Mistress Dmitry Zakharchenko will share their ornaments with the state

Prosecutor General's Office wants to recover the cost of jewelry, bought by the colonel in New York.
On February 28, the Nikulinsky District Court of Moscow will begin to consider the suit of Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Grin on the appeal to the state property of friends and close friends of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko’s MVD and himself, estimated at 500 million rubles. At the same time, as it became known to “Kommersant”, almost for the first time in judicial practice, the supervisor demands to recover from the colonel and his wife 10.7 million rubles - the equivalent of the value of the jewels that were not found, which were purchased by him to a lady in the USA.

In addition to Dmitry Zakharchenko, his co-women Yana Saratovtseva and Marina Semynina, as well as her last stepfather and girlfriend, act as co-defendants in the suit. Lily Gorshkova, a relative of a close friend of the ex-Makhtar Zakharchenko’s officer, Anastasia Pestrikova, will be another defendant in the case. According to the supervisory authority, with their help, accused of receiving bribes (Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) Zakharchenko tried to hide his assets, estimated at 500 million rubles.

According to Kommersant, the Prosecutor General's Office is demanding the confiscation of 201 GPB Eurobond Finance PLC bonds from Mrs. Semynina for a total of $ 208.8 thousand, as well as 6 million rubles. on an account with VTB.

Her stepfather, a businessman from the Rostov region Alexei Kiyanitsy, the result found two real estate objects worth 231 million rubles. in Solnechnogorsky district of the Moscow region, as well as almost 40 million rubles., received from the lease of premises and stored on accounts in Sberbank and Promsvyazbank.

In addition, investigators found 58 million rubles on a VTB 24 account with a friend of Mrs. Semynina Lyudmila Tuchkova. and another $ 1.5 million in cash in the bank box. This money in the Investigation Committee of Russia is also considered to be the illegally acquired property of Colonel Zakharchenko. In any case, Mrs. Tuchkova herself could not convincingly explain their origin. By decision of the Moscow Basmanny Court, this money is now under arrest.

Lilia Gorshkova, a relative of another concubine of Dmitry Zakharchenko Anastasia Pestrikova, turned out to be a co-defendant in the Nikulinsky court. She had more than $ 343 thousand under arrest at VTB 24 in St. Petersburg, which, according to the investigation, were also obtained by Colonel Zakharchenko through criminal means.

At the same time, almost for the first time in judicial practice, the supervisor requires the withdrawal of the cash equivalent of 10.7 million rubles. material values. The prosecutor general Yury Chaika said in an interview with “Kommersant” last year about this norm set by law. According to the supervision and investigation version, in August 2013, Dmitry Zakharchenko, together with his future wife Yana Saratovtseva (unlike the rest of the ladies, the marriage was officially registered with her) visited the United States. There, his companion bought diamond jewelry worth $ 320 thousand. However, as stated in the Prosecutor General’s lawsuit, “it was not possible to establish the whereabouts of the jewelry purchased.” However, one of the defenders of Dmitry Zakharchenko said “Kommersant” that during numerous searches in this case, investigators seized jewelry, among which could well be bought in the United States. “Thus, I do not exclude that the recovery of the same property can be imposed twice,” said the lawyer.

Note that the co-defendants themselves deny any involvement of Dmitry Zakharchenko in the money and property found in them.

Nevertheless, the Prosecutor General’s Office noted that "the established legal income did not allow them to have the listed property and funds." At the same time, the investigators failed to identify any relatives or other persons who could provide them with material assistance.

Lawyer Viktor Emelyanov, representing the interests of Dmitry Zakharchenko, in a conversation with “Kommersant” called the actions of the Prosecutor General’s Office illegal. “To establish corruption offenses on the part of Zakharchenko, the supervisory authority could only during control over his expenses, but representatives of the prosecutor’s office never did this,” Mr. Yemelyanov said. “Moreover, the Prosecutor General’s lawsuit doesn’t even refer to Dmitry Zakharchenko and other respondents. ”

We will remind that earlier the ex-officer Zakharchenko, as well as his relatives and friends, the Prosecutor General’s Office in the same Nikulinsky court already seized assets worth almost 9 billion rubles. He himself for all time serving in law enforcement agencies, since 2001, officially earned 12 million rubles. The criminal case of Dmitry Zakharchenko, accused of taking bribes, is now being considered in the Presnensky District Court of Moscow.