Offshore drove Pavel Grudinina from deputies

The ex-presidential candidate was deprived of his mandate following the removal from the post of speaker of the municipal council.
The Council of Deputies of the Moscow Region Vidnoy at an extraordinary meeting deprived the mandate of the general director of the “Sovkhoz im. Lenin ", the ex-presidential candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinina. The decision was made on the proposal of the prosecutor's office, which found an undeclared offshore in a businessman. Earlier, deputies removed Mr. Grudinin from the post of speaker. The expert believes that the campaign against Pavel Grudinin may be “revenge” for the nomination in the presidential election.

The decision to deprive Pavel Grudinin of his mandate was taken by the deputies of the Eminent at an extraordinary meeting. As Igor Korshakov, who replaced Mr Grudinin as United Russia’s speaker at the post of United Russia’s speaker, explained, this was done on the proposal of the city prosecutor’s office. Militiamen, according to him, pointed out violations of anti-corruption legislation: the businessman did not indicate in the income declaration information on the ownership of offshore Bontro LTD in Belize.

The meeting was attended by 13 out of 20 deputies (only one representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation), 11 voted in favor, one against, one abstained. Mr Grudinin was not present at the meeting. He told Kommersant that the prosecutor’s office did not apply to him, and distributed the presentation to the deputies at the meeting and one of them took a photo of the document and sent it to him. “The presentation is ridiculous. Everything that is stated there is not true. The prosecutor's office worked extremely unprofessionally, if they called me, I could prove to them that I had no offshore at the time of the elections, ”explained the businessman.

Campaign against himself Pavel Grudinin believes initiated by the "United Russia".

“When I was removed from the chairmen, the secretary of the regional branch of United Russia, Lydia Antonova, said: the withdrawal of Grudinina from the chairmen was agreed with the federal center. Who had in mind, the center of "United Russia" or the leadership of the presidential administration, it is a question for her. The fact that this is a planned action and the Moscow Region Governor took part in it, at least, that's for sure, ”says Pavel Grudinin. He intends to challenge the deprivation of a mandate in court.

On February 14, the Council of Deputies Prominent dismissed Mr Grudinin from the post of speaker, also accusing him of owning offshore companies. Information about the presence of undeclared offshores of Pavel Grudinin was actively discussed on state television channels even during the presidential campaign. However, after checking the Central Election Commission found no reason to remove him from the elections, noting that the accounts were closed by the Communist before being registered as a candidate.

Pavel Grudinin was elected a deputy to the Council of Deputies of the Vidnoe in a single-mandate constituency in 2017. After the deprivation of his mandate in Vidnoe, special elections should be scheduled in the constituency.

Political analyst Konstantin Kalachev believes that the campaign against Mr. Grudinin is connected with his participation in the presidential election. “Apparently, we do not all know about the history of his nomination, about who and how this decision was made. There was a legend that the presidential administration (AP) asked the Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov to nominate someone new. But it seems that this decision has matured in the Communist Party itself, because what is happening now seems like revenge, ”he said to“ Kommersant ”, noting that the authorities of the Moscow Region are hardly concerned with this. According to Mr. Kalachev, “this PA by the example of Grudinin shows that any decisions of this kind should be coordinated.” The political analyst recalled that Pavel Grudinin is not the first presidential candidate whose political career suffered after the elections: businessman Mikhail Prokhorov (scored 7.98% in elections in 2012) lost the party (“Civil Platform”) and in the political life of the country is involved. “Such actions against candidates can cause problems with the selection of candidates for the future,” Mr. Kalachev said. “So, except frank spoilers, no one is welcome in the elections,” he stresses.