group "Summa" the court still arrested the apartment.
The representative of the investigation informed the Moscow City Court about the fictitious divorce of the co-owner of the Suma group Ziyavudin Magomedov, accused along with his brother in organizing the criminal community, embezzlement and embezzlement, RIA Novosti reports. According to the investigator, Magomedov divorced his wife Olga in order to hide the property. The prosecutor added that after the divorce the Magomedovs continued to live at the same address.

The divorce of the businessman became known after the Moscow City Court considered the appeal of Olga Magomedova. She demanded that the decision of the Tverskoy Court be annulled about the arrest of her apartment, but the appeal was dismissed, the press service of the Moscow City Court told Vedomosti. The decision to arrest the apartment was made on April 11, it follows from the case file in the court base. The Moscow City Court considered the complaint on July 18.

During the meeting it became known that the couple divorced in January, before the arrest of the Magomedov brothers, RIA Novosti notes. According to the representative of the investigation group, the apartment was obtained as a result of criminal actions by a businessman. "There are reasons to believe that Magomedov did not have the means to buy an apartment, and the marriage between spouses was terminated in order to hide expensive property," he said.

 Magomedova's lawyer stated that the Tverskoi court violated the principles of the presumption of innocence, arresting the property of his client, who was not involved in the crimes. The defender asked the court to recognize the decision of the Tver court unlawful.

The representative of Suma declined to comment.

Zyavudin Magomedov, the co-owner of Summa, and his brother Magomed were arrested in late March. They are accused of especially serious crimes - in the organization of a criminal community, embezzlement and embezzlement in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles. The defendants are not guilty of doing business. Forbes estimates Ziyavudin Magomedov's fortune at $ 1.4 billion. He ranks 63rd in the rating of the richest Russians according to the magazine's version.