Khotin's hammer: businessman outpaced leaders of oil and gas industry

Alexey Khotin spares no expense on oil sites and outplays Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz and Gazpromneft.
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As it became known of Forbes, the list of the richest participant Alexey Hawtin 95 (number 95, $ 900 million) has decided to expand their oil possessions in the next 10 million tonnes. In June of this year close to it the structure, according to two sources Forbes, bought a new oil plots in auctions.

According to one of them, it is about Binshtokovskom site (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra), which won the company "Yugansky 3", paying 778 million rubles (starting price exceeded by 2.3 times), was also purchased West Multanovsky plot, it was won by "West Multanovsky" paid 263 million rubles (the price is higher than the starting 34 times). In addition, the structure Khotina bought licenses for areas "Yugansky 18", "19 Yugansky", "Yugansky 20" and "21 Yugansky". All they acquired the same name with numbered sections Ltd. for 275 million rubles (in excess of the price over the starting 113 times), 202 million rubles (excess of the cost up to 75 times), 295 million rubles (in excess of 90 times), 233 million rubles (in excess of 62 fold), respectively. Due to these areas Hawtin may increase its reserves by 10 million tons, says Forbes source.

ConkKhotina rents at these auctions were the largest players in the market - the company subsidiaries and head of "Rosneft", "Gazprom Neft" and "Surgutneftegaz". All companies Hawtin, who won in these competitions are very similar: the minimum authorized capital of 10 000 rubles, the staff up to five people, registration in December 2015, which confirms the approaches to business Alexei Khotin, who prefers to remain in the shadows and build your empire without publicity . It bought adjacent plots of ownership, belonging to companies' development of St. Petersburg "and" Khortytsya "- owners of licenses for Gustorechenskoe and Multanovsky deposit with reserves of about 45 million tons.

Over the past six years, the businessman bought a dozen oil companies and sites. Among them, Kuwait Energy (owned fields and Luzhskoye Chikshino, VIC Company and "Pechora Energy Company" rating at the time of purchase of $ 5-10 million), Krivoluksky license area (reserves 37.4 million tons of oil, estimate of $ 30 million), and the Mallorcan Sokolovskoye deposits in the Orenburg region.

In addition, Hawtin has NC "Dulisma" 29.9% of the shares Exillon Energy, «Irelyakhneft", "Negusneft" and the company "Aurora", which he bought from ConocoPhillips and "Rosneft". According to Forbes, Khotina invest in oil assets, taking into account infrastructure costs for a long time exceeded $ 1 billion.

Director of the Small Letters Vitaly Kryukov says Hawtin consolidate mining assets and wants to set up an oil company in a similar way as Mikhail Gutseriev 16 in the zero years in pieces collected "RussNeft". "If they take processing assets" Bashneft ", then the production assets will give them even more relevant", - considers Kryukov. "I do not think he is a financial investor rather strategic. He is ready to sit in the asset, receive dividends, a strong lobby at the state level, "- says managing partner RMG Partners Arseny Dabbah.

The state and the major oil companies in recent years, did not give chance to the owners to develop the oil market, but the situation with Hawtin could be explained by strong lobbying capabilities. Oilers told Forbes, that the head of the Interior Ministry and the party "UnitedRussia "Boris Gryzlov helped oil business Khotina. In addition, the son of the vice-president of "Transneft" and the ex-senator Mikhail Margelov is headed by Dmitry Exillon Energy. Exillon Energy spokesman did not respond to a request Forbes.