Yuri Chaika discovered billions of dollars of theft in Roskosmos and Rostec

More than 1.6 billion rubles were allocated back in 2018 to create the latest weapons development and modernization of the production base, as a result, these funds were stolen. According to the results of prosecutor's checks, criminal cases were initiated.
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At the enterprises of Roskosmos and Rostec, more than 1.6 billion rubles were stolen, allocated in 2018 for the modernization of the production base and the creation of new advanced weapons designs. This is stated in the report of the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, received by the Federation Council. The document was reviewed by RIA Novosti. According to the results of prosecutor's checks, criminal cases were initiated, the report indicates.

In November last year, the Prosecutor General’s Office reported that 16 criminal cases were initiated on the facts of irregularities in the work of Roskosmos. Another 44 materials were checked by the authorities, and later new cases could be opened on their basis.

In January, the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, in an interview with RBC, called the “information campaign” reports about the prosecution initiating criminal cases of corruption in the state corporation. “It seems to me wrong when law-enforcement and control bodies for the sake of public relations throw information into the public that could worsen the economic situation of state-owned companies. If you have questions or complaints, proceed, ”he said.

Last year, the prosecutor's office, together with law enforcement agencies, checked almost 19 thousand defense order implementers, according to the Chaika report. They include Rosatom, Uralvagonzavod, Almaz-Antey Concern, the United Aircraft Building Corporation, and the structures of the Emergencies Ministry, the Rospatent, the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) and the Federal Medical Biological Agency (FMBA).

Prosecutors on the results of inspections revealed the facts of unlawful disposal of funds allocated to work under the defense order, the report says. The facts of overstatement of the cost of work and failures of the terms of their execution were also established.

In addition, over the year, the number of employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia, seen in corruption, has more than doubled - from 17 to 39, the report says. The number of corrupt employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia in 2018 increased from 21 to 29 (by 38.1%), employees of the internal affairs bodies from 956 to 971 (by 1.6%). According to the results of inspections for the year, almost 16 thousand of corrupt officials were identified, including more than 10 thousand officials.