Yuri Kotler could shoot himself because of financial problems

A member of the United Russia expert council, Yuri Kotler, who was found dead, filed a suit against the Novorossiysk commercial sea port, where he previously worked as deputy general director. On May 8, 2018, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared bankruptcy because of a debt of 49 million rubles.
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Member of the expert council of United Russia and former vice-president of VTB Yuri Kotler, shortly before his death, sued PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP), where he previously held the post of deputy general director and director of the representative office. This follows from the file of the case on the portal of the Moscow courts.

The lawsuit was registered on April 18, and on May 14 a conversation was held. "Claims are the recovery of unpaid wages and monetary compensation for late payment of wages. The court session is scheduled for June 25, "press secretary of the Savyolovsky court of Moscow Maria Mikhailova told RBC.

One of Yury Kotler's acquaintances, his colleague at work in United Russia, also informed RBC that he had sued NCSP about the "exit parachute" - the salaries that he had to receive when leaving the organization. According to Igor Demin, the adviser to the head of Transneft, Kotler was dismissed from his post as head of the NCSP office in January of this year for systematic absenteeism.

The stake in NSCP is owned by the group "Sum" billionaire Ziyavudin Magomedov, then she announced the sale of its "Transneft". Magomedov was arrested in March on the case of creating a criminal community and several episodes of fraud.

Kotler also on May 8 was declared bankrupt by the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, since he owed about 50 million rubles. VTB, follows from the data file of arbitration cases. Kotler received from VTB a mortgage loan for an apartment in Bryusov Lane for 80 million rubles. But he could not pay it off. The debt of Kotler to the bank was 48.782 million rubles., More than 1.6 million rubles. was the amount of interest due to late payments.

The total value of Kotler's property turned out to be less than the volume of creditors' claims, the court established. He recognized him as an insolvent citizen and applied bankruptcy proceedings to him. The meeting was held in the absence of Kotler.

Yuri Kotler was found dead in Moscow on May 16. The main version of death investigators call suicide. For five years Kotler headed the personnel project of the party "United Russia" and was a member of the supreme council of the party, which left in 2016.